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1. admission (n.) “入场费”,不可数。

例如:Admission one dollar.入场费1美元。

Admission to the concert costs £5. 音乐会的入场券是五英镑一张。

2. cost (n.) “成本, 费用,价格” 。指为获得或生产某物所支付的金额,可指日常生活的开销,也可指劳力、服务等的费用,既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。

例如:The cost of living is going up. 生活费用在提高。

The cost of the house was too high for me.对于我来说,这房子的价格太高了。

3. charge (n.) “费用;价钱;索价”。主要指因某种服务而索取的费用,可数名词。

例如:The charges in this hotel are too high。这家宾馆的收费太高了。

a charge for the use of the telephone使用电话的费用

4. expense (n.) “花费;支出”。指做某工作或为某目的而花费的钱,可数名词。

例如:traveling expenses 旅费

What are the expenses of moving house?搬家的花销是多少?

5. fare (n.) “车费”。指乘坐车、船、飞机等所支付的费用,可数名词。

例如:a bus [taxi] fare 公共汽车[出租汽车]费

All fares, please! (公共车辆售票员用语)请买票!

6. fee (n.) “费”。指付给团体的费用,如会费、报名费、手续费等,或自由职业者,如私人教师、医生、律师等所收的“费用”或“酬金”,还可指“租书费”等,可数名词。

例如:a membership [license] fee 会[牌照]费

a doctor’s fee for a visit 医生的出诊费

7. fine (n.) “罚款, 罚金”, 可数名词。

例如:He was imposed a heavy fine for driving without a license.因无照驾驶,他被处以重罚。

a bill for school fees 学费账单

8. freight (n.) “运费”。指海运、陆运、空运所收取的费用,不可数名词。

例如:Our company will pay the freight on this order.我们公司将支付这批订货的运费。

The freight is included in the account.运费包括在账内。

9. postage (n.) “邮资;邮费”,不可数名词。

例如:postage paid 邮资已付

postage due 欠(邮)资

10. rent (n.) “租金;租费”。指土地、房屋、电话、机器等的租赁费,多作不可数名词。

例如:What’s the rent for this land? 这块土地的租金是多少?

Peter has owned three months’ rent for my house?彼得欠我3个月房租。

11. tip (n.) “小费”。指给服务员、计程车司机等的小费,可数名词。

例如:He left a tip under his plate. 他把小费放在盘子下面了。

12. toll (n.) “(道路、桥梁、港口等的)通行费,使用费,停泊费”“长途电话费”,可数名词。

例如:The tolls on the canal rise again this year.运河通行费今年又涨了。

This month I had to pay 200 yuan toll call.这个月我要缴200元的电话费。

13. tuition (n.) “(尤指大专院校的)学费”。可以与fee连用,不可数名词。

例如:The tuition (fee) in our college is about 4,000~5,000 yuan a year.我们学院每年的学费是4000~5000元。

Test yourself: Fill in the blanks with a proper “费用”.

1. She just had to pay the_____________ of food.

2. _____________to the show is ¥20.

3. It is a great_____________ to have the whole house painted.

4. I get a part-time job this summer to earn my_____________ for next semester.

5. The coal has been sent by train and we’ve paid the_____________.

6. The_____________ for the single rooms are moderate.

7. Stamps show how much_____________ has been paid

8. The bus_____________ has gone up another 10 yuan.

9. There is a_____________ of fifty dollars for littering.

10.He gave the doorman a_____________ for helping him with his packages.

11. Have you paid the lawyer’s_____________?

12. Each car must pay a_____________ to cross the bridge.

13. The house we live in is not ours; we pay_____________ to live in it.

Keys: 1. cost2. Admission3.expense4.tuition5.freight6.charges

7. postage8.fare9.fine10.tip11.fees12.toll13.rent