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The art of micro-carving refers generally to the engraving of infinitesimal characters on ivory or human hair. It takes an all-rounder artist to excel in the field, as can be seen in the artistry of Li Hao, chair of Zhejiang Microscopic Carving Academy.

In his 70s, the man looks much younger than his age. His ancestral roots in Mount Lushan of Jiangxi Province (famous for its revolutionary tradition) and two decades of army life forged the man’s soldierly bearing. The artistic talents of Li Hao, who was born in a scholarly family, were fully demonstrated in his army years. After retiring from military service, Li Hao settled down in Hangzhou, where he immersed himself in the rich seal cutting tradition of Zhejiang and learned a lot from masters such as Ye Jianming and Huang Jueming.

“The selection of raw materials is half of the success of final artworks. Micro-carving can be done on a variety of things, such as metals, ceramics and even plants, but it takes the right hardness and texture, and a high level of purity of the material to ensure the quality of the engraving work. I always prefer stones,” Li explains.

To find the best possible stone for carving, Li Hao spends a lot of time in Qingtian, Changhua in Zhejiang and Shoushan and Zhanglin in Fujian, where he has not only found his “dream stones” but also has made a lot of friends with the local farmers and micro-carving artists.

It is diligence and perseverance that has led the man into the frontiers of China’s microscopic carving scene. Li Hao is now one of the heavyweight figures in the country’s micro-carving realm. Fame and titles, however, are not what he goes after. The award-winning master’s lifetime pursuit is excellence.

“The excitement in appreciating the beauty of Chinese art through the magnifying lens is beyond description. Just imagine how the aesthetic essentials of traditional Chinese arts are arranged into a small piece of stone with all structural details and the entire artistic conception perfectly retained!”

His showcase his brilliant talents in seal-engraving and painting in the minutest details of each of the 10 stone pieces.

One of Li’s masterpieces is , crafted in 2011. The finest calligraphic and seal details of the original work by Huang Gongwan are presented beautifully on a tiny piece of stone.

In another masterpiece that depicts the late Tang master monk Guanxiu’s painting titled , Li Hao shows his innovation and great ease in combining different materials to create the best aesthetic effects.

The success of Li Hao as an artist not only comes from his high taste and marvelous skills, but also from his vision and a strong sense of responsibility. “In my age, I feel the urgent need to find a way to pass the relay baton to the younger generations.” The result of such a mentality is the launch of Zhejiang Microscopic Carving Academy in Hangzhou in April of 2015. In February of 2016, the microscopic carving of Zhejiang was recognized officially as a city-level cultural heritage.

“It takes the unfailing endeavors of future generations to preserve such a cultural treasure, and I have confidence that a beautiful time is ahead of us,” Li Hao declared in great excitement.