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Water in China

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祝智庭教授就此问题提出了“五何分类法”,即“是何、为何、如何、若何和由何”。“是何”通常指以What, Who, When, Where 为引导,指向一些表示事实性内容的问题;“为何”指以Why为引导,指向事物之间的关系,并做解释和推理;“如何”指以How为引导,指向一些表示方法、途径与状态的问题;“若何”指以If…(then)…为引导的,指向一些条件发生变化,可能产生新结果的问题;“由何”指以From…为引导的问题。人们通常把“由何”与其他“四何问题”进行融合设计,展示相应的问题情境。

在英语课堂中进行“五何提问法”教学,能创设运用英语进行思维的环境,引导学生较为全面地认识事物,学会通过多角度提问而获得更多信息,进行有意义的英语学习。以下是以water in china为主题进行的网络模式下的“五何提问法”的教学实践。


Water in China是牛津英语(上海版)8B Chapter 6的主题内容。初二学生对于中国水资源的情况了解较为含糊,多局限于身边的用水情况。为了让学生全面了解中国的水资源状况等相关信息,进行网络探究成为绝好的手段。学生已初步具备了网络信息的搜索、处理和制作PPT的能力,是教学顺利进行的基础。


本课旨在让学生初步学会“五何提问法”,即用What, How, Why, If , Who 和Where 进行Water in China主题的设问;让学生充分利用网络资源搜寻资料、解决问题;鼓励学生自己制作PPT,并用英语表述主题内容;提供学生与同伴合作学习的机会;激励学生关心地球和环境,培养责任意识。


学生用“五何提问法”进行Water in China主题的问题设定;学生搜索信息和制作PPT,并进行成果展示。如何全面、合理地设定问题。



T: Good afternoon, everybody! We’ll discuss our topic with the help of the computers today. I know you’re all good at computers, so I hope we enjoy the class today. First, let’s watch a short period of video.

T: How does the boy feel?

S: He feels sad.

T: Do the people around like him?

S: No.

T: What do they think of him?

S1: They think he is a trouble-maker.

S2: He is a little bit boring.

T:Why don’t they like him?

S1: That’s because he asks too many whys.

S2:He only asks whys and he doesn’t know how to communicate with others.

T: So it seems that we’d better learn how to ask proper questions so as not to make others bored. Right?

S: Yes.

T: Well, I’d like to introduce you a new way of asking questions. That’s so called five-wh questions. Are you interested in it?

S: Yes, of course.



T: First wh - includes what, who, when and where. By asking such questions, we can get first idea about what something is. That’s the basic fact of a certain thing. Secondly, the questions begin with why. Thirdly, how, we’ll get further idea about the relations between this thing with others, such as the reason for something or the way in which something comes out. Fourthly, we have if… then. It means you can make a supposition. That is to say, you put what you suppose something to be in your questions and get the result finally. Lastly, that’s the questions beginning with from.

T: Let me take an example. Suppose here is a watch. We can ask questions like “What can you find on the face of the watch? Which country is famous for watches? When do we need watch? Where can we find watches? How is a watch made? Why do we need watches? How can you tell a clock from a watch?”


T: Can you get a general idea about the five-wh questions? If not, take it easy. Next item will be helpful for you to understand it better. It is to play a guessing game.

T: I’ve prepared a box. Inside it is something special prepared for today’s guessing game. You may ask me several questions. But you can’t ask me about it directly. For example, you can’t ask me “what is it? What is the name of it? Is it …?” If your question is good enough, I’ll give you a small prize for that. Here is the prize box. There’re many prizes in it. You may have one for your good question.



T: Now that you’ve done some practice on raising questions. I’ll show you one of your tasks today. That’s to ask the questions on the topic Water in China. Please show us what questions you have decided to talk about and write them down in a Word Document on your computer. You may co-operate with your partner.

(设计意图:让学生自发探讨、决定Water Talk主题中自己感兴趣的若干问题是本节课的教学难点。教师鼓励学生合作讨论、研究要设定的问题任务,并利用Word进行预设问题的记录和修改。)

T: You all did a good job. The first task is perfectly completed. Let’s move on to the second task. That’s to use PowerPoint to make an electronic presentation document. Here are the suggested steps for you.

T: Step A. Search the Internet for the information which is related to your questions. Before class,I sent two letters to your e-mail box. In the enclosures, you’ll find one about resources. They may help you find the materials you need more easily.

T: Step B. Use PowerPoint to make an electronic presentation document on the topic. Also in the enclosure, you’ll find a letter about gauge. All the requirements and degrees are listed in the gauge. Let’s see what are required. First, 4 pages is a must. Secondly, the contents should be close to your designed questions on Water in China; Show your creativity in your work. Try to make your work different from others. Make it clear and creative. Lastly, you’re supposed to work with your partner on the same work. Each one should offer his help to the work. You’d better check your work according to the gauge and try to make it perfect.





T: Here’s another important part. Present your work to us. If you can do the job well, a surprise will wait for you!

T: Now it’s nearly the end of the class. Let’s have a brief conclusion. What do you think of the five-wh questions?

S1: It can help us to ask further questions.

S2: It can help us think of questions more thoughtfully.

T: Yes, you’re right. Using the five-wh questions, we can easily ask deeper questions and communicate with others. So the topic of today’s homework is “How to console your friend?”Console is a new word for you. Suppose your friend is unhappy today for he failed in the English exam. How can you console him? How can you make him happier or not so sad about his failure? You’re supposed to make a short dialogue with your poor friend. Try to ask the five-wh questions in your dialogue. Wish you success!











