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Unit 2(2)

开篇:润墨网以专业的文秘视角,为您筛选了一篇Unit 2(2)范文,如需获取更多写作素材,在线客服老师一对一协助。欢迎您的阅读与分享!


1.A survey has found that air tickets purchased on weekends are actually about 5% cheaper than those bought during the week, which is good news for hunters.

A.reward B.bargain

C.identity D.supply

2.We believe that all people the opportunity to fulfill their highest potential as I was able to do in my college days.

A.reserve B.deserve

C.observe D.preserve

3.This ticket oneand one child to the show and the show is good value for money, especially for children.

A.promises B.enters

C.admits D.includes

4.According to a study, a name much, which not only reveals a person’s education, but also influences the choices they make in life.

A.calls for B.accounts for

C.allows for D.stands for

5.Ms Smith, as you’re our customer, we can give you a special discount and take 20% off the original price.

A.general B.average

C.ordinary D.regular

6.The government will the programs with more effective ones that will ensure that those who come to Canada bring meaningful benefits to our economy.

A.match B.replace

C.host D.charge

7.Changing yourself for the better won’t , challenges in your life―it will just prepare you to be able to face them.

A.take on B.take away

C.take up D.take in

8.Since the love affair between the two came to light, it caught the attention of the whole country, drawing different comments from netizens.

A.swiftly B.narrowly

C.physically D.painfully

9.I have a complaint to make and demand to see the person your department.

A.in sympathy of B.in the name of

C.in place of D.in charge of

10.People tend to ignore the huge between boys and girls and instead exaggerate wildly the tiny difference between them.

A.similarity B.popularity

C.curiosity D.security

11.His mother didn’t believe the conclusion drawn by the policeman and decided to the case for herself.

A.search for B.look into

C.go through D.apply for

12.Millions of people were extremely sad with the death of Steven Jobs, who is recognized as a pioneer of the personal computer area.

A.personally B.widely

C.regularly D.totally

13.Most of the students are making great progress but Jimmy seems a case, who will not learn anything.

A.magical B.volunteer

C.helpless D.hopeless

14.The driver, Wu Bin, who was struck by a flying brake and was severely injured, but managed to save the 24 passengers, to be praised.

A.survived B.rewarded

C.deserved D.rescued

15.We all breathed a sigh of when the head teacher left the classroom.

A.signal B.doubt

C.glory D.relief

16.From Mum’s love, patience and understanding, I have learned what a huge it is to raise a child.

A.reliability B.flexibility

C.possibility D.responsibility

17.I consider it quite a(n) to be chosen to make a welcome speech to the visiting First Lady from America.

A.guidance B.option

C.genius D.glory

18.Diana had taken to make sure that her guests had everything that they could possibly want.

A.efforts B.pains

C.attempts D.responsibilities


1.For the students, there is as , into a key high school as to enter a key university. (competition)


2.Tom as well as his two daughters , show us around the city, which has touched us deeply.(volunteer)


3.When you’re having a discussion in a group, you all get equal turns in talking.(sure)


4. that he put forward the plan, which I feel is practical.(hold)


5. , Clare head for the door.(rise)


6.Please be on time.Only those who have come at the agreed time to take part in the competition.(give)


7.Not only the competition, but also he won a prize.(take))


8.Before you hand in your report, check to see .(write)


9.When you are taking an exam, you must remember that cheating .(excuse)


10.Doctors strongly suggest that we

instead of always sitting in front of the desk.(basis)


11.They’ve got a lot of injuries right now, but by no means so easily.(defeat)


12.Paul, just have a little patience.I assure you that all the problems you put forward , soon.(settle)

Paul, 有耐心一点。我向你保证,你提出的所有问题很快将会得到解决。

13.The spokesman says that , about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.(make)

这位发言人说, 直到所有的候选人面试完毕才会做出未来任命的决定。

14.I told my mother the celebration , if it rained.(put)

我告诉妈妈,如果下雨, 庆祝活动就推迟。

15.I asked her where it was the wallet, but she didn’t tell me.(pick)


16.This river will be further polluted unless , without delay.(take)
