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一、“领头”的是介词时,后面的非谓语用v-ing形式。另外,be / get used to(习惯于),look forward to(盼望),pay attention to(注意),stick to(坚持)等短语中的to属于介词,因此后面的非谓语也都是用v-ing形式。


used to,have to,be able to,ought to,in order to,so as to等短语中的to属于不定式符号,后面要接动词原形。


1. (2016年武威卷) We talked about _____ new words.

A. learn B. learned

C. learning D. to learn

2. (2016年西宁卷) I hope everyone can care about _____ the environment and stop _____ things.

A. protecting; wasting

B. protecting; to waste

C. protect; wasting

D. protect; to waste

3. (2016年六盘水卷) My father used to drive to work, but he is used to _____ now.

A. walking B. walked

C. walks D. walk

4. (2016年齐齐哈尔卷) After dinner, he used to _____ computer games, but now he is used to _____.

A. play; walk B. playing; walking

C. play; walking

5. (2016年陕西卷) Students should pay attention to _____ the teacher in class instead of _____ something useless.

A. listen to; doing B. listen to; do

C. listening; doing D. listening to; doing

6. (2016年龙东卷) My grandfather _____ live in the countryside, but now he _____ living in the city.

A. used to; used to

B. got used to; gets used to

C. used to; gets used to

Key: 1~5 CAACD 6. C



1. (2016年上海卷) After she finished _____ the story, Alice wrote a review for her school newspaper.

A. read B. reads

C. to read D. reading

2. (2016年长沙卷) ―Janes spoken English is pretty good.

―Yeah, she works hard and practices _____ it both in and out of class.

A. spoke B. to spoke

C. speaking

3. (2016年兰州卷) The fridge doesnt work. Why not consider _____ a new one?

A. buy B. bought

C. to buy D. buying

Key: 1~3 DCD

三、“I头”的是busy,worth等形容词及短语feel like时,后面的非谓语用v-ing形式,分别表示“忙于做某事”“某事值得做”和“想要做某事”。


1. (2016年衡阳卷) The novel is great. Its well worth _____.

A. read B. reads

C. reading

2. (2016年巴中卷) Tina is busy ______ at school, but she never forgets ______ her mother every day.

A. work; to call

B. working; to call

C. working; calling

3. (2016年齐齐哈尔卷) We feel like _____ some food and drink because well invite some friends _____ in a party.

A. buying; to join

B. to buy; joining

C. buying; join

Key: 1~3 CBA



1. (2016年天津卷) I wanted to see the Beijing Opera, so Lingling offered _____ me to watch an opera.

A. took B. takes

C. to take D. taking

2. (2016年攀枝花卷) Tom has decided _____ a part-time job after he graduates from school.

A. do B. to do

C. did D. doing

3. (2016年上海卷) I cant tell you what she said. Ive promised _____ it a secret.

A. keep B. to keep

C. keeping D. kept

4. (2016年邵阳卷) She said she hoped _____ her daughter.

A. to see B. you to see

C. seeing

5. (2016年广东卷) Leonardo DiCaprio, a famous American actor, was always expecting _____ an Oscar and finally he made it.

A. to win B. winning

C. not to win D. not winning

6. (2016年张家界卷) If we want _____ to a good college, wed better study hard.

A. go B. going

C. to go

7. (2016年重cA卷) You should ask Bob _____ his own clothes. He is ten years old now.

A. wash B. washes

C. washing D. to wash

8. (2016年临沂卷) These people dress themselves in bloody shark suits. They tell people _____ shark fins in order to protect sharks.

A. eat B. to eat

C. not eat D. not to eat

9. (2016年南充卷) My parents dont allow me _____ late.

A. stay up B. to stay up

C. stays up D. staying up

10. (2016年郴州卷) ―Why are you so excited?

―Nancy invited me _____ on a trip on Dongjiang Lake just now.

A. to go B. go

C. going

11. (2016年苏州卷) Our teacher often advises us _____ the habit of making notes while reading.

A. to develop B. develop

C. to developing D. developing

Key: 1~5 CBBAA 6~10 CDDBA 11. A

五、“领头”的是have, make, let等“使役动词”时,后面接不带to的不定式做宾语补足语,表示“使/让某人做某事”。




1. (2016年济宁卷) The show was so funny that it made everyone _____ again and again.

A. laugh B. laughed

C. laughing D. to laugh

2. (2016年安顺卷) Though he often made his little sister _____, today he was made _____ by his little sister.

A. cry; to cry B. crying; crying

C. cry; cry D. to cry; cry

3. (2016年齐齐哈尔卷) Lets _____ noise. Someone is sleeping.

A. not make B. not making

C. not to make

Key: 1~3 AAA

六、why not,had better,would rather等固定用法后面接不带to的不定式。


1. (2016年宜宾卷) Its getting dark. Youd better _____ out by yourself. Its dangerous.

A. not go B. not to go

C. to go

2. (2016年郴州卷) ―I feel upset because Im too heavy.

―_____ do more exercise to lose some weight?

A. Why dont B. Why not

C. Why not to

3. (2016年荆门卷) ―My uncle is against wasting anything.

―No wonder he would rather _____ the old bike than _____ a new one.

A. repair; to buy B. to repair; buy

C. repair; buy D. to repair; to buy

4. (2016年兰州卷) ―Are you going swimming this afternoon?

―Id rather _____ with you.

A. to go shopping B. go shoping

C. to go shoping D. go shopping

Key: 1~4 ABCD

七、“领头”的是“It takes sb. ...”“Its kind of sb. ...”“Its necessary for sb. ...”和“It is + 名词……”等句型时,后面都要接带to的不定式做句子的真实主语。


1. (2016年绥化卷) Its our duty _____ our hometown clean and beautiful. We must do something for it.

A. keeping B. keeps

C. to keep

2. (2016年S石卷) Mount Xiaolei is not far away from here, but it will still take us a few hours _____ there by bike.

A. getting B. to get

C. got D. get

Key: 1~2 CB


stop doing sth. 表示“停止做某事”;stop to do sth. 表示“停下来去做另一件事”。

forget doing sth. 表示“忘记做过某事”;forget to do sth. 表示“忘记去做某事”。

remember doing sth. 表示“记得做过某事”;remember to do sth. 表示“记着去做某事”。


1. (2016年襄阳卷) ―I think you should stop _____ him in English.

―I see. He cant understand English at all. Let me try in French.

A. talking to B. to talk to

C. talk to D. to talking to

2. (2016年青岛卷) We have worked so long. Shall we stop _____ a rest?

A. have B. to having

C. having D. to have

3. (2016年黄冈卷) ―Im sorry, Mr. Hu. I _____ my English exercise book at home.

―It doesnt matter. Please remember _____ it here this afternoon.

A. forgot; to bring B. left; to take

C. forgot; to take D. left; to bring

4. (2016年黔东南卷) I remember _____ to Beijing when I was a child.

A. to take B. taking

C. to be taken D. being taken

Key: 1~4 ADDD

九、“领头”的是see, watch, notice, hear等感官动词时,后面的宾语补足语既可接不带to的不定式,也可接v-ing形式。区别在于:




look at和listen to后的宾语补足语的用法同上。


1. (2016年呼和浩特卷) ―I tried to make Alice _____ her mind but I found it difficult.

―Well, I saw you _____ that when I went past.

A. changed; do B. changes; doing

C. change; to do D. change; doing

2. (2016年东卷) I often hear the little girl _____ the piano in the next room.

A. practicing playing

B. practice to play

C. practice playing

Key: 1~2 DC



1. ―Have you decided _____ your winter vacation in the countryside?

―Not yet. My parents once said they would bring me to Beijing.

A. to spend B. spending

C. spend D. spent

2. ―What did Liu Ying say just now?

―She said she hoped _____ enough money to buy a new house.

A. make B. to make

C. making D. makes

3. ―What did Linda tell Peter a moment ago?

―She told him that she was planning _____ a house nearby.

A. rents B. rented

C. renting D. to rent

4. Do you think you can manage _____ us some tickets for tomorrows film?

A. get B. getting

C. to get D. got

5. ―Sam said he would help me with my math.

―Dont always trust him. Sometimes he even pretends _____ friendly with you.

A. being B. to be

C. is D. was

6. When our visit to the Science Museum was over, we expected _____ back on foot.

A. start B. starting

C. to start D. started

7. ―Shall we go swimming in the river in front of my house?

―I hear the water in it is very deep, so I am afraid I am not able to _____ in it.

A. swum B. swimming

C. swims D. swim

8. Though I understood his words, I found it really difficult to make myself _____.

A. understood B. understand

C. understanding D. to understand

9. ―Is this the washing machine _____ in China?

―Yes. Its a new type of one.

A. make B. made

C. making D. to make

10. ―I dont feel like _____ anything, but I dont know why.

―Perhaps something is wrong with your stomach.

A. to eat B. eating

C. eat D. eaten

11. ―I hear John worked hard when he was young.

―Yes. He used to _____ up early and _____ late at night.

A. get; study B. getting; study

C. get; studying D. getting; studying

12. ―You often help Tom with his math lessons, dont you?

―Yes. As his best friend, I ought to _____ him.

A. helped B. helping

C. help D. helps

13. ―On _____ the news the boy jumped with joy.

―The news must be very exciting.

A. hear B. to hear

C. heard D. hearing

14. ―Look at the woman _____! No one runs more slowly than her, I think.

―Dont laugh at her. She is my neighbor. She is more than ninety!

A. run B. to run

C. to running D. ran

15. ―What does the sentence “Sit on top of the mountain to watch the tigers _____” mean?

―Sorry, I dont know. Im not good at English, you know.

A. to fight B. fought

C. to fighting D. fight

16. Dont let children who are too young _____ the busy street alone. Its dangerous.

A. across B. to cross

C. cross D. to crossing

17. ―I think you shouldnt have your daughter _____ up very late.

―Thank you for your advice. She is very naughty and plays computer games every night.

A. to stay B. stay

C. staying D. stays

18. ―What does John do in the training class?

―He practices _____ with the help of his teacher.

A. draw B. drew

C. to draw D. drawing

19. ―What did you do after the teacher had explained the new words and expressions?

―We then listened to Mary _____ them written on the blackboard.

A. reads B. read

C. to reading D. to read

20. The two students are busy _____ their math exercises in the classroom.

A. doing B. to doing

C. done D. to do

21. ―Why not _____ a try once more?

―Thats a good idea.

A. having B. to have

C. had D. have

22. ―What should I do at the dinner party, mum?

―Youd better _____ too much.

A. not to saying or eating

B. not saying or eating

C. not to say and to eat

D. not say or eat

23. ―Did Mr. Reed tell you how soon he would leave?

―No. He didnt even tell me whether _____ or _____.

A. leave; stay B. to leave; stay

C. leave; to stay D. to leave; staying

24. ―Mary dances best in our school.

―I agree. Ill never forget _____ her dance for the first time.

A. seeing B. to see

C. see D. seen

25. ―Mr. White bought his two-year-old daughter a new computer yesterday.

―But such a little girl doesnt know how _____ it, I guess.

A. using B. use

C. to use D. to using

26. The young husband and wife have decided to have a look at the house by the lake and see whether it might be worth _____.

A. to be buying B. to buy

C. bought D. buying

27. Its very important and necessary for us students _____ a foreign language.

A. learning B. to learn

C. to learning D. learn

28. It takes my father about 30 minutes _____ or 10 minutes by bus to get to his office.

A. walking B. walk

C. to walk D. walks

29. ―Do you enjoy _____ questions in English in class?

―Yes, but in poor English.

A. asking B. ask

C. to ask D. to asking

30. Its polite of the young man _____ his seat to an old woman on the bus.

A. giving B. give

C. gave D. to give