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“Hi, guys! Please let this foreign friend behind me go through the magnetic door first. I have plenty of time and can wait for a minute,” an old resident over 70 said, when queuing up for several minutes for the check. It happened in Triathlon Venue on Sept. 16th, 2007. I was serving as a volunteer, taking charge of the security check in the “Good Luck Beijing Sports Events”. I thought a lot after that.

When talking about Olympics, I will never forget July 13th, 2001, the day Mr. Samaranch declared Beijing would host the 2008 Olympics. At that very moment, I jumped for joy with my family members. Why did we all feel delighted?Since the Olympic flame will burn in Beijing, from Olympic City to the Great Wall. As our concepts for the Games go, “the Green Olympics, the High-tech Olympics and the People’s Olympics”, the Games will give us a chance to have cultural exchanges, to show splendid Chinese culture and its people’s positive attitudes.

In order to reach “the Green Olympics”, government and residents have a lot to do. For instance, the government should better the public transportation, such as building the metro transport network. The introduction of one-way 2-yuan price system is a good example. It boosts the use of the public transportation. As Chairman Hu said in his keynote speech at the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), “Promote a conservation culture by forming an energy and environment-friendly structures.” Residents must end their bad habits. We should participate in various environmental improvement activities.

“The High-tech Olympics” pushes our enterprises to be more creative. Nowadays, media always refer to “soft power”. I deem “the People’s Olympics” is part of it. We remember the Athens Olympics not for how many medals Greece got, but for its people’s positive attitudes. The man I refer to above provides us a good example to learn. As the host, we should be more friendly and hospitable. A harmonious society, which is full of love, where people help each other and are more confident, is required. It can be the best name card to make people all over the world remember China and cherish their enjoyment in China.

The Olympic flame is burning in Beijing, the beginning of our dream. Actions speak louder than words. As a volunteer, I will endeavor to do my best and to fully accomplish my job. Let’s work together to make the dream come true and not only be just a dream.
