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Dear Great-aunt Myra,

I have only one memory of you and the violin is in it. We were visiting grandmother. This was in Australia,where I grew up and where I lived until my late 20s. I must have been nine or 10. You wore a smart blouse and neat block heels. You moved with ease and grace,and I was sure you must live somewhere bigger than my small town with its pubs and churches and its hot,blank sky.

At some point,the violin was produced. It was in a wooden case with a metal handle. I didn’t play it that day. I had only just begun taking lessons. But you played and I remember the music was different to the sort I was learning. I now know that what you played was Scottish-ceilidh① tunes. Your playing was wonderfully energetic ― the way you moved seemed dancerly. But your fingers were arthritic②,you said,and you could no longer play the way you wanted.

The violin went home with me that day and I learned for another six or so years. By the time I was 16 I’d given it up. But it followed me from my small hometown to Brisbane,where I went to university. When I came to Scotland,it took a bit longer to join me ―18 years.

The violin is old. I remember grandmother saying it was given to you in the 1920s. It’s Czechoslovakian③ ― a cheap factory-made violin ― and has no real monetary value,which seems appropriate because we were never that kind of family. No property. No heirlooms④. No education even,until my generation. But I know you were all taught music and that it was important.

My violin is worth almost nothing but it has a beautiful sound. I don’t play it well yet,but I’m practising. And I’m taking lessons again. My son is learning too. My friends come over and we play together―folk tunes,mostly―and it makes me feel that things might be good again.

If you’re still alive,you’ll be in your late 90s. You might be past 100. In the kitchen that day, I’ll have said a polite “thank you”. But I couldn’t have known what it was you were giving me. Wherever you are now,I’d like you to know how grateful I am.

Your great-niece


① ceilidh n. 同乐会

② arthritic adj. 关节炎的

③ Czechoslovakian adj. 捷克斯洛伐克的

④ heirloom n. 传家宝,祖传遗物

1. What does always remain in the author’s memory?

A. Great-aunt’s blouse.

B. Great-aunt’s property.

C. Great-aunt’s violin.

D. Great-aunt’s ceilidh tunes.

2. Why couldn’t great-aunt Myra play the violin?

A. Because she was too old.

B. Because she lost her memory.

C. Because her violin was broken.

D. Because there was something wrong with her fingers.

3. Where did the author finish university?

A. In Brisbane. B. In Scotland.

C. In Australia. D. In Czechoslovakia.

4. What’s the advantage of the author’s violin?

A. It has a wooden case.

B. It has a beautiful sound.

C. It has a metal handle.

D. It was made by a cheap factory.

5. The author wrote this passage to_______.

A. sell great-aunt’s violin

B. learn and play the violin again

C. recall the life of her childhood

D. express her heartfelt thanks to great-aunt


1.答案是C。细节理解题。根据第一段的第一句“I have only one memory of you and the violin is in it”可知,姑姥姥的小提琴永远留在作者的记忆中。

2.答案是D。推理判断题。根据第二段的最后一句“But your fingers were arthritic, you said, and you could no longer play the way you wanted”可知,作者姑姥姥的手指患了关节炎,所以不能再拉小提琴了。

3.答案是A。细节理解题。根据第三段的第三句“But it followed me from my small hometown to Brisbane,where I went to university”可知,作者是在布里斯班完成大学学业的。

4.答案是B。细节理解题。根据第五段的第一句“My violin is worth almost nothing but it has a beautiful sound”可知,作者的小提琴有优美的音质。

5.答案是D。推理判断题。根据第六段的最后一句“Wherever you are now,I’d like you to know how grateful I am”可知,作者意在表达对姑姥姥的感激与思念之情。


It’s Czechoslovakian ― a cheap factory-made violin ― and has no real monetary value,which seems appropriate because we were never that kind of family.


分析:关系代词which 引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语。

关系代词which 引导非限制性定语从句的用法:

①充当介词的宾语。如:He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows,most of which had not been cleaned for at least a year.

②指代主句中更多的部分甚至整个主句。如:He set free the birds happily,which was a celebration for his success.

③引导两个非限制性定语从句时,第二个 which 前要加 and。如:He bought a book, which was written by Lu Xun,and which he decided to give to his friend.

④引导的非限制性定语从句,通常位于句末。如:Taiwan is a beautiful island,which we know.

(责任编校 彭益)