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1、句首:Suddenly he drove off.

2、句中:He suddenly drove off.

3、句尾:He drove off suddenly.


1、副词位于句首,称为首位副词(front-position adverb):疑问副词,连接副词,关系副词,和一些修饰整个句子的副词通常放在句首或从句的开头。

① 疑问副词:有when, where, why, how构成特殊疑问句;

When shall we meet?

Where are you going?

Why are you smiling?

How can I get from here to Oxford Street?

② 连接副词:有when, where, why, how 连接主语从句,宾语从句或表语从句;

He didn’t say when they would leave.

Do you know where the road leads to?

He asked me why I was leaving early.

I don’t know how to swim.

③ 关系副词:有when, where, why 引导定语从句;

I remember the day when the war began.

I know a place where you can hide.

The reason why he failed is not clear.

④ 一些修饰整句的副词(sentence adverbs):常见的有admittedly, (un)fortunately, frankly, (un)luckily 等,这些副词通常有逗号和句子其他成分隔开;

Admittedly, he is rather foolish.

Fortunately, he found the money that he’d lost.

Frankly, I don’t think your chances of getting the job are very good.

Luckily, she was in when I called.


Then we went home.\ We went home then.

Eventually he came.\ He came eventually.

Here comes the train.

There goes our bus.

当away(=off), down, in, off, out, over, round, up, etc.后面是运动动词+名词主语时,这些副词可位于句首。

Away went the runners.

Down fell a dozen apples.

Round and round flew the plane.

Up went the rocket.

在英语书面语中,由介词(down, from, in, on, over, out of, round, up etc.)构成的副词短语可放在句首。

In the doorway stood a man with a gun.

By the door stood an armed guard.

某些表示否定的副词和副词短语,为了强调否定的含义而放在句首,后面的谓语动词要用倒装。常见的这些副词及短语有:never, neither, nor, seldom, not only, not until, no sooner…than, hardly…when, scarcely…when 等。

I haven’t got a ticket. Nether/Nor have I.

Not until he got home did he realize that he had lost it.

Hardly had the performance begun when the lights went out.

2、副词位于句中,称为中位副词(mid-position adverb):

① 一般说来,用于句中的副词要放在动词之前;

② 若句中有be动词,则放在be动词之后;

③ 若句中谓语动词有几部分组成,最常见的是将副词放在第一个助动词之后。

They sometimes stay up all night.

He is always in time for meals.

You have often been told not to do that.


He almost fell.

I am just going.

He generously paid for us all.


They accepted the invitation gladly.他们很愉快地接受了邀请。

They gladly accepted the invitation.他们愉快地接受了邀请。

He left the room quietly. That’s why no one noticed it.他是静悄悄走出屋的,因此没有人注意。

He quietly left the room after he took the letter.他拿了信之后就悄悄走出去了。

3、副词位于词尾,称为末位副词(end-position adverb):多数副词都可放在动词的后面,如果是及物动词,则一般放在宾语的后面。地点副词,多数时间副词,方式副词通常放在这个位置。

She went away.

She sent him away.

I met her yesterday.

She danced beautifully.


He looked at me suspiciously or

He looked suspiciously at me.