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April Fool!

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The origins of april fool's Day, like so many festivals, are largely undetermined. Nobody can pinpoint an actual date when the first April Fool's Day was celebrated. It seemed to have evolved simultaneously in different countries. Most historians agree that it had something to do with the introduction of the Gregorian Calendar in Europe in the 16th Century.

In 1582 the Gregorian Calendar was officially accepted as a replacement for the Julian one in France. Prior to this date the New Year was celebrated on April 1st. When Charles IX introduced the new calendar, the New Year was moved to January 1st.

However, at that time communications were not advanced and many people did not know about the change or were too stubborn to accept it. They continued to celebrate the New Year on April 1st. Gradually, as the majority of the population started celebrating the New Year on January 1st, the minority who continued to observe the old calendar became known as fools, and April 1st became All Fool's Day.

In the 18th Century, the tradition of ①making a fool of people on April 1st spread to England and Scotland. Later April Fool's Day began to be celebrated in the colonies of both France and Britain and it evolved into an international fun-fest.

April Fool's day is a fun festival only. Nobody is expected to exchange gifts or eat special meals. It is not a national holiday anywhere. It's simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant, for he may be the next April Fool!


There are many superstitious beliefs about April Fool's Day. The most prevalent one in the past was that all pranks had to be played before noon. Any jokes made after noon will bring bad luck on the joker. This belief is hardly ever adhered to any more and potential victims should be on their guard until midnight!

A common belief is that victims of pranks on April 1st should be tolerant. To react angrily to a joke on that day will cause bad luck for oneself. Furthermore, men who get married on April Fool's day will be destined to be permanently ruled by their wives.

Not all superstitions are bad though. If a man has a joke played on him by a pretty girl he will be fated to marry her. Also, children born on this day will have good luck in everything but should avoid gambling.


April Fool's day is celebrated by ②playing tricks on friends, relatives and colleagues thus making fools of them. As April 1st is not a holiday many people forget the significance of the date and leave themselves open to attack. The most traditional type of gag is to send someone on a false errand, but these days tricks can be much more complex. Here are a few favourites:













False errands

These types of pranks are best played on newcomers at work. Some popular ones include sending someone to the maintenance room to ask for a rubber hammer and glass nails or asking someone to go to another department for ten meters of shoreline.

Phone pranks

Just about everyone knows a good phone prank. A classic one involves getting a few friends to call the same number over a period of one hour asking for a Mr. Smith. Just when the victim starts to get really angry about all these people calling looking for a Mr. Smith call one more time and say, "Hi. This is Mr. Smith. Are there any messages for me?"

Other phone pranks are based on names that sound like something else. For example, you could call the zoo and ask for a Mr. Albert Ross.

Table Tricks

When nobody is looking fill up a sugar bowl with salt and watch as the victim puts a few spoons in their coffee. Most ketchup users will shake the bottle before putting it on their food. Loosen the top on a bottle of ketchup and watch as the shaker covers himself in the stuff.

Time Difference

This is a favourite in college dorms. When your roommate is asleep reset his/her alarm clock so that it is an hour slower.

Confetti Rain

Place confetti inside a closed umbrella in your home or office and pray for rain on April 1st.

False Advertising

Publicizing a false event or product is another favourite trick of students. For example, you can print leaflets stating that free lunches will be given to students that day at a certain restaurant. Sit outside and watch the fools arguing with the waiters about their right to free food.

Hot Seat

Put some hot substance, such as Deep Heat, on a toilet seat and watch people leave the bathroom only to turn around and quickly run back in again.

Missing Vehicle

Take someone's car keys when they are busy and move their car to a different location. Watch as they frantically ③pace up and down by the place where they parked their car.



*注:由于新人通常想把工作做好,因此神经比较紧张。要他去做什么,他就会不假思索地去做。再加上“rubber hammer”、“glass nails”和“shoreline”这些词猛一听,是听不出问题的,所以他们就会轻易地上钩,成了愚弄对象。




(注:“Albert Ross”听起来与“albatross”十分像。而“albatross”是一种鸟――信天翁。因此当你打电话到动物园找“Mr. Albert Ross”时,接线员会回过头就喊:“Is Mr. Albert Ross here?”,然而听起来就像“Is Mr. albatross here?”。在动物园,问“信天翁在不在”自然会让人捧腹大笑了。)










在一个马桶座上放一些可以发热的东西,如热软膏,看着人们离开卫生间后,却又掉头赶快跑了回去。(注:Deep Heat 是一种药膏,有发热的功效)



Media Hoaxes

The media always join the fun on April Fool's Day with hoax stories to fool the masses. The most famous media hoaxes include:

In 1957 the BBC documentary program Panorama ran a fake piece about Swiss farmers harvesting spaghetti from trees. A lot of viewers called the station asking for information on where they could buy spaghetti trees.

The year Canada introduced a two dollar coin a radio DJ working at CHEZ FM ④pulled his listeners legs by telling them that April 1st was the last day that Canadian banks would honour two dollar bills. Banks across Canada and the Royal Canadian Mint were inundated with calls.

The BBC announced to its viewers that on April 1st it would to conduct a trial of a new technology allowing the transmission of smells over the airwaves. Many viewers reportedly contacted the BBC to report the trial's success.

The Joker

America's most famous prankster is Joey Skaggs. In 1976 he advertised a new business; a pooch brothel. Owners of amorous male dogs could pay to have their pet gratified by a female canine. This new business sparked a public debate and when the police came to deal with Skaggs, he revealed that it was a joke.

He struck again when he advertised the 16th Annual April Fool's Day Parade in New York. Major TV networks, like CNN and Fox, turned up to cover the event. But of course no one was there.

Dunce Cap

A dunce cap is a tall conical hat typically made of paper and often marked with a D. It was given to schoolchildren to wear as punishment for being stupid or lazy. While this is no longer in practice, it is frequently depicted in popular culture such as children's cartoons. Both the dunce cap and the word dunce owe their origin to John Duns Scotus, a 13th century scholar whose followers wore such hats to increase learning. Originally the word "Dunce" meant followers of Duns Scotus and had a positive meaning. Later it came to mean a stupid or foolish person.

April Fish

In France an April Fool's Day victim is called 'poisson d'avril' which means April fish. Many pranks played on that day will have something to do with fish e.g. sending someone to a fishmonger on a false errand.












在法国,愚人节的被愚弄对象被称作“poisson d'avri”,意思是“四月鱼”。当天的很多恶作剧都与“鱼”有关,例如让某人去鱼商那里白跑一趟腿儿。