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My 22-year-old daughter, Emma, waved goodbye to her college campus last spring and walked into1) a job this fall. Given the still-tepid2) state of the economy and all the stories―in the news and from friends―about recent graduates who can’t find work, you might well imagine that my husband and I are thrilled. And we are. Sort of.

Emma’s job is a good one, and she is lucky to have it. She is an editorial assistant at a well-respected magazine. But it is the kind of job that countless millennials are landing these days: part-time, low paying, with no benefits.

So, after we spent nearly a quarter of a million dollars on her college education, one thing has become clear: Our investment in our daughter’s future is far from over.

We are hardly alone: Across America, 25 is the new 21.

In his recently published book, Age of Opportunity, Temple University psychologist Laurence Steinberg reports that today’s 25-year-olds are 50 percent more likely to be receiving financial assistance from Mom and Dad than the 25-year-olds of their parents’ generation.

For twentysomethings, this is just one part of a larger phenomenon that is also marked by a growing propensity3) to stay in school and remain unmarried for much longer than prior generations. Adolescence, according to Steinberg, now stretches over a 15-year span, beginning at age 10 and ending around 25; that’s more than twice as long as during the 1950s. This may not be a bad thing. Steinberg’s research suggests that putting off adulthood can have certain benefits in terms of brain development and mental health.

For the parents of twentysomethings, though, this delay often comes at a decided4) cost. Take our family, for instance: Emma is earning $12 an hour at a 30-hour-a-week job. Her take-home pay5), after taxes, is $1,235 a month. Meanwhile, her total monthly expenses hover around $2,000. This includes the cost of a basement room she’s renting for $500, food, clothing, gas and maintenance on her car, entertainment, and incidentals6).

The only reason that she’s not falling into debt is because my husband and I help her financially. We provide $200 in cash each month, as well as covering her car insurance and cellphone (she’s on the family plan), and occasionally I take her clothes shopping and spring for7) a haircut and mani-pedi8). We also pay her student loans, as it was always part of our financial planning that my husband and I would pay for her college education.

Emma also remains on our family’s health insurance, and probably will until she turns 26, as the Affordable Care Act9) allows. What’s more, her grandparents are pitching in10), too. My mother has decided to give Emma an additional $300 a month for a full year as a graduation gift, with an eye on helping her get settled in life. Her father’s parents bought her a used Honda so she wouldn’t face a monthly car payment.

Whether we’re doing too much or too little for Emma is a source of constant conversation in our house. Is this just another form of over-involvement in a kid’s life, a monetary form of helicopter parenting? How long should our support continue? When does a financial lifeline become a crutch11)? My husband likes to joke that Emma needs to get ready. “One day,” he says, “we will end welfare as we know it.”

Other parents are navigating the same tricky12) terrain. Many are reluctant to talk about it, at least with their names attached. In the half-dozen interviews I conducted for this story, every person I talked to requested anonymity for fear that their kids would look unprofessional or feel embarrassed. Even as it becomes more common for parents to help theirchildren pay their bills, talking about money still remains a taboo.

“We have a cultural stereotype about these kids being slackers,” Steinberg told me. “But we don’t see any evidence of that.”

A close friend of mine has three children: a 24-year-old, a 22-year-old who graduated last year, and one more still in school. She says she and her husband made a conscious decision to help support all three until they hit 25.

Why 25? “I feel that when you are 25, you are anand being financially dependent after that is just not healthy,” she says. “I think it is our role as parents to apply some pressure toward independence. The reality is, we are not going to let our kids starve. But telling them we are not going to help after 25 is turning the flames up a lot.”

In the meantime, my friend’s oldest child is getting help with her rent in New York City, her health insurance, her cellphone, Netflix13), and other incidentals while she studies fine art. Her middle child has been working at a part-time job and living at home.

“We keep telling our kids that financial independence is the goal,” she says. “But we wanted to give them a safety net so they could practice it.”

Even kids with good jobs and no student loans to worry about are getting help from Mom and Dad. Another friend, whose 23-year-old works for a wealth management firm and earns a mid-five-figure salary, says she and her husband still pay their daughter’s car and health insurance and have kept her on the family’s cell phone plan.

“She makes a good salary, but rent and expenses are high,” the mom says, adding that her daughter’s job requires that she look professional. “She has to dress well, get her nails done, and drive a reasonably nice car.”

“I hardly know anyone who is not receiving some kind of financial support,” a 26-year-old friend told me. “Whether it is health insurance, their cell phone bill, or even full rent being paid or tuition for graduate school, pretty much everyone I know gets help.”

“It just seems like a fact of life14),” he says. “Entry-level jobs these days―unless they are in engineering or finance―don’t cover your basic needs.”

“It’s only natural for people to compare their kids to what they were like when they were that age,” Steinberg said. “But what you have to remember is that times have changed. Parents need to resist the temptation to say, ‘When I was your age, I had a job and I took care of myself.’ That is not relevant now. We do not live in the same world.”

In the end, what is most important is not that someone fresh out of school, or even a few years out of school, has achieved financial independence. What matters is that they are on the path to independence. If our daughter was at home all day, goofing around15), my husband and I would be far less inclined to lend a hand. But the job that Emma now has promises to give her valuable experience in a field she’s interested in.

And it may well advance her “real” job prospects―and her independence―down the line. We’re confident that one day she’ll get there, whether that comes at 23. Or 25. Or 25-ish.

1. walk into:轻松获得(工作)

2. tepid [?tep?d] adj. 不热情的,不热烈的

3. propensity [pr??pens?ti] n. 倾向

4. decided [d??sa?d?d] adj. 确实无疑的;明白无误的;明显的

5. take-home pay:(在扣除捐税等后的)实得工资

6. incidental [??ns??dent(?)l] n. (常用复数)杂项;杂费

7. spring for:〈口〉付账,请客

8. mani-pedi:手足造型美甲

9. Affordable Care Act:奥巴马政府推出的《平价医疗法案》

10. pitch in:参加;协力;帮助

11. crutch [kr?t?] n. 拐杖;依靠,依赖

12. tricky [?tr?ki] adj. 难办的;棘手的

13. Netflix:奈飞,美国一家在线影片租赁提供商,业务模式为在线订阅,服务费采用包月制。

14. a fact of life:无可辩驳(或回避)的事实,无法改变的事实

15. goof around:消磨时间;闲荡;混日子






















