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China Telecom Shanghai: Innovator of the Mobile Age

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Along with fierce competi- tion and rapid development of smart terminals, the world has moved into the age of mobile internet, which means more services can be delivered through mobile devices instead of PCs.

Compared with old communication-oriented mobile network, mobile internet makes full utilization of its convenience and accessibility. It has assigned different characters and roles to companies of the communication industry, shortened the distance between telecom carriers and customers, aiming to meet the increasingly personalized and dynamic demand of users.

The Mobile Internet College

Conforming to the trend of our times, china telecom shanghai inaugurated Mobile Internet College on November 29, 2013. Training bases for China Telecom’s E-surfing terminal application instructors and mobile device maintenance engineers unveiled their nameplates at the same time.

China Telecom Shanghai’s Mobile Internet College will try to achieve the goals of “three platforms and two bases”, that is, to become the platform for propagating management ideas, platform for professional skill training and capability improvement, platform for employees to contribute and realize their values; to provide China Telecom and its branches and partners by fostering “China Telecom E-surfing Terminal Application Instructor Training Base”and “China Telecom Mobile Device Maintenance Engineers Training Base”.

The Mobile Internet College has been focusing on mobile internet and searching for innovative training methods since the first day. It integrates superior resources from companies and society. Its lessons center on mobile internet business and applications, channel marketing management, informatized applications, mobile terminal applications, service and sales skills, WIFI optimization and development. It plans to gradually establish a system of profession authentication and try to get it incorporated into government and industry authentication systems, outputting talents suitable for emerging industries represented by mobile internet.

In the mean time, the college also provides training lessons and skill authentication services to employees of China Telecom as well as entrusted training for important clients, such as store manager training and hierarchical authentication, channel manager mobile business training, new mobile terminal applications training, WIFI service training and hierarchical authentication.

Inauguration of the College Upholds China Power of Innovation

In the age of mobile internet, telecom competition is no longer confined to the three big carriers since the makeup of customers as well as the content and forms of services have all been tremendously changed. Telecom carriers are facing major challenge of business transformation. Ability to innovate instead of resource advantage becomes key competitiveness. Only sustained creation and innovation can open up a big market to telecom carriers and secure an invincible position for them in fierce competition.

However, the reality is that these telecom carriers seem to have severe congenital defect compared with newly arrived competitors due to their enclosed network operation mode for a long time.

Th first "defect" of all is their lack of innovative vitality. Telecom carriers have established and become very comfortable to a system only adapted to competition inside the industry. They have a rich experience with low-cost high-efficiency operation. Yet when it comes to the age of mobile internet, their experience and operation pattern seem to fall short of their ambitions. Mobile internet requires instant response to any small change of the market. No one can achieve that completely on their own since the customers’ demands of our times are unprecedentedly complicated and personalized.

Second, telecom carriers usually don’t have an innovation-friendly environment. Corporate culture is the soul of a company and on some level defines the future of it. Unfortunately, the idea of innovation is commonly left out of telecom carriers corporate cultures. Even though sometimes company leaders will indicate how important innovation is, there is just no such environment that encourages and inspires employees to do any substantial innovative work.

Third, there is not enough incentive for real innovative talents in existing system. Creative employees are the essential element of corporate innovation. The attention telecom carriers have paid to innovative talents is almost negligible compared to internet companies.

At last, beside occasional campaigns and encouragement, telecom carriers lack the requisite sustainable mechanism that can constantly spawn innovative ideas.

Three Keys to Sustainable Innovation

"To gain the power of innovation, telecom carriers need to establish a sound management system that is capable of self-improvement." said a mobile internet expert. He believes that there are three crucial steps on the path to the system restruction:

Firstly, telecom carriers need to update their understanding about innovation. They need to absorb the idea that innovation isn’t just a dispensable decoration to present achievement. Innovation solves practical problems in company management and operation, gives instruction in company development through prospective research on market and network technologies. Management should pay more attention to innovation and put it into practice systematically alongside mentioning it in speech. Innovation should be integrated into corporate culture and ultimately become company’s innate gene. Only to realize the importance of innovation can fundamentally improve a company’s innovative mobility.

Next, telecom carriers need to establish a multi-dimensional organization structure, because innovative activities in the age of mobile internet, unlike normal corporate operations, require more flexibility, accessibility and coordination from the organization.

Flexibility means the innovation team should be both virtualized and formalized, which will make it easier for the team to stay dynamic and adjustable and sensitive to internal and external environment changes.

Accessibility means the innovation team should not be confined to one department or one company, for innovators needs broad eyereach and open platforms. As to telecom carriers, they need to admit more customers and suppliers from lower reaches of the in dustry, even rivals and companies from other industries, into their innovation activities. Meanwhile, they need to es tablish a practical mode for the externa cooperation and major research pro grams.


Cooperation doesn’t just mean different departments of a company working together under an overall guideline, but also means innovation mobility and efficiency improvement requires combined efforts from partners, government sectors as well as customers.

The third is to construct a guarantee system for innovation activities, namely coherent input policies, tolerance policies for failures and promotion-oriented reward policies.

"Input policies" make sure that innovation activities, especially major ones, are constantly supported with sufficient resources. More over, it also indicates a standardized and convenient process for resource application.

"Tolerance policies" suggest a healthy understanding for innovation risk. Companies should promote a safeto-fail environment and dissemination of that idea, which requires effort from the management down.

"Reward policies" mean the neces- sity to strengthen recognition and commendation to innovative results. The point is to break the barricade between performance and promotion and fundamentally cure motivation deficiency.

Most importantly, Rome was not built in one day, and it holds true with the innovation improvement of mobile internet companies. Be sure not to be afraid of experiment and exploration and avoid the idea of "done at one stroke". At this "window phase" of mobile internet, telecom carriers should focus on management system optimization with the long-term goal of corporate transition and big leap in effectiveness.