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1. - Where did you go last night?

- I ___ to go to Liujun's birthday party.(郑州市)

A. asked B. am asked

C. have been asked D. was asked

【评析】 问句Where did you go last night(昨天晚上你去了哪里),答句中省略时间状语last night,因此答句中应该用一般过去时态。然后再判断主语I与动词ask的关系。从句意“我被邀请去参加Liujun的生日晚会”判断,主语I应该是承受者,此题属于在语境中考查一般过去式的被动语态,正确答案选D。

2.- Why does Joe look so ______ today?

- Because she has got an"A"in her English test.


A. excitingB. sadC. happy D. angry

【评析】 此题考查的语言点是look做系动词,译为“显得,看起来”,后面应该跟形容词。4个答案均为形容词,因此答案暗示在语境She has got an"A"in her English test中,自然排除B、D,而exciting是“令人兴奋,令人激动”的意思,主语通常是物,因此正确答案选C。

3.- Do you think Brazil will beat Japan in World Cup


- Yes. They have better players , so I _____ them

to win. (武汉市)

A. hope B. preferC. expect D. want

【评析】 此题是在语境中考查动词的用法。从词法上看hope sb. to do sth.是错误的,因此A不对,从提供语境They have better players 看词意hope和expect都对,综合起来正确答案选C。


1.The teacher said we needed to choose three _____ for the school concert. (乌鲁木齐市)

A. farmers B. doctors

C. driversD. singers

【评析】此题表面上看好像在考查名词的复数,但仔细一看4个名词的复数形式全部正确,实际上就是考查语境下的词意,句中暗含语the school concert,因此答案选D。

2.- What happened to you this morning?

- The teacher asked me for my ___ when I was

late again. (荣城市)

A. meaningB. ideaC. excuseD. answer

【评析】 此题表面上考查词的辨析与词类,实际上是考查词的基本含义和在特定语境中的含义,excuse、answer既可以做动词又可以做名词,正确答案选C。此时的excuse是名词,意思是“理由、借口”。




A. I will start today.

B. But in fact,I'm feeling a little tired these days.

C. When the weather is warmer, I'll do it.

D. Very well, thank you.

E. Never better, Henry.

F. I get more exercises than you. And I'm more

careful about my diet.

G. Henry, and you are heavier than you used to be.

Man: Hello, Susan. How is everything in New York?

Lady: ① How are you?How is the family?

Man: Everyone's fine. ②

Lady: You're getting older. ③

Man: Everyone gets older. But you look younger than ever. What's your secret(秘密)?

Lady: There is no secret. ④ You should too.

Man: You are right. ⑤

Lady: No, Henry. You should start now.

Man: Okey. ⑥ Thank you for the advice.

【评析】 解答口语应用题,一定要先通读两遍,了解其大概交流内容。这段对话从问候How is everything...开始谈到保持年轻的秘密是锻炼,很平常的一段对话,贴近生活,容易读懂,然后再细读,寻找上下句的语境暗示。

①How is everything in New York ?问在纽约的情况怎么样,所给答案只有Never better, Henry可以回答,其余答案语意相差太远。

②How are you? How is the family ?问朋友及家人身体状况,且已作回答Everyone is fine,所给答案能回答身体状况的只有B和D。如果选D,就与答句Everyone is fine重复,因此只能选B。But与前句Everyone is fine 形成转折。I'm feeling a little tired these days引出下文You're getting older。


④Lady说“There is no secret”,凭常识自然容易想到“锻炼和节食”,因此④只能选F,同时建议朋友也应该这么做。






Maybe you are more interested in sports than in history. You probably think you will never be a top student. In ① , anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. If you can use your time well, you may improve your study ② much work. Here's how:

Plan your time carefully. When you plan your week time, you should make a ③of things that you have to do. First write down the time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide on a good time for studying. Of course, studying shouldn't take all of your time. Don't forget to leave yourself enough ④ for hobbies.

Find a good place to study. Look around the house ⑤ a good study place. Keep this space, which may be a desk ⑥ just a corner of your room. No games, radio, or television! When you sit down to work , think only about the subject!

Make good use of your time in class. Listen ⑦ to what the teacher says. Careful listening in class means less work later. You also need to take notes in class, because it can ⑧it easier for you to learn well.

There are only a few ways mentioned here to ⑨ you with your studying. I believe you will find ⑩ other ways besides these.

【评析】 短文填空首先必须读通大意。本文的关键句是If you can use your time well, you may improve your study ②much work, 而②是读懂文章最关键的一词,要准确填写这一关键词,必须根据前后语境,尤其是后面3段的大语境:1.Plan your time carefully. 2.Find a good place to study. 3.Make good use of your time in class. 只要做到这3点,用不着大量的作业和工作,就可以提高学习成绩,但很多考生没有注意到整个文段的语境,只是孤立看一句话“如果利用好时间,通过努力工作就可以提高学习成绩”,因此考生易填上with或through。①fact②without③plan 。实际上④、⑤、⑥都属于语境考题,要准确填词,务必弄清前后语境暗示与联系。又如:Of course, studying shouldn't take all of your time (当然,学习不应该占用你的所有时间),自然就会联想到“留时间做……”leave time for...因此④应该填time。look around the house的目的就是为了a good study place,因此填上for表目的。⑤for,相当于to find,与前面语境find a good place to study吻合。

最后一句I believe you'll find⑩other ways besides these,结合前面语境There are only a few ways mentioned here 中的only a few,很容易想到some或many。⑥or⑦carefully⑧make⑨help⑩many/some