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摘 要: 媒介政治化是现今各国普遍存在的客观进程,是指在各国政治过程和公共生活中,大众媒介和政治紧密联系并相互作用,其

>> 档案编研与档案文献的选择性传播 王尽美与马克思主义在山东的选择性传播述评 思想政治教育传播中“泛政治化”与“政治弱化”探析 王尽美在山东选择性传播马克思主义的历史机缘 浅议公安院校思想政治化建设与院校文化建设 文化政治与当代西方文论的政治化 奥运政治与奥运“政治化”之辨 政治奥运与政治化的奥运 政治伦理化与伦理政治化比较启示 “去政治化”,抑或“再政治化”? 城市的政治化与城市体制改革 被政治化的情感:政治传播中的情感话语 土地问题“政治化” 奥运拒绝政治化 美中贸易政治化 性传播疾病与生殖 廉洁政治建设的目标、路径与可选择性措施研究 从战略性传播视角看全球化背景下的政府媒介管理的“大部制”改革 新媒介群众性传播特征分析 台湾“悲情文化”的政治化 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l, 2013-04-09.

[26]〔加〕哈克特,赵月枝. 维系民主?西方政治与新闻客观性[M]. 沈荟,周雨译.北京:清华大学出版社,2010. 177.

[27] 汪晖,许燕.“去政治化的政治”与大众传媒的公共性——汪晖教授访谈[J].甘肃社会科学, 2006,(4):247.

Media Politicization and the Capacity Building of Selective Communication

Li Ruomeng

Abstract: Media politicization is a generally occurring process among all countries. It is a kind of media form and media process in countries' political process and public life, during which mass media and politics closely interrelate and interact on each other, with the media’s operation influenced and restricted by political factors as well as highly accessing political process and influencing political issues. Selective communication is the realistic form of media politicization. The essence of media politicization is that the selective communication which aims at specific political function forms a process of the selection of media information and the setting of political rules under the influence of certain political factors. On the base of rational acquaintance of media politicization, to explore the feasible way of enhancing the capacity of selective communication will be helpful to the better development of both mass media themselves and the democratic potential in the process of media politicization.

Keywords: Media politicization; Selective communication; Political process; Agenda setting; Public opinion