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Abstract: China's energy efficiency is low compared with developed countries and regions such as the United States, Europe and Japan. Many countries today call energy efficiency "the fifth energy" together with coal, oil and gas, water and nuclear energy. Since Premier Li Keqiang proposed the concept "Internet +" on NPC and CCPC in 2015, energy Internet has become the industry's hot topic. Who will become the next energy MA Yun in energy field? What is the reason why the efficiency of the entire energy system is very low? The successful operation of Langfang new Chaoyang block ubiquitous -micro-network project achieves the best practice of energy Internet "ubiquitous network". Through the adoption of the system energy efficiency theory and the use of ubiquitous network technology, the project will realize the transaction and management of the new users and the management of the customers in the new Chaoyang, and improve the utilization rate of the existing facilities, thus forming a highly efficient interconnection of cold and heat operation mode, so that the efficiency of energy use can be significantly improved, the overall utilization of energy efficiency can be improved from the previous traditional thermoelectric production of 40% to 60% to 85% or more. It is the best practice case and innovation of energy Internet "the fifth energy".


Key words: energy efficiency;energy Internet;best practice

中图分类号:TE6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2017)21-0252-03

1 中国目前分布式能源使用现状及存在问题


1.1 缺乏可供借鉴的清洁能源互联网先进理念。能源规划更多侧重供能端垂直纵向规划和涉及,没有对需求端冷、热、电、气等综合系统考虑。产能设备匹配不合理,资源设备浪费严重。

1.2 缺乏系统能效平台与技术突破。能源生产、传输、存储、消费及能源市场没有运用能源互联网平台进行形成深度融合。

1.3 缺乏能源信息供需之间大数据支撑。无论是区域、工业,亦或是家庭,之前的能源供需相应体系中,气、电、热等相应能源系统均以一{割裂的状态而存在,缺乏大数据支撑,造成供需间信息不对称,这就导致了整个能源系统的效率十分低下。

2 对策及应对措施


2.1 企业层面要积极探索互联网能源商业模式