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摘 要:英国是世界上高等教育质量保障体系建立较早和较为完善的国家之一,对科研质量、科研人员、科研成果评估评价的实践开展

>> 英国高校科研评价体系演变:从raeref REF与科研评价趋向 从SCI看科研评价体系 澳大利亚高校科研评价体系及其借鉴 职业高校科研评价体系建设管见 浅析英国科研评估体系 全球科研评价体系的演进与发展 英国REF评估框架研究 关于高校教师科研评价的若干思考 关于教学型高校科研评价的思考 西部地区地方高校科研评价体系调查研究 高校科研评价体系之问题及其实现策略浅析 辽宁省高校科研评价指标体系构建研究 从英国到香港 论以“SCI”影响因子作为科研评价体系标尺的局限性 我国科研评价体系的现状与思考 应用型大学科研评价体系的构建 创新优势学科平台 完善科研评价体系 对高校人文社会科学科研评价的思考 高校科研评价制度改革途径探析 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

[8]HEFCE(2000), Review of research. Report 00/37. Bristol, UK: HEFCE. [EB/OL]http://www.hefce.ac.uk/pubs/hefce/2000/00_37.htm.

[9]Kerr, D., A. Lines, A. MacDonald, & L. Andrews (1998), Mapping education research in England: An analysis of the 1996 Research Assessment Exercise. Bristol, UK: HEFCE. [EB/OL]http://www.hefce.ac.uk/pubs/hefce/1998/98_25.htm.

[10]HEFCE(2003b), Circular letter 10/2003. Bristol, UK: HEFCE. [EB/OL]http://www.hefce.ac.uk/pubs/circlets/2003/c110_03.htm.

[11]HEFCE(2008), About us. HEFCE. [EB/OL]http://www.rae.ac.uk/aboutus/history.asp.

[12]The results of RAE 2008. [EB/OL]http://results.ref.ac.uk/DownloadResults.

[13]HEFCE(2009), Recurrent grants for 2009-10. Bristol, UK: HEFCE. [EB/OL][2009-09-08]http://www.hefce.ac.uk/pubs/hefce/2009/09_08/.

[14] The results of REF 2014. [EB/OL]http://results.ref.ac.uk/DownloadResults.

[15] Stand Up for Research of University and College Union. [EB/OL]http://.uk/events.

[16] Simon Smith, Vicky Ward, & Allan House. ‘Impact’ in the proposals for the UK’s Research Excellence Framework: Shifting the boundaries of academic autonomy[J]. Research Policy, 2011(40): 1369-1379.

[17]Peter Gilroy,Olwen McNamara. A critical history of research assessment in the United Kingdom and its post-1992 impact on education[J].Journal of Education for Teaching: International research and pedagogy, 2009,35(4): 321-335.
