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One thing that has to be taken into consideration when wetalk about quality-oriented education is the quality of an educator.Talking of the quality of an educator, we have to ask the manstanding on the platform why he wants to be a teacher. Does hedevote himself to the cause of education or choose teaching merely as a way to earn his living?

Once I had a chance to come into contact with a good number of senior students of a normal college. I asked them why theychose teaching as their career. One said he opted for it becausethe mark he got in the college entrance examination wasn’t high enough for his admission into a better university. Another said hewent to the normal college in order to save money for his badlyoff family. Some non-teacher-training majors said teaching hadrecently become an increasingly attractive career, and they wantedto become teachers simply because it was not easy for them tofind a job in their professional fields. Certainly their views werevery practical. It was true that with position high in the social system, teachers were handsomely paid, and entitled to eight weeksof vacation each year...but a student in blue dress said, “In fact,my aspiration is to be a teacher.” I was really touched for her answer was one I had so rarely heard.

She was an ordinary pupil diffident and inconspicuous in theprimary school, where her teacher, in her own words, was of verylow quality. Fortunately in the middle school she had a teacher ofquality, without whom, she said, she could not dared to think whatshe would have become today.

Therefore she desired to be a teacher because she knew howgreatly a teacher could affect the future of her students.

However she failed to be a teacher-training major. Her parents and teacher thought it a pity for her to opt for education asher major because she had got a high mark in the entrance examination. They advised her to major in journalism or law. Howevershe was rather persistent, refusing to accept their advice. Finallyshe made a compromise with them: She agreed to study Chinese inthe hope of becoming a teacher after she finished her study.

Just before she graduated from the college, she had secretlyapproached a couple of schools about a job vacancy, but to noavail. She was informed that graduates majoring in education hadpriority over other candidates when teachers were recruited. In theend no body but her parents helped her get a job and now she wasto be a journalist.

Of course the result pleased many people including her parents, relatives, friends, acquaintances, and even herself. She saidafter all being a journalist was a bad.

The only thing that displeases me is that many college graduates choose teaching as their career in order to get diploma, toapply for residence in big cities or to make their living while theyoung woman who has an enormous potential of becoming a highquality teacher unfortunately can’t be a teacher.







