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Helicopter tour has become an increasingly popular pastime in North America, Europe and Oceania for travelers who want to take views that could not be appreciated on land or to enjoy a sport at the most proper destination. Be whisked away by helicopter to the world’s largest coral reef, to ancient towns, to hike in Hawaii, or to ski in the British Colombia mountain ranges.

Pilot jobs at famous scenic spots have a high retention rate. Most pilots stick to their jobs for 10 to 20 years, and many never change jobs. Chip Kaivin, a pilot at Veteran Helicopters is one of them. With a record of over 10,000 flight hours over Alaska glaciers, he remains passionate about his job. He is always excited when passengers getting off his helicopter saying “This is the best view I have ever seen” or “This is the most unforgettable thing I have ever done”. Take it once, and you will find a new perspective to view the world.

The real charm of a helicopter tour is that it can take you to a wonderland unreachable by other means of transport where you can explore all kinds of amazing journeys: hiking at the crater of a volcano, diving in the middle of the sea, skiing on the uninhabited peak of a mountain, or discovering the secrets of a medieval town. Take a helicopter ride and it promises an experience for life

很多著名直升机景点的飞行员都在他们的岗位上工作了10~20年,并且有人坚持不愿换工作。Veteran直升机公司的飞行员Chip Kaivin就是其中之一,在阿拉斯加冰川累积飞行1万个小时后,他依然对自己的工作充满了激情,他说:“人们总是会在从我的直升机走下的时候说,这是我今生见过最迷人的景,做过的最难忘的事”。大家的共识是:只要你进行了一次直升机旅行,今后都将以不同的视角看待世界。





Hawaii Volcano Hiking

You can view volcano activities on the Hawaii islands by helicopter, ship, or foot, but an “open door helicopter tour” can take you closest to the volcanoes. The 50 minute ride can take you to view both volcano eruptions and lava spills into the sea.

You will receive 10 to 15 minute safety training before you follow the pilot onto the helicopter, buckle up at waist and shoulder, and put on noise canceling earphones. The pilot would ask you to relax and enjoy. But apparently it is difficult to trust a vehicle that need to arrange passengers by weight and is equipped with all kinds of first aid and communication equipment except doors. It is said that the thrilling design is to help passengers feel the real temperature of the volcano. At 500 feet above the volcano crater with lava seemingly at arm’s length, you would feel like sitting in a heating container. The helicopter then follows the flow of the lava to watch how lava spills cause explosions, terrain changes, and condensing clouds. As you watch the lava flows and solidifies into twisted trails, you would understand why the forms it left behind are called lava sculptures.

After the tour, the helicopter could drop you off at a proper place for hiking. Why helicopter? Because lava flow is always changing, you would want to be sure where it flows before you set foot on the ground, which sometimes could only be done by a helicopter. Most hikers would start from the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, follow the “Chain of Craters Road” onto a 150km hiking route, and arrive at the crater after going through rainforests and rivers. Walking on the scorched land with steams coming out of cracked surface is like walking on the surface of Venus. Some travelers would start out towards nightfall, as erupting lava looks even more grandeur against the dark sky.




住在Ravello还能在半个小时内到达旁边充满历史魅力的小镇Amalfi,这里的教堂因其黑白相间的拱形门廊而闻名,很多人都会迫不及待去教堂右边的Andrea Panza点上糕点再加一杯格兰尼塔,这就是欧洲最著名的甜点店之一。

Amalfi Ancient Town Vocation

Apart from wonders of nature, you can also take a helicopter to experience ancient town culture. The Amalfi coast in Italy is a favored destination for well-off travelers and honeymoon goers. Scattered along the coastline are Medieval Italian towns, which can be viewed in full from a helicopter. Up high, the ancient towns and the rocks they reside on connect the green mountains and the blue ocean. Pulled closer, traces of Byzantine and Roman architecture could be seen on the domed buildings or castles perched on huge rocks.

If you want to enjoy a helicopter tour here, Ravello would be your ideal place to stay. You can stay in one of its century-old “palaces” with helipads. Palumbo, for example, is adapted from a 12th century palace called Confalone. In this palace of mixed North Africa, Greece and Roman origin, you can enjoy a temperature controlled bath, a Turkish sauna, or a massage bath before you embark on you ancient town trip without worrying about paparazzi ambushing you outside the hotel, because every facility here is installed to meet the needs of celebrities and the wealthy. No wonder hotel staff claims that you may bump into a Hollywood Star anytime in the hotel. At here, helicopter is not only a vehicle, but a private leisure lifestyle.

Within half an hour ride from Ravello is Amalfi, a historical town known for the decorative black and white arches of its cathedral. To the right of the cathedral is Andrea Panza, one of the most famous dessert shops in Europe. Many travelers would rush to the shop for refreshments and a cup of Granita.




British Columbia Skiing

The mountain range at the south of British Columbia, Canada is a renowned destination for hiking and skiing. Skiing is available here 98% the time of the year and its dry and smooth snow is the best for skiing. Canada is also known for its helicopter-skiing services. During flight, helicopter pilots would communicate regularly between each other and with the ground to ensure safety. Viewed through a helicopter window, you would find yourself belittled in front of the continuous snow-covered mountain range and feel the turbulent air flow outside the thin layer of metal of the helicopter. To reduce your anxiety, your pilot would tell you that they know all the techniques to fly among the mountains, and that the company has kept frequent and comprehensive checks of its fleet.

British Columbia skiing is quite popular among European ski enthusiasts, because they can take helicopter to tree ski trails unreachable by highway. Interestingly, a charred stump caused by a forest fire has become a landmark for pilots. According to a European tourist, despite his many crazy ski experiences in Europe, he still wishes to ski in Canada, because tree trails, which he find thrilling, are banned in Europe. To him, it is more exhilarating to ski on tree trails, because snow on the burned ground is firmer, and forest fire has created a huge space between the trees, making it a perfect obstacle course. Making big turns here help him throw behind all his pressure from work.






Great Barrier Reef Diving

Most travelers to the world’s largest coral reef stay on Hamilton. Taking off from the island, a helicopter would take you through wind, turbulence, and sometimes rains, making you feel like floating unprotected in the nature. By the time you reach the reefs, especially Hardy Reef, you will be embraced by a surprising serenity and tranquility. As the helicopter fly past the Heart Reef, the reefs gradually change color, forming a natural spectrum. It is only by helicopter can you see what beauty the reefs could create.

After a feast of your eyes, the helicopter would drop you off at a place with the purest water where you can have an intimate contact with nature. Put on a diving suit and swim under water to explore a world of colors coming from various life forms. Gigantic red or blue starfishes and colorful flat tropical fishes would swim around you as if in an underwater fairyland.

The helicopter-diving tours can be tailored to your individual needs. You may choose skin diving or scuba diving if you are not experienced, or professional diving and helmet diving. Sometimes you may find passengers in diving suites jump off helicopters hovering 4 meters above the water and marvel at their courage when you learnt that they are also travelers who have only received one day’s training.

Apart from volcanoes, islands, towns, and snow mountains, there are many more sceneries that could only be appreciated on a helicopter, just like the 5600-feet wide Victoria waterfall between Zambia and Zimbabwe, or the luxury views of metropolitan cities such as Hong Kong and Tokyo.