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Where Was Soccer First Played?

Soccer is a corruption(讹用)of the word“association”(协会;英式足球). Since the rules of Association Football were laid down by the Football Association, formed in England in 1863, it can be said that soccer began in England. Various forms of a game involving(包括)the kicking about of a ball were played by the ancient Chinese, and by the Greeks and Romans. By the early Middle Ages(中世纪)several types of mass football, often with, hundreds of people taking part, were very popular. Indeed, football’s popularity led to its being banned(禁止)for a long time in England as it interfered(妨碍)with the practice of archery(射箭)which was considered necessary for the defence of the country.

The team game, which led to the formation of the Football Association, was born on the playing fields of English public schools.

Soccer is now one of the world’s most popular and widely followed sports. It is particularly popular throughout Europe and Central and South America.

Golf Clubs

Golf clubs(高尔夫球棒)can be divided into four classes: drivers(长打棒), irons(铁头棒), spoons(匙棒)and putters(轻击棒). All four are shaped for different purposes and are used according to the ground the golfer is playing on and the shot he intends to make.

Wooden drivers are used for the first stroke from the tee(球座). Spoons are designed chiefly to get a ball out of a rut(凹槽).Various irons are selected for the approach(接近) to the green(终打地区),where the putter is brought into play for the final shots.

Usually a good player’s set will include seven to ten iron and three to four wood clubs. The different clubs are known by both number and name. Wood clubs are numbered one to five―the fifth sometimes replacing an iron―and iron from one to ten. No more than 14 clubs should be carried by a player during a round.

The Marathon

The marathon(马拉松)is a modern road race first staged at the revival(复兴)of the Olympic Games at Athens(雅典), Greece, in 1896. It was founded in honour of the Greek soldier Pheidippides, who is supposed to have run from Marathon to Athens, a distance of 22 miles and 1470 yards, in 490 B.C. to bring the news his countrymen’s victory over the Persians(波斯人). Appropritely(恰当), the first winner of the marathon race was a Greek, Spyros Louis. In 1924 the Olympic marathon distance was standardized at 26 miles, 385 yards. But other marathon courses may differ in length, so the International Amateur Athletic Federation(国际业余体联)does not list a world record time for the event. It is a fascinating race because neither age nor training seems to play a vital part in winning it.