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Farm-fresh Meals Help You Know More about Your Food

Jim Denevan is arranging tables for more than a hundred dinner guests on Briars Farmstead in rural Virginia. Chefs from a local restaurant prepared the dinner, called “Outstanding in the Field.” It’s what Denevan calls a “1)culinary adventure.”

Jim: The mission of Outstanding in the Field is to bring people closer to where food comes from, and hear the stories directly from the farmer, walk around and get to know places like this, which are important, I think.

Denevan is a former chef and his brother is a farmer. The idea of farm-side dinner made sense to him, but not necessarily to others.

Jim: But I wanted to make the idea work, so I decided to cross the country. I went all the way across the United States, set the table in [sic] farms and ranches and…on beaches, and all the places where food comes from.

Guests arrive with their own plates. After a brief welcome, the farmer leads them on a tour. Matt Szechenyi runs this ecological farm along with his family.

Matt: This type of event connects us with a lot of enthusiastic people. People that we, uh, we can form relationships with in the future. And this type of small farm business thrives on, on relationships.

The tour ends at the table. The meats in this five-course meal come from Szechenyi’s farm, the vegetables and other 2)ingredients from nearby farms. Guests and local farmers share the table.

Guest: It’s also especially wonderful to, to sit at a table this big with all these people. And the sense of community is wonderful.

Denevan and his team have served almost 13,000 people in the U.S. and beyond, but open-air feasts can be challenging.

Jim: It is not always beautiful weather. But for us, that’s part of, uh, the adventure.

Denevan is planning to expand his operation.

Jim: Next year, we are planning to go to Asia, to Africa, New Zealand and Australia, and back to South America.

He hopes that honoring the people who bring 3)nourishment to the table will spread around the world.















吉姆・德内文生于1961年,是一位自学成才的美国厨师,同时也是“野餐会”(Outstanding in the Field)项目创始人。他推出了回归农场的创新理念。活动中的食物源自当地新鲜农产品,让客人可以在农场或大自然环境中就餐。除此以外,德内文本人还是一名大地艺术家,他的巨型沙画受到不少粉丝的热捧,《纽约时报》、《国家地理》、《GQ》都刊登过他的作品。