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摘 要 运用问卷调查和质的研究相结合的方法,通过对曾在校企合作单位实习过的部分毕业生进行问卷调查,以及对6家具有代表性

>> 中职毕业生就业稳定性的思考 校企合作模式下高职毕业生就业质量提升的对策研究 校企合作模式下高校毕业生就业现状与对策研究 就业稳定性与大学毕业生就业收入相关关系研究 校企合作模式下的高职院校毕业生就业问题及对策 校企合作办学毕业生就业质量提升研究 基于高职院校酒店管理专业毕业生就业跟踪调查的校企合作创新研究 论校企合作对高校毕业生就业的积极作用 通过校企合作增加高校毕业生就业机率的探讨 试论深化校企合作对提高毕业生就业竞争力的作用 职业规划与高职院校应届毕业生就业稳定性的关联性探析 结合校企合作模式下的高职毕业生就业指导教育 独立学院毕业生综合素质考核与校企合作的就业实践研究 如何提高技工院校毕业生的就业稳定性 校企合作背景下提升高职学生就业质量的路径选择① 金融危机背景下高校毕业生就业存在的问题及对策研究 信息网络背景下的高校毕业生就业问题研究 经济复苏背景下高校毕业生就业形势分析及对策研究 经济新常态背景下高校毕业生就业促进机制研究 校政合作促进毕业生就业与创业研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.




Research on Graduates’ Stability of Employment under the Background of Cooperation between College and Enterprise

Wen Yueling

Abstract Questionnaire and qualitative research were used in this paper. The author did questionnaire survey to part of the graduates who once worked in the enterprises cooperating with college, and deep interview with the persons in charge of 6 representative enterprises were done. Results showed that there were deep relationship between employment stability lack and major characteristics, graduates’ performance during internship and degree of acceptance between enterprises and graduates. Graduates’ expected value of region, salary and target position were not match with what the enterprises provided, which was the major reason why graduates left their positions in the internship period. What’s more, non-professional quality of graduates pays a positive role to the stability of employment. Hereby, this paper presented construction solution to“two-dimensional linkage”between college and enterprise.

Key words cooperation between college and enterprise; graduates; stability of employment; two-dimensional linkage

Author Wen Yueling, lecturer of Nanhua College of Industry and Commerce of Guangdong Province(Guangdong 510507)