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摘要: 利用S机粗糙面的相关函数及其表面谱密度函数,结合蒙特卡罗方法建立随机粗糙表面模型,并对粗糙表面统计参数均方根高度和相关长度与表面高度的关系进行特性分析。通过仿真可知:高度均方根和相关长度的变化对表面高度有很大影响,当均方根高度不同,相关长度相同时,表面高度随均方根增大而增大;当均方根高度相同时,相关长度越大,周期变小;通过改变某一方向上的相关长度,只改变本方向上的周期,而对其他方向不产生影响。

Abstract: Correlation function and surface spectral density function of random rough surface are combined with Monte Carlo method to establish the random rough surface model, and the relationship of RMS height and correlation length of the surface is studied. The simulation shows that: the change of correlation length and the RMS height have great effect on the surface height, when the correlation length is the same, the surface height increases with RMS height; when the RMS height is the same, the correlation length is larger but the cycle is smaller; through changing the correlation length in one direction, only change the direction of the cycle, but has no effect on the other direction.

关键词: 激光雷达;蒙特卡罗;随机粗糙表面

Key words: lidar;Monte Carlo;random rough surface

中图分类号:O348.11 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2017)08-0226-03

3 结语





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