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a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

star wars: episode ii

attack of the clones

by: george lucas

& jonathan hales

revised third draft

last revision

september 5, 2001

for educational purposes only

a vast sea of stars serves as the backdrop for the main

title. war drums echo through the heavens as a rollup

slowly crawls into infinity.

there is unrest in the galactic

senate. several thousand solar

systems have declared their

intentions to leave the republic.

the separatist movement,

under the leadership of the

mysterious count dooku, has

made it difficult for the limited

number of jedi knights to

maintain peace and order in the


senator amidala, the former

queen of naboo, is returning

to the galactic senate to vote

on the critical issue of creating

an army of the republic

to assist the overwhelmed


pan up to reveal the amber city planet of coruscant. two

yellow naboo fighters fly over camera toward the planet,

followed by a large naboo cruiser and one more fighter.

interior: naboo cruiser - dawn

the lieutenant and two security officers address senator

amidala as the cruiser nears the planet.

lieutenant: senator, we're making our final approach in to


senator amidala: very good, lieutenant.

exterior: cityscape, coruscant - dawn

the ships skim across the surface of the city landscape.

the sun glints off the chrome hulls of the sleek naboo

spacecraft as they navigate between the buildings of the

capital planet.

exterior: coruscant, landing platform - dawn

two naboo fighters land on one leaf of a three-leaf-clover

landing platform. the naboo cruiser lands on the central

leaf, and the third fighter lands on the remaining


a small group of dignitaries waits to welcome the senator.

one of the fighter pilots jumps from the wing of his ship

and removes his helmet. he is captain typho, senator

amidala's security officer. he moves over to a woman pilot.

captain typho: we made it. i guess i was wrong, there was

no danger at all.

the ramp lowers. two naboo guards appear. senator amidala,

one handmaiden (vers? and four troopers descend the ramp.

amidala is more beautiful now than she was ten years

earlier when, as queen, she was freeing her people from the

yoke of the trade federation.

the dignitaries start to move forward. senator amidala

reaches the foot of the ramp, when suddenly there is a

blinding flash and a huge explosion. the dignitaries and

pilots are hurled to the ground as the starship is


klaxons blare, alarms sound! captain typho and the two

escort pilots get up and run to where senator amidala lies

dying. beyond, artoo detoo drops down from the naboo

fighter and rolls toward the wreckage. the female escort

pilot kneels by senator amidala and takes off her helmet,

revealing senator padm?amidala.

padm? cord?..

she gathers up her decoy double in her arms. cord?s eyes

open. she looks up at her.

cord? ...i'm so sorry, m'lady... i'm... not sure i... i've

failed you, senator.

cord?dies. padm?hugs her.

amidala: no...!

captain typho: m'lady, you are still in danger here.

padm?lowers cord?to the ground. she gets up and looks

around at the devastation. there are tears in her eyes.

amidala: i shouldn't have come back.

captain typho: this vote is very important. you did your

duty - cord?did hers. now come. (she doesn't respond

senator amidala, please!

she turns. they walk away. artoo lets out a small whimper

and rolls after them.

exterior: senate building - day

the massive senate building glistens in the afternoon sun.

small patches of fog have still to burn off.

interior: senate chamber - day

the vast rotunda is buzzing with chatter. mas amedda, the

supreme chancellor's majordomo, tries to quiet things down

as palpatine confers with an aide, uv gizen, riding a small

one-man floating scooter.

mas amedda: order! we shall have order! the motion for the

republic to commission an army takes precedent, and that is

what we will vote on at this time.

everything quiets down. the aide disperses, and supreme

chancellor palpatine steps to the podium.

palpatine: ...my esteemed colleagues, excuse me... i have

just received some tragic and disturbing news. senator

amidala of the naboo system has been assassinated!

there is a shock silence in the vast arena.

palpatine: this grievous blow is especially personal to me.

before i became chancellor, i served amidala when she was

queen. she was a great leader who fought for justice, not

only here in this honorable assembly, but also on her home

planet. she was so loved she could have been elected queen

for life. she believed in public service, and she fervently

believed in democracy. her death is a great loss to us all.

we will all mourn her as a relentless champion of

freedom... and as a dear friend.

there is a moment of silence. ask aak, the senator of

malastare, moves his pod into the center of the arena.

ask aak: how many more senators will die before this civil

strife ends! we must confront these rebels now, and we need

an army to do it.

a second pod moves into the center of the area with

darsana, the ambassador of glee anselm.

darsana: why weren't the jedi able to stop this

assassination? we are no longer safe, under their


senator orn free taa swings forward in his pod.

orn free taa: the republic needs more security now! before

it comes to war.

palpatine: must i remind the senator from malastare that

negotiations are continuing with the separatists. peace is

our objective here... not war.

the senators yell pro and con. mas amedda tries to calm

things down. senator padm?amidala, with captain typho, jar

jar, and dorm? maneuver her pod into the center of the

vast arena.

amidala: my noble colleagues, i concur with the supreme

chancellor. at all costs, we do not want war!

the senate goes quiet, then there is an outburst of

cheering and applause.

palpatine: it is with great surprise and joy the chair

recognizes the senator from naboo, padm?amidala.

padm? less than an hour ago, an assassination attempt was

made against my life. one of my bodyguards and six others

were ruthlessly and senselessly murdered. i was the target

but, more importantly, i believe this security measure

before you, was the target. i have led the opposition to

build an army... but there is someone in this body who will

stop at nothing to assure its passage...

many of the senators boo and yell at senator amidala.

padm? i warn you, if you vote to create this army, war

will follow. i have experienced the misery of war

firsthand; i do not wish to do it again.

there is sporadic yelling for and against her statements.

padm? wake up, senators... you must wake up! if we offer

the separatists violence, they can only show us violence in

return! many will lose their lives. all will lose their

freedom. this decision could very well destroy the very

foundation of our great republic. i pray you, do not let

fear push you into a disastrous decision. vote down this

security measure, which is nothing less than a declaration

of war! does anyone here want that? i cannot believe they


there is an undercurrent of booing... and groaning. senator

orn free taa moves his pod next to amidala.

orn free taa: my motion to defer the vote must be dealt

with first. that is the rule of law.

amidala looks angry and frustrated. palpatine gives her a

sympathetic look.

palpatine: due to the lateness of the hour and the

seriousness of this motion, we will take up these matters

tomorrow. until then, the senate stands adjourned.

exterior: executive quarters building - day

the giant towers of the republic executive building seem to

reach the heavens. traffic clogs the smoggy sky.

interior: chancellor's office - day

chancellor palpatine sits behind his desk with two red-clad

royal guards on either side of the door. yoda, plo koon,

ki-adi-mundi, and mace windu sit across from him. behind

them stand the jedi luminara unduli and her padawan,

barriss offee.

palpatine: i don't know how much longer i can hold off the

vote, my friends. more and more star systems are joining

the separatists.

mace windu: if they do break away -

palpatine: i will not let this republic that has stood for

a thousand years be split in two. my negotiations will not


mace windu: if they do, you must realize there aren't

enough jedi to protect the republic. we are keepers of the

peace, not soldiers.

palpatine: master yoda, do you think it will really come to


yoda closes his eyes.

yoda: worse than war, i fear... much worse.

palpatine: what?

mace windu: what do you sense, master?

yoda: the dark side clouds everything. impossible to see,

the future is. but this i am sure of - (opens his eyes) do

their duty, the jedi will.

a muted buzzer sounds. a hologram of an aide, dar wac,

appears on the chancellor's desk.

dar wac: (in huttese) the loyalist committee has arrived,

my lord.

palpatine: good. we will discuss this matter later. send

them in.

they all stand as senator amidala, captain typho, mas

amedda, dorm? and senators (bail organa, jar jar binks and

horox ryyder) and their attendants enter the office. as

yoda and mace windu move to greet the senator, yoda taps

amidala with his cane.

yoda: padm? your tragedy on the landing platform,

terrible. with you the force is strong... young senator.

seeing you alive brings warm feeling to my heart.

padm? thank you, master yoda. do you have any idea who was

behind the attack?

mace windu: our intelligence points to disgruntled spice

miners, on the moons of naboo.

padm? but i think that count dooku was behind it.

there is a stir of surprise. they look at one another.

ki-adi-mundi: he is a political idealist, not a murderer.

mace windu: you know, m'lady, count dooku was once a jedi.

he couldn't assassinate anyone. it's not in his character.

yoda: in dark times nothing is what it appears to be, but

the fact remains for certain, senator, in grave danger you


palpatine gets up, walks to the window, and looks out at

the vast city.

palpatine: master jedi, may i suggest that the senator be

placed under the protection of your graces.

bail organa: do you think that is a wise decision during

these stressful times?

padm? chancellor, if i may comment, i do not believe


palpatine: ...'situation is that serious.' no, but i do,


padm? chancellor, please! i don't want any more guards!

palpatine: i realize all too well that additional security

might be disruptive for you, but perhaps someone you are

familiar with... an old friend like... master kenobi...

palpatine nods to mace windu, who nods back.

mace windu: that's possible. he has just returned from a

border dispute on ansion.

palpatine: you must remember him, m'lady... he watched over

you during the blockade conflict.

padm? this is not necessary, chancellor.

palpatine: do it for me, m'lady, please. i will rest

easier. we had a big scare today. the thought of losing you

is unbearable.

amidala sighs as the jedi get up to leave.

mace windu: i will have obi-wan report to you immediately,


yoda leans into her ear.

yoda: too little about yourself you worry, senator, and too

much about politics. be mindful of your danger, padm?

accept our help.

the jedi leave the office.

exterior: apartment building - twilight

a graceful skyscraper twinkles in the evening light of


interior: apartment building elevator - twilight

anakin and obi-wan ride in a windowed elevator attached to

the outside of the senate building. they are on their way

to senator amidala's apartments. anakin nervously

rearranges his robes.

obi-wan: you seem a little on edge, anakin.

anakin: not at all.

obi-wan: i haven't felt you this tense since we fell into

that nest of gundarks.

anakin: you fell into that nightmare, master, and i rescued

you, remember?

obi-wan: oh yeah. (they laugh) you're sweating. relax. take

a deep breath.

anakin: i haven't seen her in ten years, master.

obi-wan: she's not the queen anymore, anakin.

anakin: that's not why i'm nervous.

interior: apartment building, apartment corridor - twilight

the door to the apartment slides open. jar jar walks into

the corridor, where two jedi are exiting the elevator. he

recognizes obi-wan and becomes extremely excited, jumping

around, shaking his hand.

jar jar: obi! obi! obi! mesa sooo smilen to seein yousa.


obi-wan smiles.

obi-wan: it's good to see you, too, jar jar.

jar jar notices obi-wan's apprentice.

jar jar: ...and this, i take it, is your apprentice...

noooooooo! annie? noooooooo! little bitty annie? (looks at

anakin) noooooooo! yousa so biggen! yiyiyiyyi! annie!!

anakin: hi, jar jar.

jar jar grabs hold of anakin and envelops him in a big hug.

jar jar: shesa expecting yousa. annie... mesa no believen!

interior: senate building, apartment - evening

padm?is in a conference with captain typho and dorm? jar

jar enters the room, followed by the two jedi.

jar jar: mesa here. lookie... lookie... senator. desa jedi


padm?and typho rise as obi-wan and anakin stop before the

senator. obi-wan steps forward. anakin stares at padm? she

glances at him.

obi-wan: it's a pleasure to see you again, m'lady.

padm?walks over to obi-wan and takes his hand in hers.

padm? it has been far too long master kenobi. i'm so glad

our paths have crossed again... but i must warn you that i

think your presence here is unnecessary.

obi-wan: i'm sure the jedi council has their reasons.

she moves in front of anakin.

padm? annie? (stares) my goodness, you've grown.

they look at each other for a long moment.

anakin: (trying to be smooth) so have you... grown more

beautiful, i mean... and much shorter... for a senator, i


obi-wan looks disapprovingly at his apprentice. padm?

laughs and shakes her head.

padm? oh annie, you'll always be that little boy i knew on


this embarrasses anakin, and he looks down. obi-wan and

captain typho smile.

obi-wan: our presence will be invisible, m'lady, i can

assure you.

captain typho: i'm very grateful you're here, master

kenobi. i'm captain typho, head of her majesty's security

service. queen jamillia has informed you of your

assignment. the situation is more dangerous than the

senator will admit.

padm? i don't need more security, i need answers. i want

to know who is trying to kill me.

obi-wan: (frowning) we're here to protect you senator, not

to start an investigation.

anakin: we will find out who's trying to kill you padm? i

promise you.

he's done it again. he bites his lip in frustration and

shame. obi-wan gives anakin a dirty look.

obi-wan: we will not exceed our mandate, my young padawan


anakin: i meant in the interest of protecting her, master,

of course.

obi-wan: we will not go through this exercise again,

anakin. and you will pay attention to my lead.

anakin: why?

obi-wan: what??!!

anakin: why else do you think we were assigned to protect

her, if not to find the killer? protection is a job for

local security... not jedi. it's overkill, master.

investigation is implied in our mandate.

obi-wan: we will do exactly as the council has instructed,

and you will learn your place, young one.

padm? perhaps with merely your presence, the mysteries

surrounding this threat will be revealed. now, if you will

excuse me, i will retire.

everyone gives amidala a slight bow as she and dorm?leave

the room.

typho: well, i know i feel a lot better having you here.

i'll have an officer situated on every floor and i'll be at

the control center downstairs.

jar jar: mesa busten wit happiness seein yousa again,

annie. deesa bad times, bombad times.

captain typho leaves.

anakin: she hardly recognized me, jar jar. i've thought

about her every day since we parted... and she's forgotten

me completely.

jar jar: shesa happy. happier den mesa seein her in longo


obi-wan: anakin, you're focusing on the negative again. be

mindful of your thoughts. she was pleased to see us. now

lets check the security here.

anakin: yes, my master.

exterior: skyscraper ledge - night

an armor-clad bounty hunter, jango fett, waits on the ledge

of a skyscraper as another bounty hunter, zam wesell, a

changeling, steps from her hovering speeder and approaches


zam wesell: i hit the ship, but they used a decoy.

jango fett: we'll have to try something more subtle this

time, zam. my client is getting impatient.

fett hands zam a transparent tube about a foot long

containing centipede-like kouhuns.

jango fett: take these. be careful. they're very poisonous.

zam attaches her veil across the bottom of her face. she

turns to leave, but fett calls her back.

jango fett: zam, there can be no mistakes this time.

she turns again, and walks toward her speeder.

exterior: jedi temple - night

the vast jedi temple sits on an endless flat plain,

silhouetted by a against the traffic-filled sky.

interior: jedi temple, corridor - night

mace windu and yoda walk down the long hallway, silhouetted

by a lit room at the end.

mace windu: why couldn't we see this attack on the senator?

yoda: masking the future, is this disturbance in the force.

mace windu: the prophecy is coming true, the dark side is


yoda: and only those who have turned to the dark side can

sense the possibilities of the future.

mace windu: it's been ten years, and the sith still have

yet to show themselves.

yoda: ...out there, they are. a certainty that is.

there is a long silence as they walk away. only footsteps

are heard.

interior: apartment building, amidala's apartment, main

r0om - night

anakin is standing in the living room. he is in a

meditative state. it is quiet. we hear distant footsteps in

the corridor outside the apartment. suddenly anakin's eyes

pop open. his eyes dart around the room. he reaches for his

lightsaber, then smiles and puts it back in his belt.

the door to the apartment slides open, and obi-wan enters.

obi-wan: captain typho has more than enough men downstairs.

no assassin will try that way. any activity up here?

anakin: quiet as a tomb. i don't like just waiting here for

something to happen to her.

obi-wan checks a palm-sized view scanner he has pulled out

of his utility belt. it shows a shot of artoo by the door,

but no sign of padm?on the bed.

obi-wan: what's going on?

anakin shrugs.

anakin: she covered the cameras. i don't think she liked me

watching her.

obi-wan: what is she thinking?

anakin: she programmed artoo to warn us if there's an


interior: apartment building, amidala's apartment, bedroom

- night

padm?is asleep in her bed, lit only by the light of the

city outside her window coming through the blinds. artoo

stands in the corner of the bedroom. his power is off.

obi-wan: (v.o.) it's not an intruder i'm worried about.

there are many other ways to kill a senator.

anakin: (v.o.) i know, but we also want to catch this

assassin. don't we, master?

interior: apartment building, amidala's apartment, main

room - night

obi-wan: you're using her as bait??

anakin: it was her idea... don't worry, no harm will come

to her. i can sense everything going on in that room. trust


obi-wan: it's too risky... besides, your senses aren't that

attuned, young apprentice.

anakin: and yours are?

obi-wan: possibly.

exterior: skyscraper ledge - night

standing on the skyscraper ledge, zam wesell loads the

cylinder carrying the deadly kouhuns into a probe droid.

she sends the probe droid out into the coruscant night.

interior: apartment building, amidala's apartment, main

room - night

anakin and obi-wan continue their conversation, moving out

onto the apartment's balcony.

obi-wan: you look tired.

anakin: i don't sleep well anymore.

obi-wan: because of your mother?

anakin: i don't know why i keep dreaming about her now. i

haven't seen her since i was little.

obi-wan: dreams pass in time.

anakin: i'd rather dream of padm? just being around her

again is... intoxicating.

obi-wan: be mindful of your thoughts, anakin, they betray

you. you've made a commitment to the jedi order... a

commitment not easily broken... and don't forget she's a

politician. they're not to be trusted.

interior: apartment building, amidala's apartment, bedroom

- night

as padm?sleeps, a probe droid approaches outside her

window. it sends out several small arms that attach to the

window, creating sparks that shut down the security system.

then a large arm cuts a small hole in the glass. a faint

sound is heard as the small section of glass is removed

from the window.

artoo wakes up, and his lights go on. the probe droid

freezes. artoo looks around, makes a plaintive little

sound, then shuts down again. the probe droid attaches a

little tube to the window. two deadly looking centipede

like kouhuns exit the tube, crawl through the blinds and

head toward the sleeping padm?

anakin: (v.o.) she's not like the others in the senate,


obi-wan: (v.o.) it's been my experience that senators are

only focused on pleasing those who fund their campaigns...

and they are more than willing to forget the niceties of

democracy to get those funds.

anakin: (v.o.) not another lecture, master. not on the

economics of politics...

interior: apartment building, amidala's apartment, main

room - night

anakin and obi-wan continue their conversation, walking

back into the main room.

anakin: ...and besides, you're generalizing. the chancellor

doesn't appear to be corrupt.

obi-wan: palpatine's a politician.

interior: apartment building, amidala's apartment, bedroom

- night

artoo sounds an alarm and shines a light on the bed. the

kouhuns are inches from padm?s face. their mouths are

open, and wicked stinger tongues flick out.

obi-wan: (v.o.) i've observed that he is very clever at

following the passions and prejudices of the senators.

interior: apartment building, amidala's apartment, main

room - night

anakin and obi-wan continue their conversation.

anakin: i think he is a good man. my instincts are very

positive about...

anakin looks stunned. he looks sharply at obi-wan

obi-wan: i sense it, too.

interior: apartment building, amidala's apartment, bedroom

- night

obi-wan and anakin burst into the room. the kouhuns stand

on their hind legs and hiss as padm?wakes up. anakin

throws himself in front of her, whacking in half the deadly

creatures with his lightsaber.

obi-wan sees the droid outside the window and races

straight at it, crashing through the blinds as he goes

through the window.

exterior: window ledge, apartment building - night

obi-wan flies through the glass window and flings himself

at the probe droid, grabbing onto the deadly machine before

it can flee. the probe droid sinks under the weight of obi

wan but manages to stay afloat and fly away, with the jedi

hanging on for dear life, a hundred stories above the city.

interior: apartment building, amidala's apartment - night

anakin and padm?stare at the sight of obi-wan being

carried off by the droid. anakin turns to her. she pulls

her nightdress around her shoulders.

anakin: stay here!

captain typho, with two guards and dorm? enter the room as

anakin dashes out.

dorm? are you all right, m'lady?

padm?nods yes.

exterior: cityscape, coruscant - night

the probe droid sends several protective electrical shocks

across its surface, causing obi-wan to almost lose his

grip. as they dart in and out of the speeder traffic, obi

wan disconnects a wire on the back of the droid. its power

shuts off! obi-wan and the droid drop like rocks. obi-wan

realizes the error of his ways and quickly puts the wire

back. the droid's systems light up again and it takes off.

exterior: senate apartments - entrance - night

anakin charges out of the building and runs to a line of

parked speeders. he vaults into an open one and takes off,

gunning it fast toward the lines of speeder traffic high


exterior: cityscape, coruscant - night

the droid bumps against a wall, hoping to knock the jedi

loose. it moves behind a speeder afterburner to scorch him.

it takes the jedi wildly between buildings and finally

skims across a rooftop as obi-wan is forced to lift his

legs, tenaciously hanging onto the droid. the droid heads

for a dirty, beat-up speeder hidden in an alcove of a

building about twenty stories up. when the pilot of the

speeder, the scruffy bounty hunter, zam wesell, sees the

droid approach with obi-wan hanging on, she pulls a long

rifle out of the speeder and starts to fire at the jedi.

explosions burst all around obi-wan. zam runs to her

speeder, jumps in, and takes off.

obi-wan: i have a bad feeling about this.

finally, the droid suffers a direct hit and blows up. obi

wan falls fifty stories, until a speeder drops down next to

him, and he manages to grab onto the back end of the

speeder and haul himself toward the cockpit. the jedi

struggles to climb into the passenger seat of the open

speeder and sit down next to the driver, anakin.

anakin: that was wacky! i almost lost you in the traffic.

obi-wan: what took you so long?

anakin: oh, you know, master, i couldn't find a speeder i

really liked, with an open cockpit... and with the right

speed capabilities... and then you know i had to get a

really gonzo color...

they zoom upward in hot pursuit of zam as she fires out the

open window at them with her laser pistol.

obi-wan: if you'd spend as much time working on your saber

skills as you do on your wit, young padawan, you would

rival master yoda as a swordsman.

anakin: i thought i already did.

obi-wan: only in your mind, my very young apprentice.

careful!! hey, easy!!

as this conversation is going on, anakin deftly moves in

and out of the oncoming traffic, across lanes, between

buildings, and miraculously through a construction site.

zam wesell continues firing at them.

anakin: sorry, i forgot you don't like flying, master.

obi-wan: i don't mind flying... but what you're doing is


they barely miss a commuter train.

anakin: master, you know i've been flying since before i

could walk. i'm very good at this.

obi-wan: just slow down! there! there he goes!

zam wessel and the jedi race through a line of cross

traffic made up of giant trucks. the speeders bank sideways

as they slide around right-angle turns between buildings.

zam races into a tram tunnel.

obi-wan: wait! don't go in there! take it easy...

anakin: don't worry, master.

anakin zooms into the tunnel after zam. they see a tram

coming at them. they brake, turn around, and race out,

barely ahead of the charging commuter transport.

obi-wan: you know i don't like it when you do that!

anakin: sorry, master. don't worry, this guy's gonna kill

himself any minute now!

zam wessel turns into oncoming traffic, deliberately trying

to throw the jedi off. oncoming speeders swerve, trying to

avoid zam and the jedi. zam does a quick, tight loop-over

and ends up behind the jedi. she is now in a much better

position to fire at them with her laser pistol. to avoid

being hit by the laser bolts, anakin slams on the brakes

and moves alongside zam. she now fires point-blank at obi-


obi-wan: what are you doing? he's gonna blast me!

anakin: right - this isn't working.

anakin slides underneath zam's speeder. they race along in

traffic, one speeder right on top of the other. the bounty

hunter skims over the rooftops, causing anakin to drop

behind. anakin goes through his gears, zooming around

traffic. they race at high speed across a wide, flat

surface of the city planet. a large spacecraft almost

collides with them as it attempts to land.

obi-wan: watch out for those banners!

they round a corner and clip a flag, which gets caught on

one of the front air scoops.

obi-wan: that was too close!

anakin: clear that!

obi-wan: what?

anakin: clear the flag! we're losing power! hurry!

obi-wan leans out of the speeder, then crawls out onto the

front engine and pulls the flag free of the scoop. the

speeder lurches forward with a surge of power.

obi-wan: whooooaaa! don't do that! i don't like it when

you do that!

anakin: so sorry, master.

they chase the bounty hunter through a power refinery. zam

shoots a power coupler causing voltage, like lightning, to

jump across a gap from one coupler to another. anakin stays

on course, piloting the speeder directly through the arc.

anakin and obi-wan's bodies ripple with blue power.

obi-wan: anakin! how many times have i told you to stay

away from the power couplings! slow down! don't go through


huge electrical bolts shoot between the buildings as the

speeders pass.

obi-wan: yiiii, what are you doing?

anakin: sorry, master!

obi-wan: (sarcastically) oh, that was good...

anakin: that was crazy!!!

zam slides around a corner sideways, blocking an alley,

firing point-blank as anakin approaches.

anakin: ahh, damn.

obi-wan: stop!!

anakin: no, we can make it.

anakin barely misses the bounty hunter's speeder as he

dives under it, and through a small gap in the building

hitting several pipes and going wildly out of control.

anakin struggles to regain control of the speeder, narrowly

missing a crane, barely clipping a pair of giant struts. a

giant gas ball shoots up, causing anakin to spin and bump a

building, stalling the speeder.

obi-wan: i'm crazy... i'm crazy... i'm crazy.

anakin: i got us through that one all right.

obi-wan: (angrily) no you didn't! we've stalled! and you

almost got us killed!

anakin: i think we're still alive.

anakin works to get the speeder started. it races to life.

obi-wan: (very angrily) it was stupid!

anakin: (sheepishly) i could have made it...

obi-wan: (furious) but you didn't!!! and now we've lost him

for good.

suddenly, there is an ambush. laser bolts are everywhere.

explosions surround them. they look up to see zam wessel

take off.

anakin: no we didn't...

out of a cloud of smoke and ball of flames the jedi tear

after zam. they are smoking. obi-wan slaps out the small

fire on the dashboard. zam goes up and down, through cross

traffic. there is a near miss as a speeder almost hits

them. zam turns down and left between two buildings. anakin

pulls up and to the right

obi-wan: where are you going?!... he went down there, the

other way.

anakin: master, if we keep this chase going, that creep's

gonna end up deep-fried. personally, i'd very much like to

find out who in the hell he is and who he's working for...

this is a shortcut... i think.

obi-wan: (sarcastic) what do you mean, you 'think?'

anakin turns up a side street, zooming up several small

passageways, then stops, hovering about fifty stories up.

obi-wan: well, you lost him.

anakin: i'm deeply sorry, master.

anakin looks around front and back. he spots something. he

seems to start counting to himself as he watches something

below approach.

obi-wan: well, this is some kind of shortcut. he went

completely the other way! once again, anakin...

anakin: ...excuse me for a moment.

anakin jumps out of the speeder. obi-wan looks down and

sees zam's speeder about five stories below them cruising


obi-wan: i hate it when he does that.

anakin miraculously lands on top of the bounty hunter's

speeder. the speeder wobbles under the impact. zam looks up

and realizes what has happened.

zam takes off, and anakin slides to the back strut and

almost slips off, but manages to hang on. anakin works his

way back to zam, who, caught off guard, briefly changes

into her clawdite form. zam stops suddenly, and anakin

flies forward to the left front fork. zam shoots at him

with a laser pistol. there is a blast near anakin's hand,

which breaks off a piece of the speeder. anakin slides to

the right fork of the speeder, where zam can't reach him.

he scrambles to the top, holding onto an air scoop.

obi-wan has jumped into the driver's seat of his speeder

and is deftly gaining on the rogue speeder. the two

speeders dive through oncoming traffic and then through

cross traffic. finally, anakin is able to get hold of his

lightsaber and starts to cut his way through the roof of

the speeder. zam takes out her laser pistol and starts

firing at the helpless jedi, knocking the sword out of his

hand. obi-wan races under the speeder and catches the jedi

weapon in the passenger's seat.

anakin sticks his hand into the cockpit and, using the

force, pulls the gun out of zam's hand. she grabs the

jedi's hand, and they struggle for the weapon. it goes off,

blowing a hole in the floor of the speeder. the speeder

careens wildly out of control. zam struggles to pull the

speeder out of its nosedive. obi-wan gets slowed down by

traffic and loses sight of the bounty hunter's speeder.

just as the speeder is about to nose dive into the ground,

zam pulls it out, and it slides hard on the pavement in a

shower of sparks. anakin goes flying into the street.

exterior: entertainment street - night

zam exits the crashed speeder and runs. anakin picks

himself up off the pavement and runs after her down the

very crowded street.

it's the seedy underbelly of the city. broken sidewalks,

garish lights reflected in filthy puddles. it's pretty

crowded with various alien low-lifes, panhandling droids,

and the occasional group of upperclass slummers.

anakin barges into several of them as he chases after the

fleeing zam. he loses the bounty hunter in the crowd, then

sees her again. the young jedi is having a very difficult

time getting through the crowd. ahead, zam turns in through

a door and disappears. a nightclub sign is flashing over

the door.

obi-wan lands the speeder in the nearby street. he gets out

and runs through the crowd toward anakin. anakin is just

about to follow zam into the nightclub when obi-wan catches

up to him.

obi-wan: anakin!

anakin: she went into that club, master.

obi-wan: patience. use the force, anakin. think.

anakin: sorry, master.

obi-wan: he went in there to hide, not run.

anakin: yes, master.

obi-wan hands anakin the lightsaber.

obi-wan: here. next time try not to lose it.

anakin reaches for the lightsaber.

obi-wan: a jedi's saber is his most precious possession...

anakin: yes, master.

obi-wan: he must keep it with him at all times.

anakin: i know, master.

obi-wan grabs hold of anakin's lightsaber again.

obi-wan: this weapon is your life.

anakin: i've heard this lesson before...

obi-wan finally holds out the lightsaber and anakin grabs


obi-wan: but, you haven't learned anything, anakin.

obi-wan releases hold of the lightsaber.

anakin: i try, master.

obi-wan walks ahead through the club entrance. anakin

follows him.

obi-wan: why do i get the feeling you're going to be the

death of me?!

interior: nightclub - night

obi-wan and anakin enter the nightclub bar, and everyone

stares at them

anakin: don't say that master... you're the closest thing i

have to a father... i love you. i don't want to cause you


obi-wan: then why don't you listen to me?!

anakin: i am trying.

obi-wan: can you see him?

anakin: i think he's a she... and i think she's a


obi-wan: in that case be extra careful... (nods to the

room) go and find her.

obi-wan goes away.

anakin: where are you going, master?

obi-wan: for a drink.

obi-wan heads for the bar. anakin blinks in surprise, then

moves into the room, where alien faces look back at him

with hostility, suspicion, and invitation as he moves among

the tables. obi-wan arrives at the bar. he signals the


close - somewhere in the room a hand moves to a pistol in

its holster and unsnaps the safety catch. at the bar, a

glass is placed in front of obi-wan. a drink is poured. he

lifts the glass.

elan sleazebaggano: you wanna buy some death-sticks?

obi-wan looks at him. he moves his fingers slightly.

obi-wan: you don't want to sell me death-sticks.

elan: i don't want to sell you death-sticks.

obi-wan moves his fingers.

obi-wan: you want to go home and rethink your life.

elan: i want to go home and rethink my life.

he leaves. obi-wan lifts the drink and tosses it back.

close - the gun is drawn from its holster and held down out

of sight. the bounty hunter starts to move toward the bar.

the gun moves toward obi-wan's unsuspecting back. the gun

is raised to aim directly at his back, and suddenly obi-wan

turns fast. his lightsaber flashes. there is a shrill

scream and zam's arm hits the floor. the gun drops from its

twitching fingers. blood spreads.

the room is silent. anakin is suddenly at obi-wan's side,

his lightsaber glowing.

anakin: easy... official business. go back to your drinks.

slowly, the aliens sit. conversation resumes. onstage, the

performers pick up their routine. obi-wan and anakin lift

zam and carry her out.

exterior: alley outside nightclub - night

obi-wan and anakin carry zam into the alley and lower her

to the ground. obi-wan attends to her wounded shoulder. she

stares up hatefully at anakin. she winces in pain, then


obi-wan: do you know who it was you were trying to kill?

zam wessel: the senator from naboo.

obi-wan: who hired you?

zam glares at obi-wan.

zam wessel: it was just a job.

anakin: who hired you? tell us!

zam wessel: that senator's gonna die soon anyway, and the

next one won't make the same mistake i did...

obi-wan: this wound's going to need treatment.

anakin: tell us... tell us now!

zam glares hatefully.

zam: it was a bounty hunter called...

there is a sudden ftzzz sound. zam twitches. she blinks in

surprise and dies. as obi-wan lays zam down on the street,

she changes to her clawdite form.

there is a whoosh from above. obi-wan and anakin look up to

see an armored rocket-man taking off from a roof high

above. he shoots up fast into the sky and disappears. obi-

wan looks down at zam. he touches her neck and pulls out a

small, wicked-looking dart.

obi-wan: toxic dart...

exterior: jedi temple - day

the tall spires of the jedi temple stand out against the

blue sky.

interior: jedi temple, council chamber - day

obi-wan and anakin stand in the center of the council

chamber. the members of the jedi council are seated in a

circle surrounding the two jedi.

yoda: track down this bounty hunter, you must, obi-wan.

mace windu: most importantly, find out who he's working


obi-wan: what about senator amidala? she will still need


yoda: handle that, your padawan will.

mace windu: anakin, escort the senator back to her home

planet of naboo. she'll be safer there. and don't use

registered transport. travel as refugees.

anakin: as the leader of the opposition, it will be very

difficult to get senator amidala to leave the capital.

yoda: until caught this killer is, our judgement she must


mace windu: anakin, go to the senate and ask chancellor

palpatine to speak with her.

the two jedi exit the council chamber.

interior: senate building, palpatine's office - day

anakin and palpatine stand at the window of palpatine's

office and look out over the vast city.

palpatine: i will talk to her. senator amidala will not

refuse an executive order. i know her well enough to assure

you of that.

anakin: thank you, your excellency.

palpatine: and so, my young padawan, they have finally

given you an assignment. your patience has paid off.

anakin: your guidance more that my patience.

palpatine: you don't need guidance, anakin. in time you

will learn to trust your feelings. then you will be

invincible. i have said it many times, you are the most

gifted jedi i have ever met.

palpatine and anakin turn away from the window and walk

through palpatine's office towards the door.

anakin: thank you, your excellency.

palpatine: i see you becoming the greatest of all the jedi,

anakin. even more powerful than master yoda.

interior: jedi temple, atrium - day

mace windu and obi-wan walk along the temple corridors.

yoda accompanies them, riding in a small floating chair.

obi-wan: i am concerned for my padawan. he is not ready to

be given this assignment on his own yet.

yoda: the council is confident in this decision, obi-wan.

mace windu: the boy has exceptional skills.

obi-wan: but he still has much to learn, master. his

abilities have made him... well, arrogant.

yoda: yes, yes. it's a flaw more and more common among

jedi. too sure of themselves they are. even the older, more

experienced ones.

mace windu: remember, obi-wan. if the prophecy is true,

your apprentice is the only one who can bring the force

back into balance.

obi-wan: if he follows the right path.

interior: apartment building, amidala's apartment - day

anakin looks as padm?and jar jar talk, standing near the

door of the anteroom to padm?s bedroom. dorm?moves about

packing luggage.

padm? i'm taking an extended leave of absence. it will be

your responsibility to take my place in the senate.

representative binks, i know i can count on you.

jar jar: mesa honored to be taken on dissa heavy burden.

(pompously) mesa accept this with muy muy humility and


padm? jar jar. i don't wish to hold you up. i'm sure you

have a great deal to do.

jar jar: of course, m'lady.

jar jar bows and goes out. padm?walks briskly to anakin.

she is in a very bad mood.

padm? i do not like this idea of hiding.

anakin: don't worry, now that the council has ordered an

investigation, it won't take master obi-wan long to find

this bounty hunter.

padm? (frustrated) i haven't worked for a year to defeat

the military creation act not to be here when its fate is


anakin: sometimes we have to let go of our pride and do

what is requested of us.

padm? pride?!? annie, you're young, and you don't have a

very firm grip on politics. i suggest you reserve your

opinions for some other time.

anakin: sorry, m'lady. i was only trying to...

padm? annie! no!

anakin: please don't call me that.

padm? what?

anakin: annie...

padm? i've always called you that... it is your name,

isn't it?

anakin: it's anakin. when you say annie it's like i'm still

a little boy... and i'm not.

padm? i'm sorry, anakin. it's impossible to deny you've...

(looks him over) ...that you've grown up.

padm?smiles at anakin. he becomes a little shy.

anakin: master obi-wan manages not to see it...

padm? mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults than

we would like. it's the only way we grow.

anakin: don't get me wrong... obi-wan is a great mentor, as

wise as master yoda and as powerful as master windu. i am

truly thankful to be his apprentice. only... although i'm a

padawan learner, in some ways... a lot of ways... i'm ahead

of him. i'm ready for the trials. i know i am! he knows it

too. but he feels i'm too unpredictable... other jedi my

age have gone through the trials and made it... i know i

started my training late... but he won't let me move on.

padm? that must be frustrating.

anakin: it's worse... he's overly critical! he never

listens! he just doesn't understand. it's not fair!

padm?cannot suppress a laugh. she shakes her head.

padm? i'm sorry... you sounded exactly like that little

boy i once knew, when he didn't get his way.

anakin: i'm not whining! i'm not.

padm?just smiles at him. dorm?laughs in the background.

padm? i didn't say it to hurt you.

anakin: i know...

there is a brief silence, then padm?comes over to anakin.

padm? anakin...

they look into each other's eyes for the first time.

padm? don't try to grow up too fast.

anakin: i am grown up. you said it yourself.

anakin looks deep into padm?s eyes.

padm? please don't look at me like that.

anakin: why not?

padm? because i can see what you're thinking.

anakin: (laughing) ahh... so, you have jedi powers too?

dorm?is watching with concern.

padm? it makes me feel uncomfortable.

anakin: sorry, m'lady.

anakin backs away as padm?turns and goes back to her


exterior: coruscant, spaceport freighter docks, transport

bus - day

a small bus speeds toward the massive freighter docks of

coruscant's industrial area. the spaceport is bustling with

activity. transports of various sizes move supplies and

passengers as giant floating cranes lift cargo out of the

starships. the bus stops before a huge, intergalactic

freighter starship. it parks in the shadows of an overhang.

interior: coruscant, spaceport freighter docks, transport

bus - day

anakin and padm? dressed in outland peasant outfits, get

up and head for the door where captain typho, dorm?and

obi-wan are waiting to hand them their luggage.

captain typho: be safe, m'lady.

padm? thank you, captain. take good care of dorm?.. the

threat's on you two now.

dorm? he'll be safe with me.

they laugh, and padm?embraces her faithful handmaiden.

dorm?starts to weep.

padm? you'll be fine.

dorm? it's not me, m'lady. i worry about you. what if they

realize you've left the capital?

padm? (looks to anakin) then my jedi protector will have

to prove how good he is.

dorm?and padm?smile. anakin frowns as obi-wan pulls him


obi-wan: anakin. don't do anything without first consulting

either myself or the council.

anakin: yes, master.

obi-wan: (to padm? i will get to the bottom of this plot

quickly, m'lady. you'll be back here in no time.

padm? i will be most grateful for your speed, master jedi.

anakin: time to go.

padm? i know.

padm?gives dorm?a last hug. anakin picks up the luggage,

and the two peasants exit the speeder bus, where artoo is

waiting for them.

obi-wan: anakin, may the force be with you.

anakin: may the force be with you, master.

they head off toward the giant starfreighter.

padm? suddenly, i'm afraid...

anakin: this is my first assignment on my own. i am too.

(looking at artoo) but don't worry. we've got artoo with


they laugh.

obi-wan and captain typho watch anakin and padm?disappear

into the vastness of the spaceport with artoo trundling

along behind them.

obi-wan: i hope he doesn't try anything foolish.

captain typho: i'd be more concerned about her doing

something, than him.

exterior: freighter docks - coruscant - day

the freighter slowly takes off from the huge docks area of

coruscant. it soon moves into the crowded skies.

interior: jedi temple, main hallway - late day

from high above, light streams down from the lofty

ceilings. obi-wan crosses the floor of the great hallway,

heading for the analysis rooms.

interior: jedi temple, analysis cubicles - late day

obi-wan walks past several glass cubicles where work is

going on. he comes to an empty one and sits down in front

of a console. a sp-4 analysis droid comes to life. a tray

slides out of the console.

sp-4: place the subject for analysis on the sensor tray,


obi-wan puts the dart onto the tray, which retracts into

the console. the droid activates the system, and a screen

lights up in front of obi-wan.

obi-wan: it's a toxic dart. i need to know where it came

from and who made it.

sp-4: one moment, please.

diagrams and data appear on the screen, scrolling past at

great speed. obi-wan watches as the screen goes blank. the

tray slides out.

sp-4: markings cannot be identified. as you can see on your

screen, subject weapon does not exist in any known culture.

probably self-made by a warrior not associated with any

known society. stand away from the sensor tray please.

obi-wan: excuse me? could you try again please?

sp-4: master jedi, our records are very thorough. they

cover eighty percent of the galaxy. if i can't tell you

where it came from, nobody can.

obi-wan picks up the dart and looks at it, then looks to

the droid.

obi-wan: thanks for your assistance! (to himself) i know

who can identify this.

exterior: coruscant, downtown, back street - morning

obi-wan walks down the street. it is a pretty tough part of

town. old buildings, warehouses, beat up speeders and

transporter rigs thundering past. above, the old elevated

monospeed with occasional 'shiny freighters' hissing


obi-wan comes to a kind of alien diner. on the steamed-up

windows it says 'dex's diner' in alien lettering. he goes


interior: coruscant, dex's diner - morning

a waitress droid is carrying plates of half-eaten food.

there is a counter with stools and a line of booths along

the wall by the window. a number of customers are eating -

tough-looking workers, freighter drivers, etc. the waitress

droid looks up as obi-wan comes in.

waitress droid: can i help ya?

obi-wan: i'm looking for dexter.

the waitress droid approaches obi-wan.

waitress droid: waddya want him for?

obi-wan: he's not in trouble. it's personal.

there is a brief pause. then the droid goes to the open

serving hatch behind the counter.

wiitress droid: someone to see ya, honey. (lowering her

voice) a jedi, by the looks of him.

steam billows out from the kitchen hatch behind the counter

as a huge head pokes through.

dexter jettster: obi-wan!

obi-wan: hey, dex.

dexter jettster: take a seat! be right with ya!

obi-wan sits in a booth.

waitress droid: you want a cup of ardees?

obi-wan: oh yes, thank you.

the waitress droid moves off as the door to the counter

opens and dexter jettster appears. he is big - bald and

sweaty, old and alien. not someone to tangle with. he

arrives, beaming hugely.

dexter jettster: hey, ol' buddy!

obi-wan: hey, dex.

dexter eases himself into the seat opposite obi-wan. he can

just make it.

dexter jettster: so, my friend. what can i do for ya?

obi-wan: you can tell me what this is.

obi-wan places the dart on the table between them. dex's

eyes widen. he puts down his mug.

dexter jettster: (softly) well, whaddya know...

dexter picks up the dart delicately between his puffy

fingers and peers at it.

dexter jettster: i ain't seen one of these since i was

prospecting on subterrel beyond the outer rim!

obi-wan: can you tell me where it came from?

dexter grins. he puts the dart down between them.

dexter jettster: this baby belongs to them cloners. what

you got here is a kamino saberdart.

obi-wan: kamino saberdart? ...i wonder why it didn't show

up in our analysis archive.

dexter jettster: it's these funny little cuts on the side

give it away... those analysis droids you've got over there

only focus on symbols, you know. i should think you jedi

would have more respect for the difference between

knowledge and wisdom.

obi-wan: well, dex, if droids could think, we wouldn't be

here, would we? (laughing) kamino... doesn't sound

familiar. is it part of the republic?

dexter jettster: no, it's beyond the outer rim. i'd say

about twelve parsecs outside the rishi maze, toward the

south. it should be easy to find, even for those droids in

your archive. these kaminoans keep to themselves. they're

cloners. damned good ones, too.

obi-wan picks up the dart, holding it midway between them.

obi-wan: cloners? are they friendly?

dexter jettster: it depends.

obi-wan: on what, dex?

dexter grins.

dexter jettster: on how good your manners are... and how

big your pocketbook is...

exterior: jedi temple - day

the main entrance at the base of the huge temple is

bustling with activity. all sorts of jedi are coming and


interior: jedi temple, archive library - day

a bronze bust of count dooku stands among a line of other

busts of jedi in the archive room. obi-wan stands in front

of it, studying the striking features of the chiseled face.

on the walls, lighted computer panels seem to stretch into

infinity. farther along the room in the background, five

jedi are seated at tables, studying archive material.

after obi-wan studies the bust for a few moments before

madame jocasta nu, the jedi archivist, is standing next to

him. she is an elderly, frail-looking human jedi. tough as

old boots and smart as a whip.

jocasta nu: did you call for assistance?

obi-wan: (distracted in thought) yes... yes, i did...

jocasta nu: he has a powerful face, doesn't he? he was one

of the most brilliant jedi i have had the privilege of


obi-wan: i never understood why he quit. only twenty jedi

have ever left the order.

jocasta nu: (sighs) the lost twenty... count dooku was the

most recent and the most painful. no one likes to talk

about it. his leaving was a great loss to the order.

obi-wan: what happened?

jocasta nu: well, count dooku was always a bit out of step

with the decisions of the council... much like your old

master, qui-gon jinn.

obi-wan: (surprised) really?

jocasta nu: oh, yes. they were alike in many ways. very

individual thinkers... idealists...

jocasta nu gazes at the bust.

jocasta nu: he was always striving to become a more

powerful jedi. he wanted to be the best. with a lightsaber,

in the old style of fencing, he had no match. his knowledge

of the force was... unique. in the end, i think he left

because he lost faith in the republic. he believed that

politics were corrupt, and he felt the jedi betrayed

themselves by serving the politicians. he always had very

high expectations of government. he disappeared for nine or

ten years, then just showed up recently as the head of the

separatist movement.

obi-wan: it's very interesting. i'm not sure i completely


jocasta nu: well, i'm sure you didn't call me over here for

a history lesson. are you having a problem, master kenobi?

obi-wan: yes, i'm trying to find a planet system called

kamino. it doesn't seem to show up on any of the archive


jocasta nu: kamino? it's not a system i'm familiar with...

let me see...

jocasta nu leans over obi-wan's shoulder, looking at the


jocasta nu: are you sure you have the right coordinates?

obi-wan: (nodding) according to my information, it should

be in this quadrant somewhere... just south of the rishi


jocasta nu taps the keyboard and frowns.

jocasta nu: no coordinates? it sounds like the sort of

directions you'd get from a street tout... some old miner

or furbog trader.

obi-wan: all three, actually.

jocasta nu: are you sure it exists?

obi-wan: absolutely.

jocasta nu: let me do a gravitational scan.

obi-wan and jocasta nu study the star map hologram.

jocasta nu: there are some inconsistencies here. maybe the

planet you're seeking was destroyed.

obi-wan: wouldn't that be on record?

jocasta nu: it ought to be, unless it was very recent.

(shakes her head) i hate to say it, but it looks like the

system you're searching for doesn't exist.

obi-wan: that's impossible... perhaps the archives are


jocasta nu: the archives are comprehensive and totally

secure, my young jedi. one thing you may be absolutely sure

of - if an item does not appear in our records, it does not


obi-wan stares at her, then looks back to the map. jocasta

nu notices a young boy approach. she turns from obi-wan and

leaves with the youngster.

exterior: space, starship freighter

the massive, slow-moving freighter moves through space.

interior: starfreighter, steerage hold - day

the great, gloomy hold is crowded with emigrants and their

belongings. to one side artoo is coming to the head of a

food line holding two bowls. with one of his little claw

arms, he grabs a chunk of something that looks like bread.

artoo slips a tube into a tub of mush and sucks up a large

quantity. a server sees him.

server: hey! no droids!

artoo takes one last big suck and heads away from the food

line. the server shouts after him angrily. the little droid

moves past groups of eating or sleeping emigrants and comes

to anakin and padm?s table where anakin is sound asleep.

the young jedi seems to be having a nightmare. he is very


anakin: no, no, mom, no...

he is sweating. padm?leans over resting her hand on his

arm. he wakes up with a start, then realizes where he is.

padm?simply looks at him. he stares back, somewhat


anakin: what?

padm? you seemed to be having a nightmare.

anakin looks at padm?a little more closely, trying to see

if he has revealed any of his secrets. she hands him a bowl

of mush and bread.

padm? are you hungry?

anakin: yeah.

padm?takes the food from artoo and sets it on a make-shift

table. anakin rises and takes a seat as she places a bowl

in front of him.

anakin: thanks.

padm? we went to lightspeed a while ago.

anakin looks into padm?s eyes.

anakin: i look forward to seeing naboo again. i've thought

about it every day since i left. it's by far the most

beautiful place i've ever seen...

padm?is a little unnerved by his intense stare.

padm? it may not be as you remember it. time changes


anakin: sometimes it does... sometimes for the better.

padm? it must be difficult having sworn your life to the

jedi... not being able to visit the places you like... or

do the things you like...

anakin: or be with the people i love.

padm? are you allowed to love? i thought it was forbidden

for a jedi.

anakin: attachment is forbidden. possession is forbidden.

compassion, which i would define as unconditional love, is

central to a jedi's life, so you might say we're encouraged

to love.

padm? you have changed so much.

anakin: you haven't changed a bit. you're exactly the way i

remember you in my dreams. i doubt if naboo has changed

much either.

padm? it hasn't...

there is an awkward moment.

padm? (continuing; changing the subject) you were dreaming

about your mother earlier, weren't you?

anakin: yes... i left tatooine so long ago, my memory of

her is fading. i don't want to lose it. recently i've been

seeing her in my dreams... vivid dreams... scary dreams. i

worry about her.

padm?gives anakin a sympathetic look.

interior: jedi temple, main hallway - day

obi-wan walks through the main hallway to the training


interior: jedi temple, training veranda - day

obi-wan comes out onto the veranda and stops, watching

twenty or so four-year-olds doing training exercises,

supervised by yoda. they wear helmets over their eyes and

try to strike little training droids with their miniature

lightsabers. the droids dance in front of them.

yoda: don't think... feel... be as one with the force. help

you, it will. (he sees obi-wan) younglings - enough! a

visitor we have. welcome him.

the children turn off their lightsabers.

yoda: master obi-wan kenobi, meet the mighty bear clan.

children: welcome, master obi-wan!

obi-wan: i am sorry to disturb you, master.

yoda: what help to you, can i be?

obi-wan: i'm looking for a planet described to me by an old

friend. i trust him. but the system doesn't show up on the

archive maps.

yoda: lost a planet, master obi-wan has. how

embarrassing... how embarrassing. liam, the shades. an

interesting puzzle. gather, younglings, around the map

reader. clear your minds and find obi-wan's wayward planet,

we will.

the reader is a small shaft with a hollow opening at the

top. the children gather around it. obi-wan takes out a

little glass ball and places it into the bowl. the window

shades close, the reader lights up and projects the star

map hologram into the room. the children laugh. some of

them reach up to try and touch the nebulae and stars. obi-

wan walks into the display.

obi-wan: this is where it ought to be... but it isn't.

gravity is pulling all the stars in this area inward to

this spot. there should be a star here... but there isn't.

yoda: most interesting. gravity's silhouette remains, but

the star and all its planets have disappeared. how can this

be? now, younglings, in your mind, what is the first thing

you see? an answer? a thought? anyone?

there is a brief pause. then a child puts his hand up. yoda


jedi child jack: master? because someone erased it from the

archive memory.

children: that's right! yes! that's what happened! someone

erased it!

jedi child may: if the planet blew up, the gravity would go


obi-wan stares; yoda chuckles.

yoda: truly wonderful, the mind of a ch