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Getting Started

I started volunteering when I was in the sixth form[年级]. I joined SVP注 with a few of my friends and we would spend a couple of lunchtimes a week at a local primary school, organising activities for the children and supervising[指导] them. It was something different to do; we thought it would be fun and look good on our CVs[履历,Curriculum Vitae].

While I was at university, my mum joined a local centre for Riding for the Disabled Association[协会](RDA) and volunteered as a helper, supervising the disabled children and adults. Whenever I went home during the week I would help with the children’s session[集体,集合], either supporting a child at the side of a pony or leading a pony. I rode from an early age so I’m very comfortable working with horses and know how to handle them. Being a part of RDA has enabled me to combine my love of animals with my love of working with children.

Nothing quite gives me the same satisfaction as volunteering. What you don’t notice at the time is how much difference it can also make to you. I have watched children at the riding centre as they progress into confident riders―it’s nice to know I helped them achieve that. It’s amazing how much difference an hour or two a week can make to someone.

Volunteering Abroad

I also became involved in the Campaigns[(政治或商业性)活动] Forum at university, and was particularly active in the Student Stop AIDS group. This led me onto various voluntary[志愿的] roles.

In my third year I heard about a trip to Kenya being organised for July and August of the upcoming summer. The trip involved helping to build a health centre in aid of[用以援助] Widows[寡妇] and Orphans International in association with[与……联合] The Kenyan Orphan Project. Each student going had to raise £500 for the cost of materials for the building. I signed up for the trip with a group of friends. I’d always wanted to go to Kenya as my dad was born and spent his childhood there, and I grew up listening to stories about the country. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to see some of the country, go to the areas that the tourists don’t see and do some completely different voluntary work. I also wanted to use some of the Swahili I’d been taught growing up.

The trip to Kenya is something that I’ll never forget. Going there, meeting the people, witnessing their generosity[慷慨] and doing something, no matter how small, was such an amazing experience. The harsh reality that the people (particularly the street orphans) have to face is something that I’d never had to contemplate[沉思] before. It was a very humbling[令人羞辱的] experience and affected[感动] everyone on the trip. None of us could really put into words our reactions at seeing the street orphans and the generosity that the widows of a local village had shown us.

Volunteering for Me

Since the trip to Kenya, I have wanted to do voluntary work that engages[引起兴趣] me, benefits others and would help further my career. I am now a volunteer at a local museum. My work at the museum has given me unique opportunities to get marketing, research, design and photography experience.

I am gaining skills and insight[洞察力] into life that, without volunteering, I simply would not have. It has enabled me to do work that I love and that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to do as a graduate with limited experience. Volunteering has got me out of comfortable lazy habits and the endless routine[例行公事] of applying for[申请] jobs that many graduates become trapped in. From a career perspective[观点], voluntary work is a brilliant way of gaining valuable skills and experience, but personally it has shown me different walks of life[各行各业], given me amazing experiences and provided me with a unique perspective on life. I would not be who I am today without it.



我上大学期间,妈妈加入了当地一个为残疾人骑马协会(RDA)服务的中心,负责指导身患残疾的大人小孩。每周回到家,我都会去儿童组帮忙。我会在小马旁 边帮助小孩子,或者在前面牵马。我自小就开始骑马,所以和马匹相处得很愉快,我也知道如何驾驭它们。我喜欢动物,也爱和孩子在一起,成为RDA的一份子让我能够将两者结合起来。









注:圣文森特德保罗协会(Saint Vincent de Paul Society)是一个国际罗马天主教志愿团体,自1844年开始活跃于英格兰和威尔士。