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1. Shall we/I +动词原形

该句型主要用于第一人称单、复数,表示提出建议,征求对方意见等,后接动词原形,常译成“要不要我(们)……?”“我(们)……好吗?”,肯定回答时常用“I would be glad to. /OK./Good idea./Certainly.”等,否定回答时则用“No, let’s...”等。例如:

―Shall we climb that hill?

―Good idea.



―Shall we meet at the school gate?

―No, let’s meet outside the classroom.



2. Let’s...+动词原形

该句型包括说话人和听话人在内,后接不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,表示建议做某事,可译成“咱们……吧!”。回答时,如同意,可用“OK./All right./Good idea.”等;如不同意,则说“No, let’s...”等。例如:

―Let’s make it a little earlier.

―That’s a good idea.



―Let’s go and play football.

―No, let’s go and see the monkeys.



3. Why don’t you+动词原形

该句型表示建议做某事,相当于“Why not+动词原形”,可译为“你(们)为什么不……?”。例如:

―Why don’t you go to the park on foot? It’s quite near.

―All right.



―Why don’t you buy her a scarf?

―Good idea.



4. What/How about +名词、代词或动词-ing形式


How about going out for a walk?


How about another song, boys and girls?


I want to go shopping. What about you?


5. Would you like+名词、代词或动词不定式

该句型表示客气地向对方提出建议、邀请等,可译成“你想……吗?”。肯定回答常说“Yes, please./Yes, I’d love (like) to.”等;否定回答常说“No, thanks.”等。例如:

―Would you like something to eat?

―Yes, please.



―Would you like a mooncake?

―No, thanks.



―Would you like to go shopping with me?

―Yes, I’d love to.



6. You’d better+动词原形

该句型表示建议、劝告等,意思是“你(们)最好……”,没有人称、时态和数的变化。其否定形式是“had better not do sth.”。例如:

You’d better stay at home. It’s raining outside.


You had better not go there on foot.




1. ―How about some drinks?


A. Thanks B. No, I can’t

C. Yes, you’re welcome D. Yes, please

2. ―I’m not feeling well. I don’t like to eat.


A. Sorry

B. I’m sorry to hear that

C. You’d better see a doctor at once

D. It doesn’t matter

3.―Would you like to come to dinner this Saturday?


A. I’d love to, but I have lots of things to do

B. Oh, no. That’ll be too tired

C. I’ll stay at home

D. No, I’m busy

4. ―It’s a fine day today. Shall we go out for a walk?


A. Good luck

B. That’s all right

C. It’s very kind of you

D. Good idea

5. ―Let’s go out and play football.


A. It’s very kind of you

B. It doesn’t matter

C. That’s a good idea

D. You’re welcome

6. ―Why don’t you play basketball with us?


A. Yes, I haveB. That’s right

C. I think it D. OK, I’d love to

7. ―What about _____ soccer this Saturday?

―Sounds great.

A. playing B. play

C. playsD. played

8. ―______ something to drink?

―Good idea. I’m thirsty.

A. What aboutB. Shall we

C. Would you D. Why not

9. Let’s listen to the MP3, _______?

A. shall we B. will you

C. do we D. don’t we

10. The suitcase looks too heavy for the lady to carry. Let’s go to help her, ______?

A. will you B. won’t you

C. shall we D. do we

Key: 1―5DCADC6―10DAAAC