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摘要:会话修补(speech repair)是会话过程中说话者和听话者对于所出现的会话错误所做的一种纠正行为。它不仅说明会话中存在着各种各样的错误,也说明会话双方具有会话交际的监测、编辑和修补等能力。




一、 按修补者的角度来划分

1、 自身修补(self repair),是指说话者在会话过程中监测到自己的错误而施行的纠正行为。经Levelt的实验表明,说话者在会话过程中具有监测、编辑、和修补等能力。而且,具体说明了自身修补的各个过程、环节和内容,具有很强的指导意义。自身修补在会话过程中大量存在。例如:

(1) And above that a horizon--,no a vertical line to a pink ball.

(2) To the right is blue―is a blue point.

2、 他人修补(other repair),是听话者在会话的过程中监测到说话者的错误所做的针对说话者错误的纠正行为。听话者借助一些编辑语(editing expression. Levelt, 1993)。这些编辑语通常包括:eh, what, what do you mean, one more time等。例如:

(1)A :The first time they stopped me from selling cigarettes.

B: Selling cigarettes?

C: Buying cigarettes.

(2) A: Can you visualize it, Linda?

B: Visualize what?

C: All those cities, and those fields and farms with nobody and nothing left alone.

二、 按修补内容角度来划分

1、 错误修补(error repair),是修补者对会话过程中出现的词汇、句法、语法、语音等错误所做的纠正行为,这类错误在修补内容方面占大多数。例如:

(1) A: And he’s going to make his own paintings.

B: Mm hm.

C: And or I mean his own frames.


(2) Why it is―why is it that nobody makes the decent toilet seat?

(3) ...A unut unit from the yellow dot.

2、 不恰当内容修补(inappropriateness repair),是指修补者对会话过程中所表现的不恰当信息所做的修补行为。这些不恰当信息包括:上下文、概念性、社会标准、习俗等方面,目的是使会话更加贴切达意。例如:

(1) Hey, why didn’t you show up last week? Either of you two.

(2) And from green left to pink―er from blue left to pink.

三、 按修补发生的顺序角度来划分

1、 隐蔽修补(covert repair),是指修补者在尚未说出错误前就已经监测到错误并进行纠正的行为。修补者借助一些编辑语或重复修补前就已说出的正确词项进行修补。例如:

(1) Here is a er a vertical line.

(2) Have you got everything you need in the shape of―of tea?

(3) You’re impossible! As soon as I get sentimental you just―you just prick it like a toy balloon.

2、 公开修补(overt repair),是指修补者在说出错误之后或刚说出几个音节之后就监测到错误并施行纠正错误的行为。它与隐蔽修补最大的区别在于:听话者不了解隐蔽修补的错误,而公开修补的错误则显而易见。例如:

(1) We can go straight on to the ye―to the orange node.

(2) What do you so ha-er-unhappy about?

(3) Sure enough ten minutes later the bell―the doorbell rang.

3、 言间修补(repair on the fly),是指修补者在说话过程中监测到错误后,边说话边修补的纠正行为。它的显著特点是:不需要中断谈话。为了保证会话能够进行下去,修补者不惜牺牲句子结构,甚至扭曲句法。例如:

(1) That’s the only thing he does is fight.

(2) Who did you think else would come?

(3) She said it’s the basic truth about men is that men like to be with other men.

值得一提的是,Deborah Shiffrin 还提出了背景修补(back-ground repair)和替代修补(replacement repair)两个概念。前者是指修补者在会话过程中提供背景信息,帮助听话者了解会话内容的一种修补行为。而后者是指修补者在会话过程中插入替代信息,帮助听话者了解会话内容的一种修补行为。两者的区别在于:一方面,背景信息从属于所伴随的信息,常以and、 but、 so开头,而替代修补则替代先前的信息材料,并将会话引向替代内容,常以I mean、in other words开头。另一方面,背景修补表现的承前,连接修补前内容。而替代修补则继后,连接修补后内容。例如:

(1) But the only difference I would think would be may be the better school out there.该句话以but开头,属于背景修补。

(2) In other words they’re sick. Religiously. 替代修补以In other words开头。


1、 修补过程常常表现为修补者抓住修补机会即监测到会话错误,中断交际,产生停顿,利用编辑语,施行修补。Repair occasion―interruption--suspense―editing expression―restart.

2、 编辑语在修补的过程中起着重要的作用。它不仅指示会话错误,而且指示错误的类型,还填补了谈话中断后所产生的一时停顿。

编辑语可分为简单形式,如:er, oh, now, then, sorry, I mean 等。复杂形式,如:that’s impossible, I will start again 等。一下对几个常用的编辑语做初步分析。

(1) er 是最常用的的编辑语,出现在30%的修补中,几乎是世界通用的编辑语(levelt,1983)。其特点是:表示信息被暂时遗忘。会话错误监测与会话中断的间隔时间较短。例如:

We start with a green er- green point.

(2) that is 表示修补所指对象。例如:

He hit Mary―that is, Bill did.

(3)I mean修补明显的错误。例如:

I really like to―I mean―hate to get up in the morning.

(4)Oh 位置活跃,适用广泛。不但出现在修补前,也出现在修补完成后,不但用在自我修补中,也用在他人修补中。例如:

A: Did you go to Olney?

B: Yeh, oh no! Girl’s High! Oh that’s right.

3、 破折号:笔者注意到,大部分的修补前均使用了破折号。据此,破折号的运用也起到了很好的指示功能。它可以表示修补前会话的中断和停顿,也表示修补位置和修补形式以及内容。因此。它的功能应该受到必要的重视。



A: I’ll never hear the last of it―from her.

B: I’ m sure you won’t.

2、clarity. 通过修补,消除歧义,表达清楚。例如:And then there was like a blue shovel with r-eh if was a rake.

3、appropriateness. 通过修补,是语言表达更加贴切,畅通。例如:

Well we were going up t’ see uh… my―our son tonight, but we’re not…

(四) 50年代中期,著名语言学家Chomsky提出来语言的生成转化理论,指出语法应该生成“all and only the grammatical strings of a natural language” 1965年,他又指出:“linguistic theory is concerned primarily with an ideal speaker- listener, in a completely homogeneous community, who knows its language perfectly and is unaffected by such grammatically irrelevant conditions as ….”这就完全排斥了语言的非语法现象,排斥了语言与文化的关系,排斥了个人语言能力的差异。



1. Goodwin, C. 1991. Conversational Organization: Interaction between Speakers and Hearers. New York: Academic.

2.Heeman, P. and J. Allen. 1994. Detecting and correcting speech repairs. Downloadable at http: //www. cs.rochester. edu /research /cisd /pubs /1994 /heeman-allen-acl94. Pdf

3.Level,t W. J.M. 1983. Monitoring and self-repair in speech.Cognition14, 41 -104.1989.Speaking: From Intention to Articulation. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.