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Wei Fang(W) meets Zhang Mei(Z) in the classroom in the morning.

W: You were not here yesterday afternoon. __1__ ?

Z: Yes. I was a little ill.

W: __2__ . Are you better now?

Z: Much better, thank you. How many lessons did you have yesterday afternoon?

W: We had two.

Z: __3__ ?

W: We had Chinese and English.

Z: What did the English teacher say about the homework?

W: She asked us to do Exercises__2__and__3__at home. But don't worry. __4__ .

Z: Thanks a lot.

W: __5__ .


A: We are going to have a picnic tomorrow.

B: __1__ ?

A: Yes. It's about 20 kilometres away. Miss Gao will go with us, too.

B: __2__ ?

A: Outside the school gate.

B: __3__ ?

A: On the Monkey Island.

B: __4__ ?

A: First by bus and then by boat.

B: Great! I hope the weather will be fine tomorrow.

A: __5__ .


A: __1__ ?

B: I'm looking for my hat.

A: Oh, look at this bag. It's full. __2__ .

B: __3__ . Yes, you are right. It's here.

A: What a nice hat! It looks like a cat.

B: __4__ . I like it very much.

A: You must look after it.

B: OK. __5__ .


A: Good morning, Madam. Can I help you?

B: Yes, I'm looking for a silk skirt.

A: __1__ ?

B: I'd like a dark colour.

A: A dark colour? Let me see what colours we have... Oh, how about the red one?

B: Hmm, I don't like red. __2__ ?

A: Yes. What about the blue one or the black one?

B: Well, I prefer the black one. __3__ ?

A: 450 yuan.

B: __4__ . I don't think I'll take it.

A: Well, if you take it, I'll give you a 10% discount(折 扣).

B: Hmm, __5__ ?

A: Certainly. This way, please.

B: OK, it fits me well. I'll take it. Here is the money.

A: Thank you.



1. Were you ill;

2. I'm sorry to hear that;

3. What lessons did you have;

4. I can help you;

5. You are welcome.


1. Is it far from here;

2. Where shall we meet;

3. Where shall we have our picnic;

4. How can we get there;

5. Me, too.


1. What are you looking for;

2. Maybe your hat is in it;

3. Let me have a look;

4. So it does;

5. Thank you.


1. What colour do you want;

2. Do you have any other colour(s);

3. How much is it;

4. That's too expensive;

5. Can I try it on.