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Module 1―4知识点盘点

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module 1


1. earn2. respect3. devote4. average

5. experience6. struggle7. donate8. exchange

9. inform10. run11. approve12. diet

13. charge14. figure15. recover16. forbid17. affect18. deserve19. tolerate

20. insist21. risk22. recognize23. loss

24. suggest


1. patience

【命题角度】 n. [U] 耐心with patience耐心地;have patience忍耐一下;have no patience with不能容忍;patient adj.有耐心的;n. 病人

【考题链接】 Whenever I made mistakes, the teacher pointed them out with . (2013江西卷22)

A. curiosityB. satisfaction

C. envyD. patience

2. damage

【命题角度】 n. [U];[pl.] 赔偿费;v. damage ones health“损坏健康”;damage ones good name“破坏名声”;do damage to“使……受到伤害”;suffer (great) damage from“受到……损坏”以及与injury, wound, harm和ruin辨析。

【考题链接】 The accident caused some to my car, but its nothing serious. (2013辽宁卷23)

A. harmB. injury

C. ruinD. damage

3. run

【命题角度】 run一词多性,一词多意以及短语辨析。

【考题链接】 ―OK, Ive had enough of it. I give up. (2012江苏卷26)

―You cant your responsibilities.

A. run off withB. run up against

C. run out ofD. run away from

4. keep

【命题角度】 keep + 宾语+宾语补足语 (形容词 / 名词 / 介词短语 / 现在分词 / 过去分词)

【考题链接】 Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself of his own dreams. (2011重庆卷33)

A. remindingB. to remind

C. remindedD. remind

5. average

【命题角度】 adj.; n.; v. an average of...; above / below average; on average

【考题链接】 Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200,000, a(n) of 40,000 per year. (2010 江西卷35)

A. averageB. number

C. amountD. quantity

6. prepare

【命题角度】 prepare, prepare for, make preparations for, get ready for的异同以及非谓语动词用法比较。

【考题链接】 At the time, all the graduating students were sitting in the classroom the coming tests.

A. prepared

B. made preparations for

C. preparing for

D. got ready for

7. charge

【命题角度】 in charge of, in the charge of及take charge of。

【考题链接】 Who will the exploration when the expert is on business?

A. in charge ofB. take the charge of

C. take charge ofD. in the charge of

8. suggest

【命题角度】 suggest表“暗示、表明、说明”时,不用虚拟语气;表“建议”时,用虚拟语气。

【考题链接】 Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which spending quite a lot of time with students. (2013福建卷24)

A. enjoysB. involves

C. practicesD. suggests

Graces pale face suggested that she ill, and her parents suggested that she a medical examination.

A. be; should haveB. was; have

C. should be; hadD. was; was

9. inform

【命题角度】 inform sb. of / about; inform sb. that / wh; keep sb. informed of / about的用法比较。

【考题链接】 Please keep me happened last night.

A. inform of what

B. informed of what

C. informing about that

D. from informing about that

10. including

【命题角度】 动词contain和include以及介词including和形容词included用法和辨析。

【考题链接】 The parcel a lot of things, a secondhand dictionary. (2007南开模拟卷)

A. contained; included

B. included; contained

C. contained; including

D. included; containing


1. upon / on doing2. inform sb. of sth.3. consist of4. come up with5. turn up6. feel like doing sth.7. be hard on sb.8. now that

9. mean to do sth.10. as though / if11. insist on

12. do with13. cant wait to do sth.14. be dying to do sth.15. work out16. used to do sth.

17. concentrate on18. for free19. be fond of20. look back (on)21. make use of22. in charge of23. cant wait to do sth.24. be supposed to25. stay up26. mix up27. go on a diet28. fall out29. get into shape30. make the most of


1. 定语从句:1) 结构及理解 2) 关系词的使用 3) 简化表达

2. so / neither 相关用法


1. After the flooding, people were suffering in that area, urgently needed clean water, medicine and shelter to survive. (2012江苏卷22)

A. whichB. who

C. whereD. what

2. As the project at the meeting, it drew our attention.

A. comes upB. was come up

C. came upD. had been come up

3. The old town has narrow streets and small houses are built close to each other. (2011山东卷32)

A. theyB. that

C. whereD. what

4. The boy I the notice was then working a physical problem.

A. talked to; onB. informed of; on

C. compared with; atD. related to; out

5. The school shop, customers are mainly students, is closed for the holidays. (2011四川卷17)

A. whichB. whose

C. whenD. where

6. Anyone traveling abroad without a passport of being arrested.

A. runs the riskB. takes a chance

C. has the opportunityD. runs the danger

7. He rode on until he got to the foot of a hill, when his horse danger and stopped.

A. recognizedB. discovered

C. sensedD. came across

8. “Crazy English” teach us and help us improve our English in an active and fun way.

A. meansB. means for

C. has meant toD. is meant to

9. Im so tired that I dont doing anything.

A. wishB. hope

C. wantD. feel like

10. She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction had taken more than three years. (2011江西卷34)

A. for whichB. of which

C. with whichD. to which

11. Made fun of often by her colleagues for her fatness, Charlotte is .

A. looking forward to be slim

B. dying to be slim

C. long to be slim

D. expected to be slim

12. The country life he was used to greatly since 1992.

A. changeB. has changed

C. changingD. have changed

13. Thats the new machine parts are too small to be seen.

A. thatB. which

C. whoseD. what

14. Care of the soul is a gradual process even the small details of life should be considered.(2012湖南卷34)

A. whatB. in what

C. whichD. in which

15. ―Garfield is my favorite cartoon figure. I also like those Disney ones.


A. So is my daughter

B. So do my daughter

C. Neither is my daughter

D. Its the same with my daughter

Module 2


1. puzzled2. strength3. supply4. convince5. case6. witness7. murder8. clothing

9. view10. surrounding11. scare12. curious13. preserve14. examine15. bury16.search17. desire18. whichever19. signal20. announce21. curious22. fortune23. disturb24. view


1. preserve

【命题角度】 vt. 保存,保藏;防腐 (+from);腌制 (+in);n. [C] 蜜饯,果酱;禁 (猎 )区

【考题链接】 ―The town is so beautiful! I just love it. (2013江苏卷23)

―Me too. The character of the town is well .

A. qualifiedB. preserved

C. decoratedD. simplified

2. supply

【命题角度】 vt. / n. supply sth. for sb. = supply sb. with sth.“为某人提供某物”;in short supply “供应不足”;supplier n.“供应商 / 厂家;原料”以及与provide和offer辨析。

【考题链接】 As the worlds population continues to grow, the of food becomes more and more of a concern. (2013浙江卷4)

A. worthB. supply

C. packageD. list

3. strength

【命题角度】 高考题最常考查strength,power,force,energy等词的辨析。

【考题链接】 ―Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency? (2012福建卷25)

―Well, you know, English is my . So it is my best choice.

A. strengthB. talent

C. abilityD. skill

To play better, all the players have to know their and weaknesses. (2012福建卷26)

A. techniquesB. strengths

C. benefitsD. values

4. whichever

【命题角度】 which与whichever; who与whoever; how与however以及 what与whatever同no matter which; no matter who; no matter how以及no matter what用法与辨析。

【考题链接】 one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it. (2013江西卷30)

A. WhoeverB. Whatever

C. WhicheverD. Wherever

In the global economy, a new drug for cancer, it is discovered, will create many economic possibilities around the world. (2013江苏卷28)

A. whateverB. whoever

C. whereverD. whichever

hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat. (2012湖南卷32)

A. HoweverB. Whatever

C. WhicheverD. Whenever

5. search

【命题角度】 search sb.“搜身”;search for“搜寻”;search地点名词 for sb. / sth.“在某地搜寻某人 / 物”;in search of为介词短语。

【考题链接】 the website of the Fire Department in your city, and you will learn a lot about firefighting. (2008湖南卷)

A. Having searchedB. To search

C. SearchingD. Search

6. signal

【命题角度】 sign, signal, mark与symbol等词的用法与区别。

【考题链接】 In our class, when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book, it was a for everyone to stand up. (2009湖北卷26)

A. signalB. chance

C. markD. measure

7. reach

【命题角度】 reach vt.; reach to the sky; reach for... (伸手去拿 / 够……); beyond reach;out of / within ones reach。

【考题链接】 It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot easy reach.(2009山东卷33)

A. nearB. upon

C. withinD. around

Always remember to put such dangerous things as knives out of childrens .

A. touchB. sight

C. reachD. distance

8. present

【命题角度】 ① n.“物;目前”。② v.“呈现”。③ adj. 前置时“目前的”;后置时“在场的”。

【考题链接】 All of them try to use the power of the workstation information in a more effective way. (2009北京卷)

A. presentingB. presented

C. being presentedD. to present

9. common

【命题角度】 common“常见的”。in common; common knowledge; have... in common with;ordinary“平常的”;general“普遍的”;normal“正常的”。

【考题链接】 Letter boxes are much more in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instead. (2006浙江卷)

A. commonB. normal

C. ordinaryD. usual

10. puzzled

【命题角度】 puzzle, puzzled与puzzling含义区别。

【考题链接】 The question was so that the girl listened with a expression on her face.

A. puzzling; puzzledB. puzzled; puzzled

C. puzzling; puzzlingD. puzzled; puzzling

11. bury

【命题角度】 bury, buried, burying与burial用法与区别。

【考题链接】 Whats wrong with the boy? I saw him run out of the classroom, with his face in his hands.

A. buryB. burial

C. buryingD. buried

12. desire

【命题角度】 a / ones desire for / to do sth. / that sb. (should) do; desire (sb.) to do; desire that sb. (should) do

【考题链接】 She desired that he these letters after she left.

A. burnedB. burn

C. burnsD. burnt


1. make up2. run after3. in case4. as well as

5. pay off6. due to7. pick up8. a great deal of

9. take off10.take charge of11. make ones way to12. leave out13. look forward to14. make contributions to15. be surrounded by16. step up

17. show up18. take charge of19. look into20. belong to21. set sail22. come across

23. result in24. be in control (of something)

25. look up to


1. 助动词用在谓语动词之前来加强语气,此时谓语动词应为原形;

2. 时态考查 (现在完成时或现在完成进行时);

3. sb. / sth. is said to do / to be done / to be doing / to have done / to have been done;

4. where 引导的定语从句;

5. 省略的考查 (不定式符号后省略情况);

6. 考查疑问词 + ever 与no matter + 疑问词的区别以及whatever与however区别;

7. not... until以及not until 放于句首引起的倒装结构的考查;

8. have sb. do = get sb. to do; have sb. doing = get sb. doing; have sth. done = get sth. done;

9. wish to do; wish sb. to do; wish sb. sth.; wish + 从句(虚拟语气);

10. worth, worthy与worthwhile


1. ―Kevin, you look worried. Anything wrong? (2012重庆卷22)

―Well, I a test and Im waiting for the result.

A. will takeB. took

C. had takenD. take

2. ―Can you believe I had to pay 30 dollars for a haircut?

―You should try the barbers I go. Its only 15. (2010天津卷8)

A. asB. which

C. whereD. that

3. If you have a job, yourself to it and finally youll succeed. (2010 四川卷)

A. do devoteB. dont devote

C. devotingD. not devoting

4. Sam some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it. (2010山东卷)

A. brought upB. looked up

C. picked upD. set up

5. The teacher stressed again that the students should not any important details while retelling the story. ( 2008湖北卷)

A. bring outB. let out

C. leave outD. make out

6. After the Arab states won their independence, much attention was paid to developing education, with girls boys encouraged to go to school.

A. besideB. as well as

C. as wellD. either

7. The athletes years of hard training when she finally won the Olympic gold medal. (2012安徽卷28)

A. went onB. got through

C. paid offD. ended up

8. I guess weve already talked about this before but Ill ask you again just .

A. by natureB. in return

C. in caseD. by chance

9. My mother opened the drawer to the knives and spoons. (2010全国卷II)

A. put awayB. put up

C. put onD. put together

10. My son is seeing you again, Tom. After all, you havent seen each other for 8 years.

A. looking forward toB. looking into

C. looking up toD. owing to

11. Dont worry. The hard work that you do now later in life. (2012湖南卷22)

A. has been repaidB. was being repaid

C. will be repaidD. was repaid

12. To improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestions had used the products. (2010重庆卷)

A. whoeverB. who

C. whicheverD. which

13. American Indians about five percent of the U.S. population.

A. fill upB. bring up

C. make upD. set up

14. It was not until I came here I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather. (2012湖南卷30)

A. whoB. that

C. whereD. before

15. Just as the clothes a person wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house his personality.

A. resemblesB. strengthens

C. reflectsD. shapes

Module 3


1. panic2. combine3. glance4. relief

5. observe6. contribution7. raise8. concern9. distinguish10. differ11. ruin12. access13. complain14. recognize15. attach

16. indicate17. ruin18. employ19. occupy

20. declare


1. therefore

【命题角度】 adv.“因此;因而;所以”以及与so辨析。

【考题链接】 What a terrible experience! , youre safe now―thats the main thing. (2013江西卷24)

A. AnywayB. Besides

C. OtherwiseD. Therefore

2. panic

【命题角度】 基本含义以及短语的搭配 in (a) panic; panic sb. into doing sth.; panic over / about; get into a panic以及同义词的辨析。

【考题链接】 “Tommy, run! Be quick! The house is on fire!” the mother shouted, with clearly in her voice. (2011湖北卷21)

A. angerB. rudeness

C. regretD. panic

3. combine

【命题角度】 combine vt. combine A with B; vi. combine with; combination n. 及同义词辨析。

【考题链接】 ―In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.(2010福建卷33)

―I cant agree more. Its great to have the two .

A. linkedB. related

C. connectedD. combined

4. glance

【命题角度】 基本含义、短语的搭配以及与易混词组的辨析 glance at / stare at / glare at / look at / gaze at

【考题链接】 He his watch and left in a hurry.

A. stared atB. watched

C. glared atD. glanced at

5. contribution

【命题角度】 contribute to有助于,促成,是……的原因之一;名词词组make a contribution / contributions to sth. / doing sth., 其中to为介词。

【考题链接】 Eating too much fat can heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

A. attend toB. devote to

C. dedicated toD. contribute to

6. raise

【命题角度】 及物动词raise的多层含义:举起;提高;提出;抚养;募集等以及与不及物动词rise的用法辨析。

【考题链接】 One Monday morning, while the sun was in the east, we watched the national flag to the top of the pole.

A. raising; raiseB. rising; being raised

C. raising; riseD. rising; being risen

7. indicate

【命题角度】 indicate一词多义;“表明,表示”;“暗示,指示”以及同义词的辨析。

【考题链接】 A red sky at night fine weather the following day.

A. includesB. reflects

C. indicatesD. decides

8. declare

【命题角度】 “(向公众) 正式宣布”,侧重当众发表,与announce辨析。

【考题链接】 At the conference, the Chinese foreign minister his opinion that China was strongly against the terrorism.

A. declaredB. announced

C. startedD. showed

9. relief

【命题角度】 relief n. 减轻,缓解,轻松,宽慰,救济。give relief to减轻;to ones relief使某人感到宽慰的是……;relieve v.

【考题链接】 ―Dont worry, Mum. The doctor said it was only the flu. (2012江苏卷)

―! Ill tell Dad theres nothing serious.

A. What a reliefB. Congratulations

C. How surprisingD. Im so sorry

Those who suffer from headache will find they get from this medicine.

A. reliefB. safety

C. defenseD. shelter

10. access

【命题角度】 access vt. / n. accessible adj. way、passage与approach辨析。

【考题链接】 The system has been designed to give students quick and easy to the digital resources of the library. (2009浙江卷6)

A. accessB. passage

C. wayD. approach


1. in sight2. make sense3. pay back4. make progress5. cant help doing6. feed on7. consist of8.pick up9. depend on10. turn into11. contribute to12. take over13. carry out

14. in return15. in memory of16. wish for

17. reach out18. watch out for19. roll up

20. be made up of21. name after22. take control of23. lead to24. ought to25. differ from

26. stand for27. rise up against28. stand in ones path29. come down with30. aside from


1. 名词性(主语、宾语、表语)从句的运用;it作形式主语或形式宾语;

2. 主谓一致用法;

3. with + O + doing / done / to do / adj. / adv. / 介短


1. I am sure David will be able to find the library―he has a pretty good of direction.

A. ideaB. feeling

C. experienceD. sense

2. We promise attends the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star. (2012福建卷35)

A. whoB. whom

C. whoeverD. whomever

3. The plan is perfect, but it will be very difficult .

A. to carry onB. to be carried on

C. to carry outD. to be carried out

4. Everyone in the village is very friendly. It doesnt matter you have lived there for a short or a long time. (2012湖南卷26)

A. whyB. how

C. whetherD. when

5. It is said that he will his fathers business when he has enough experience to manage it.

A. take overB. hand over

C. go overD. think over

6. Bad habits are easily while good ones are hard to develop.

A. took upB. picked up

C. made upD. caught up

7. Modern science has given clear evidence smoking can lead to many diseases. (2011天津卷13)

A. whatB. which

C. thatD. where

8. I really dont know how many paragraphs the passage .

A. makes upB. consists of

C. bases onD. refers to

9. He seems to be giving the impression that he didnt enjoy himself in Paris. , he had a wonderful time. (2012江西卷34)

A. Above allB. Whats more

C. As a resultD. On the contrary

10. ―I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.

―Thats I dont agree. You should have a more active life.

A. whereB. how

C. whenD. what

11. It was never clear the man hadnt reported the accident sooner. (2011江苏卷26)

A. thatB. how

C. whenD. why

12. ―I dont know whether I should go abroad or not, Mum.

―I leave to your own judgment whether you should do it.

A. thatB. it

C. thisD. what

13. It is not always easy for the public to see use a new invention can be of to human life. (2011重庆卷34)

A. whoseB. what

C. whichD. that

14. Such poets as Shakespeare widely read, of those works, however, some difficult to understand.

A. are; isB. is; is

C. are; areD. is; are

15. With some books he needed , he went into the bookstore quickly.

A. to buyB. bought

C. buyingD. buy

Module 4


1. appeal2. comment3. cure4. comment

5. recommend6. convenience7. aim8. origin9. trick10. design11. determine12. persuade

13. urge14. significance15. attempt16. compete17. precious18. honour19. otherwise20. power21. promote22. impression23. accuse24. escape


1. meanwhile

【命题角度】 n. / adv. = meantime;n. / adv. 另一方面;与此同时;in the meanwhile = in the meantime

【考题链接】 It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner. , Ill set the table. (2013浙江卷14)

A. As a resultB. On the whole

C. In the meanwhileD. As a matter of fact

2. appeal

【命题角度】 appeal to sth.; appeal (to sb.) for sth.; appeal to sb. to do sth.; appeal against sth.;和make an appeal to sb.用法。

【考题链接】 ―How did you like Nicks performance last night? (2010安徽卷23)

―To be honest, his singing didnt to me much.

A. appealB. belong

C. referD. occur

3. deal with

【命题角度】 deal with在疑问句中常用疑问词how; do with在疑问句中常用疑问词what。

【考题链接】 In many peoples opinion, that company, though relatively small, is pleasant . (2010四川卷11)

A. to deal withB. dealing with

C. to be dealt withD. dealt with

4. otherwise

【命题角度】 含蓄条件句就是有时假设的情况没有用if从句表示出来,而是通过without, but for等介词引出的短语或是由副词otherwise,连词but等引导的短语或上下文表示出来。

【考题链接】 Queen Elizabeth Ⅱis often to be richest woman in the world. , her personal wealth seems rather small. (2012安徽卷34)

A. BesidesB. Otherwise

C. HoweverD. Altogether

Bicycling is good exercise; , it does not pollute the air. (2012湖南卷24)

A. neverthelessB. besides

C. otherwiseD. therefore

5. 情态动词+ have done 表示对过去发生事情的猜测语气

【命题角度】 根据语境,不同情态动词+have done的不同含义

【相关短语】 must have done 对过去事情的肯定猜测,一定做……;should / ought to have done 本应该做……(实际上没做);can / could have done 可能做……(上下文有依据,可能性较大);may / might have done可能做……(可能性较小)

【考题链接】 Since nobody gave him any help, he have done the research on his own. (2013全国卷26)

A. canB. must

C. wouldD. need

The children lost in the woods; otherwise, they would have been at the lakeside camp as scheduled. (2013陕西卷21)

A. must have gotB. must get

C. should have gotD. should get

Jack described his father, who a brave boy, many years ago, as a strongwilled man. (2010安徽卷32)

A. would beB. would have been

C. must beD. must have been

―Happy birthday! (2012江苏卷35)

―Thank you! Its the best present I for.

A. should have wishedB. must have wished

C. may have wishedD. could have wished

6. get across

【命题角度】 与其他类似结构的区别:get across (使) 被理解,(使) 被接受;get through打通 (电话) 通过,完成;get over 越过,克服;get in 收割;get along with与……相处;进展; get away逃离;get back返回,回来。

【考题链接】 There are lots of different ways to your message when you are putting together an ad campaign.

A. get; throughB. get; over

C. get; inD. get; across

7. bring sb. / sth. back to life

【命题角度】 与其他词组用法和辨析:bring up养育;呕吐;bring out阐明;出版;bring in引进;引入;bring down减少;bring back带回来;回忆起;bring about导致;引起。

【考题链接】 The government has taken measures to the high prices of daily goods to keep the market reliable. (2011湖北卷29)

A. take downB. bring down

C. hand downD. tear down

Born into a family with three brothers, David was to value the sense of sharing. (2011福建卷31)

A. brought upB. turned down

C. looked afterD. held back

8. persuade

【命题角度】 persuade“说服,劝服”+ sb. to do (或者into doing) sth.;“使 (某人) 相信”+ sb. of sth.或者that从句以及和其他动词的辨析。

【考题链接】 If she doesnt want to go, nothing you can say will her. (2012全国卷35)

A. persuadeB. promise

C. inviteD. support

9. not only... but also...

【命题角度】 not only... but also...中but或者also可以省略;连接主语时不倒装,主谓一致就近原则,连接其他成分位于句首时,句子要部分倒装。

【考题链接】 The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only , but students became more interested in the lessons. (2009全国卷31)

A. saved was teachers energy

B. was teachers energy saved

C. teachers energy was saved

D. was saved teachers energy


1. be used to2. even if3. be aware of4. fall for

5. play tricks on6. trick sb. into doing sth.

7. appeal to8. deal with9. be concerned about10. be satisfied with11. get sth. across12. be involved in13. in honor of14. play a role in

15. be bored with16. give out17. make contributions to18. make way for19. be connected with20. be accused of21. set up22. come across

23. be set in24. add to25. put forward26. upon doing27. last but not least28. keep sth. under control


1. 情态动词相关应用;

2. 被动语态。


1. The newly published book, which refers basic English grammar, is only for beginners.

A. as; meantB. for; intended

C. to; plannedD. to; intended

2. I use a clock to wake me up because at six oclock each morning the train comes by my house. (2012全国卷30)

A. couldntB. mustnt

C. shouldntD. neednt

3. There a lot of coal mines in the south, but many of them have been closed or are be closed.

A. use to having; about to

B. used to be; to

C. use to having; going to

D. used to be; supposed to

4. I tried phoning her office, but I couldnt .

A. get alongB. get on

C. get throughD. get to

5. He left the place, never back again.

A. determined; to come

B. being determined; to come

C. determined; coming

D. determining; coming

6. ―Id like a table for six.

―Sorry, sir, but we dont have any tables right now.

A. usableB. suitable

C. comfortableD. available

7. One of our rules is that every student wear school uniform while at school. (2012辽宁卷24)

A. mightB. could

C. shallD. will

8. Also when you write your goals in a particular way you are able to make yourself continuously situations that will bring you nearer to your goal.

A. aware ofB. worried about

C. familiar withD. accustomed to

9. Washington, a state in the United States, was named one of the greatest American presidents.

A. in honor ofB. by means of

C. in search ofD. in need of

10. I got close enough to hear them speaking Chinese, and I said “Ni Hao” just as I do in China. (2012四川卷19)

A. mustB. might

C. canD. should

11. ―She felt so sorry that she burst into tears.

―Id rather you her all about that.

A. didnt tellB. hadnt told

C. not tellD. wont tell

12. Unluckily I dont have a lot of memories of my childhood. There were no good friends, no amazing adventures, and no wonderful holidays.

A. persuasiveB. ordinary

C. fantasticD. honorable

13. Liu Qian, a magician for Taiwan, audience of thousands on the 2009 CCTV Spring Festival Show.

A. appealed toB. applied for

C. approved ofD. appointed with

14. It was only when I reread his poems recently I began to appreciate their beauty.

A. untilB. when

C. thatD. after

15. ―The trip shouldnt take more than an hour.(2012陕西卷21)

―. It is at least two hours.

A. I guess so

B. Thats it

C. You must be joking

D. It depends


Module 1


1. D2. D3. D4. C5. A6. C7. C8. B B9. B10. C


1―5 BCBBB6―10 ACDDB11―15 BBCDD

Module 2


1. B2. B3. A B4. C C A5. D6. A7. C C8. D9. A10. A11. D12. B


1―5 BCACC6―10 BCCAA11―15 CACBC

Module 3


1. A2. D3. D4. D5. D6. B7.C8. A9. A A10. A


1―5 DCCCA6―10 BCBDA11―15 DBBCA

Module 4


1. C2. A3. A4. C B5. B A D D6. D7. B A8. A9. B


1―5 DDBCA6―10 DCAAB11―15 BCACC