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Version 1

I Beg You, Zhongzi


I beg you,Zhongzi,

Don’t climb into our yard,

Don’t break our willows!

Not that I mind about the willows,

But I am afraid of my father and mother.

Yes, much as I love you,

I am afraid of what my parents will say.

I beg you, Zhongzi,

Don’t climb over our wall,

Don’t break our mulberry trees!

Not that I mind about the mulberries,

But I am afraid of my brothers.

Yes, much as I love you,

I dread what my brothers will say.

I beg you, Zhongzi,

Don’t climb into our garden,

Don’t break our elms!

Not that I mind about the elms,

But I am afraid folk will gossip,

Yes, much as I love you,

I am afraid of their gossip.

Version 2



Prithee, my dear sweet heart,

Don’t climb into our yard,

Nor break the willow branch!

It’s not for the branch I care;

My parents are o’er there!

You are deep in my heart,

But what my parents say

Will worry me all day.

Prithee, my dear sweet heat,

Don’t steal into our yard,

Nor break the mulberry branch!

It’s not for the branch I care;

My brothers are all there!

You are deep in my heart,

But what my brothers say

Will worry me all day.

Prithee, my dear sweet heart,

Don’t jump into our yard,

Nor break the sandal branch.

It’s not for the branch I care;

My kith and kin are there!

You are deep in my heart,

But what my family say

Will worry me all day.

Version 3

Ts?ang Chung-tsze


I pray,Mr.Chung,

Do not come leaping into my hamlet;

Do not break my willow trees.

Do I care for them?

But I fear my parents.

You, O Chung,are to be loved,

But the words of my parents

Are also to be feared.

I pray you, Mr.Chung,

Do not come leaping over my wall;

Do not break my mulberry trees.

Do I care for them?

But I fear the words of my brothers.