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China Architecture & Building Press

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A History of Chinese Architecture Art

Xiao Mo, china architecture & building press in July, 2012, ISBN 978-7-112-13343-7

This book records the Chinese architecture art history from the prehistory to the end of Qing Dynasty. It covers many architecture types and architecture of the minorities, such as city, palace, temple, tomb, pagoda, grotto, yamun, public civil architecture (including ancestral hall, pantheon, guild hall, academy of classic learning, landscape tower), prince mansion, residential house, gardens, great wall, bridges and honorific arch, as well as architecture decoration and furniture. This book systematically concludes the historic development of Chinese architecture art. It consists of 18 chapters, including the introduction and five parts (Beginning and Grow, Mature and Peak, Enrichment and Summary, Prosperity of Minorities’ Architecture, and Theoretical Brilliance).It is readable and valuable materials for art historians, culture historians, architects, workers majoring in architecture history and cultural relics, aesthetician, students in architecture and art colleges, and common readers.

The Beauty of Chinese Vernacular Dwellings

Sun Dazhang, China Architecture & Building Press in June, 2012,Chinese version: ISBN 978-7-112-12452-7,English version: ISBN 978-7-112-14194-4

The study of cultural heritage includes the appreciation, comprehension and referential processes; it is the same with the study of vernacular dwellings. Aesthetic emotion is generated when external “beauty” is appreciated by subjective “aesthetic appreciation”. Instead of containing profound insights or universal principles related with forms of composition, this book intends to show the writer’s personal opinion for people to judge for themselves.

China Residential Architecture Art (Chinese-English version)

By Lu Yuanding, Lu Qi, China Architecture & Building Press in July, 2012, ISBN 978-7-112-12794-8

The residential building is a kind of architecture which is the earliest and the most. It’s the reflection of local economy, living style, traditions, religious belief, aesthetics, etc., of the times. This book begins with general remarks on the distribution, types, geographic and ethnic characteristics, historical and artistic value of traditional Chinese vernacular architecture, which gives an outline of traditional Chinese vernacular architectural art. Each part is based on the regional and national residential buildings, and respectively outlines the layout, community relations of different forms of residential constructions, features of groups,and monomer residential buildings, etc.. Each case is enclosed with a brief description.