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[1]His palms were sweating. He needed a towel to dry his grip. A glass of ice water quenched his thirst,but hardly cooled his intensity. The Astroturf he was sitting on was as hot as the competition he faced today at the National Junior Olympics. The pole was set at 17 feet. That was three inches higher than his personal best. Michael Stone confronted the most challenging day of his pole-vaulting career.

[2] The stands were still filled with about 20,000 people,even though the final race had ended an hour earlier. The pole vault is truly the glamour event of any track-and-field competition. It combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength of a body builder. It also has the element of flying,and the thought of flying as high as a two-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event. Today and now, it is not only Michael Stone’s reality and dream―it is his quest.

[3] As long as Michael could remember, he had always dreamed of flying. Michael’s mother read him numerous stories about flying when he was growing up. Her stories were always ones that described the land from a bird’s eye view. Her excitement and passion for details made Michael’s dreams full of color and beauty. Michael had this one recurring dream. He would be running down a country road. He could feel the rocks and chunks of dirt at his feet. As he raced down the golden-lined wheat field, he always out―ran the locomotives passing by. It was at the exact moment he took a deep breath that he lifted off the ground. He would soar like an eagle.

[4] From the age of 14,Michael did just that. He began a very careful and regimented weight-lifting program. He worked out every other day with weights,with some of running work on alternate days. The program was carefully monitored by Michael’s coach,trainer and father. Michael’s dedication, determination and discipline were a coach’s dream. Besides being an honor student and only child,Michael Stone continued to help his parents with their farm chores. Michael’s persistence in striving for perfection was not only his obsession but his passion.

[5] All of Michael’s vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work. If Michael Stone was surprised,thrilled or arrogant about clearing the bar at 17 feet,you couldn’t tell. As soon as he landed on the inflated landing mat,and with the crowd on their feet,Michael immediately began preparing for his next attempt at flight. He seemed oblivious of the fact he had just surpassed his personal best by one foot and that he was one of the final two competitors in the pole-vaulting event at the National Junior Olympics.

[6]When Michael cleared the bar at 17 feet,2 inches and 17 feet,4 inches,again he showed no emotion. Constant preparation and determination were his vision. As he lay on his back and heard the crowd moan, he knew the other vaulter had missed his final jump. He knew it was time for his final jump. Since the other vaulter had fewer misses,Michael needed to clear this vault to win. A miss would get him second place. Nothing to be ashamed of,but Michael would not allow himself the thought of not winning first place.

[7]He rolled over and did his ritual of three finger-tipped push-ups along with three Marine-style push-ups. He found his pole,stood and stepped on the runway that led to the most challenging event of his 17-year-old life.

[8]The runway felt different this time. It startled him for a brief moment. Then it all hit him like a wet bale of hay. The bar was set at nine inches higher than his personal best. That’s only one inch off the national record,he thought. The intensity of the moment filled his mind with anxiety. He began shaking the tension from his body. It wasn’t working. He became more tense. Why was this happening to him now, he thought. He began to get nervous. Fear would be a more accurate description. What was he going to do? He had never experienced these feelings. Then out of nowhere,and from the deepest depths of his soul, he envisioned his mother. Why not? What was his mother doing in his thoughts at a time like this? It was simple. His mother always used to tell him that when you felt tense,anxious,or even scared,to take deep breaths.

[9]So he did. Along with shaking the tense from his legs,he gently laid his pole at his feet. He began to stretch out his arms and upper body. The light breeze that was once there was now gone. He could feel a trickle of cold sweat running down his back. He carefully picked up his pole. He felt his heart pounding. He was sure the crowd did, too. The silence was deafening. When he heard the singing of some distant robins in flight, he knew it was his time to fly.

[10] As he began sprinting down the railway,something felt wonderfully different,yet familiar. The surface below him felt like the country road he used to dream about. The rocks and chunks of dirt,the visions of the golden wheat fields seemed to fill his thoughts. When he took a deep breath,it happened. He began to fly. His take-off was effortless. Michael Stone was now flying,just like in his childhood dreams. Only this time he knew he wasn’t dreaming. This was real. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. The air around him was the purest and freshest he had ever sensed. Michael was soaring with the majesty of an eagle.

[11] It was either the eruption of the people in the stands or the thump of his landing that brought Michael back to earth. On his back with that wonderful hot sun on his face,he could only envision the smile on his mother’s face. He knew his dad was probably smiling too,even laughing. Bert would always do that when he got excited:smile and then sort of giggle. What he didn’t know was that his dad was hugging his wife and crying. That’s right: Bert “if-you-want-it work-for-it” Stone was crying like a baby in his wife’s arms. He was crying harder than Mildred had ever seen before. She also knew he was crying the greatest tears of all:tears of pride. Michael was immediately swarmed with people hugging and congratulating him on the greatest accomplishment thus far in his life. He later went on that day to clear 17 feet 6.5 inches:National and International Junior Olympics record.

[12] With all the media attention,endorsement possibilities and swarming herds of heartfelt congratulation,Michael’s life would never be the same. It wasn’t just because he won the National Junior Olympics and set a new record. And it wasn’t because he had just increased his personal best by 9.5 inches. It was simply because Michael Stone is blind.

1. 他的手掌汗津津的,需要用毛巾把握柄擦干。一杯冰水止住了干渴,却止不住他的热情。阿斯特芙看台被晒得滚烫,而他参加的这场全国青少年奥林匹克田径赛同样激烈精彩。标杆标到了17英尺,这比他个人最好成绩还要高出3英寸。米歇尔・斯通正面临着他撑杆跳生涯中最具挑战的一天。

2. 一小时前百米大赛业已落幕,但看台上依然坐着大约两万热情观众。撑杆跳的确是田径赛中最为扣人心弦的项目,它集体操的优雅与健硕的身材美于一体,同时还蕴涵着飞翔的魅力。对现场的任何人来讲,想飞跃两层楼的高度,那是多么的富有传奇呀!此刻是米歇尔梦想成真的时刻,更是他梦寐以求的时刻。

3. 打记事起,米歇尔就幻想着能在空中飞翔,在成长的岁月里,妈妈给他读了诸多有关飞翔的故事,故事大都在讲翱翔的鸟儿俯瞰大地的景象。妈妈那股兴奋劲儿,还有读到精彩之处的那般热情,使米歇尔的梦想充满迷人的色彩和壮美,从此,这美梦便时时徜徉在他的心头。他会沿着乡间小路飞奔,触摸脚下的岩石和土块。顺着金色的麦田奔跑,他总能超越身边经过的机动车。就在深呼吸的那一瞬间他飞离了地平线,像雄鹰一样翱翔在天际。

4. 十四岁起,米歇尔就开始了一项设计精细、系统严格的举重训练。每隔一天他就轮流做举重或练跑训练。父亲既是教练又是陪练。米歇尔・斯通的身上凝聚着任何一位教练所企盼的优秀品质――专注、坚毅和自律。身为家中的独生子、名誉学生,米歇尔・斯通还常常帮父母做些农场的杂务活。他尽善尽美地追求源自他做事的执著和超凡的激情。

5. 米歇尔今天的撑杆跳成绩似乎对他以往艰辛的付出给予了回报与奖赏。倘若你认为米歇尔・斯通对他能跳过17英尺的高度会感到震惊、狂喜或得意的话,那么你错了。因为他刚落到保护垫上,面对从座位上起身对他狂呼的观众,便立即准备下一跳。转瞬间,他似乎忘记了自己刚刚以多出一英尺的高度创下了个人最好成绩,这个成绩使他成为闯入决赛的两名选手之一。

6. 米歇尔连续跃过了17英尺2英寸、17英尺4英寸的高度,他依然镇定自若。要坚持不懈、永不放弃是他此时的心境。他仰卧在保护垫上,听到观众席上不断传来的唏嘘声,便意识到该是他的最后一跳了。竞争对手几近完美的表现,使得米歇尔・斯通必须跃过这个高度方可取胜,稍有失误就会错失夺冠的良机,再没比这更丢脸的了。但此刻,米歇尔心中仅存必胜的信念。

7. 他一骨碌从地上爬起来,像往常一样,连续做了几个俯卧撑。然后抓起撑杆,稳健地站到了跑道上,这条跑道将引领米歇尔飞跃17年来人生最具挑战的高度。

8. 同样的跑道,此刻却给他异样的感觉,就像一大捆干柴砸在身上,他不由得怔了一下。横杆标在了比他个人最好成绩高出9英寸的高度,距国内最好成绩仅有一英寸之差啊!他开始焦虑起来。尽管他努力想摆脱这种紧张感,但无济于事。越想摆脱,紧张感就越甚。为何偏偏此时有这种感觉呢?他心里想着。不觉开始惧怕起来,不,说恐慌可能更为恰当。这该如何是好?这样的感受,他从未有过。隐隐约约在心灵深处他想到了妈妈。为什么此刻会想到妈妈?想到妈妈意味着什么呢?也没什么特别的,以往每每感到紧张、焦虑甚至是恐慌时,妈妈常告诉他去做深呼吸。

9. 他这样做了,腿放松了。轻轻地将撑杆放在脚下,他伸伸胳膊舒展了一下上身。刚刚的习习微风不见了踪影。他感到一滴滴的冷汗正顺着后背往下淌。弯下腰,他小心翼翼地抓起撑杆,心怦怦直跳。他能感觉到观众也一定紧张异常。此时,场内鸦雀无声,任何动静都会震耳欲聋。远处传来翱翔的知更鸟清脆的叫声,他明白该他飞翔的时刻到了。

10. 米歇尔开始在跑道上飞奔,感觉熟悉又异样的美妙,脚下的跑道仿佛变做梦中的乡间小路,那里的岩石、土块,还有金色的麦田此刻萦绕在他的脑际,挥之不去。做了次深呼吸,奇迹发生了。米歇尔轻盈地腾空而起,此刻的他,恰如在儿时的梦中一样,飞了起来。只是米歇尔知道,此时不是梦,他的确在“飞”。周围的一切也似乎放慢了脚步。空气从未如此的纯净、清新。米歇尔像一只雄鹰在空中振翅高飞。

11. 要么是看台上爆发出的雷鸣般掌声,要么是落在气垫上的重重的声音把他从梦中惊醒。灼热的阳光晒在脸上,而米歇尔的脑海里浮现出妈妈的微笑,爸爸或许也在笑,甚至是笑个不停。伯特兴奋的时候,总会是这个样子:先是微笑,然后哈哈地开怀大笑。但他不晓得此刻爸爸竟抱着妈妈啼哭起来。没错,向来坚持:“要成就梦想就去拼搏”的伯特・斯通在妻子怀里哭得像个婴儿。妻子从未见过丈夫如此这般哭泣,但她明白,丈夫此时的眼泪非同寻常,这是骄傲的眼泪。观众纷纷拥上前去拥抱米歇尔,祝贺他有生以来最辉煌的时刻。之后他又乘胜跨越了17英尺6.5英寸的高度,创下了全国青少年暨国际青少年奥赛新记录。

12. 媒体的关注、众人真诚的祝贺以及社会的认可,将会使米歇尔的生活大为改观。这并非因为他在全国青少年奥赛中夺冠并创下新的世界记录,也不是因为他把个人成绩提高了9.5英寸,而是因为他――米歇尔・斯通是一个盲人。