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What IS a Film Review?什么是影评?

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The Magic Power of Film


Films are fascinating. When I was a freshman at college and saw the film 7he Sound of Music, I was amazed: life could be this beautiful and wonderful! Then, years later, I learned from an American friend that this film was actu-ally based on a true story-that there was a real Maria, and she did marry the Captain who had seven children, and that the Von Trapp family singers even sput out CDs! I could hardly believe it. Our world is really full of miracles!

I watched The Sound of Music many times. Every time I watched it, I was inspired. I smiled. I laughed. I sang, and I even danced. I could not help it. It was a natural reaction that came from within.

Films just have that magic for many of us. The moment we walk out of a movie theatre, we will start to talk about the film or think about the film-we cannot help it: A film is so interest-ing that we cannot help but to love it;or, sometimes we see a bonng film and we cannot help but to hate it, which, of course, are alljust natural reactions.

Undoubtedly, we are very inter-ested in films, but when it comes to writing a film review, we are frustrated. We don't know how to start and what to focus on. No problem. We will start together this time.

Have you seen the film The Shaw-shank Redemption? If you saw it be-fore,free write whatever you remember, for at least 5 minutes. Then, please find the film and watch it again with your 100% undivided attention-you can watch it by yourself,or watch it with your friends or classmates, but please don't talk while you watch. After you finish the film, free write your reaction to the film, for at least 20 minutes.


Understanding the Features of Film


A film review is one's reaction to a film, but a film is different from a book. A film is a story told with pictures, while a book is a story told with words. We have to know the basic difference and respect the difference. In a book, we expect to read a lot of what the char-acters say and think, while in a film, we expect to see scenes and actions and then hear them talk-it W川be really boring to see the characters always sit in the classroom and think and talk with each other, no matter how thought-pro-voking their conversations are.

Film is behavior; it shows people through their actions and the words they say are just a helper. But then, we also have to know that a book and a film have one thing in common: they are both telling a story, and the story has a strong message, which can be commu-nicated through different mediums.


How to Write a Film Review?


After you finish reading the book Tuesdays with Morrie, I recommend that you see the film with the same ftle. The film is based on the book and there are some differences between the two, for example, in the book, Mitch and Janie were married, but in the film, they were still boyfriend and girlfriend and they broke up because Mitch could not commit himself to the relationship, and it was with Morrie's help that the two of them finally got married. Did that change of detail in the story change the message? No, the message remains the same: Morrie's love changes Mitch and makes him a committed husband. But in the film, we need to SEE this magic change, and Mitch's proposal to Janie definitely brings us closer to his change of heart.

Some great films are based on true stories, like The Sound of Music; others are created by writers, like Forrest Gump-but one thing they have in common is that there must be a strong, truthful message that reso- nates with people's hearts. What is the message of The Sound of Music? A young lady's love warms everyone's hearts and helps to build up a big fam-ily. What is the message of Forrest Gump?A seemingly foolish guy has true wisdom and finally wins friendship and love. Both messages are truthful and powerful and we feel strongly con-nected with them.

Now, let us come back to The Shawshank Redemption. Write down the scenes that impressed you most. You can begin with the question "What scenes impressed me most?" and free write for 10 minutes. And then, you can ask yourself "What is the message of The Shawshank Redemption?" and free write for 10 minutes.

Read your free writings and seeif you have identified some impressivescenes and clarified the message. Ifnot, don't worry. Just read and putthem aside.




1. Remember, Hope is a goodthing, maybe the best of things andno good thing ever dies.


2. Andy Dufresne: Forget thatthere are places in the world thataren't made out of stone. There'ssomething inside, that they can'tget to, that they can't touch. That'syours.


3. Some birds aren't meant tobe caged, that's all.Their feathersare just too bright.
