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摘 要:本文先界定词块教学的概念,再介绍词块教学在初中英语听说读写教学中的运用。

关键词:词块 初中英语 教学 运用


1.词块:词块就是在语言交流中以整体形式频繁出现的固定或半固定短语搭配和惯用话语。通常分成四类:(1)多词词,如in a word,for instance等;(2)高频搭配组合,如have a walk,它们是自然言语中频繁出现的词汇组合;(3)固定表达,如Can you tell me the way to...? (4)半固定表达,如:make hay while the sun shines.






(1)交通方式:take the train, take the bus, take the subway, ride a bike, walk;

by train, by bus, by subway, by bike, on foot;

(2)方位:go along…, turn right, on the left, in front of, at the back of;



(1)问路:How do I get to …? / Can you tell me the way to ..?/ Excuse me, where + is + …? / How long does it take to…?/ How far is it from… to …?

(2)指路:Go straight ahead. /Go along ... / Go across …/ Turn left/right into …/ It’s opposite/on the corner of… / between … and …



(1)外表:be tall/short/ fat/slim/ smart/handsome/beautiful/pretty;

(2)爱好:like reading, be fond of travelling, play basketball/football well, love playing computer games, go flying kites;

(3)性格:be helpful/ patient/ brave/ careful;

(4)取得成就:win the first prize in the speech contest, take the first play of competition;



(1)目标词汇:hobby, in my spare/free time, be interested in, be fond of, enjoy doing, take exercises, dance to music, play the violin, listen to music, collect stamps/ keep healthy/ relax myself/ help…with…/ go on a trip;

(2)重点句型:Why not go out and do…?/…must be great fun!/ …is of great value./ I used to enjoy…, but now I love…/ They are popular with young people./ …is my favorite hobby./ I would rather…than…/ have a good time

若作文题目是“请你以My free Time为题,用80词描述一下自己的课余生活”,则可用到上述的词块。范文如下:

I have a lot of things to do in my free time. Usually I take exercises after school. I like basketball and volleyball very much. Sports help me to keep healthy andstudy better. I often watch IV or do some reading in the evening. Sometimes I listen to music for a while. I find it a good way to relax myself. Of course, I help parents with the housework at the weekends. I clean the house, wash clothes and learn cooking. Sometimes I go on a field trip with my friends . We always have a good time!



[1] 吕良环“谈英语词块教学内容的组织”《中小学英语教学与研究》2012年第4期

[2] 邹滢“中学英语词块教学的误区及相应对策”,同上,2012年第5期

[3] 徐凯“词块教学法在初中新目标英语中的运用”,同上,2012年第7期