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Study on Relationship Between Individual Work Value and Work Performance of Civi

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Civil servants are the key power to government’s development and social demands. However, present large amount of researches on public HR management mainly study from macro fields such as policy, education and team setup, the study of civil servants’ inner factors and outer work performance is comparatively much less, while the demonstrative study is the least. This paper proposes research hypothesis of civil servants’ work value and work performance on the basis of literature review; with the design of questionnaire, statistics analysis and research, finds the influencing factors and reasons why individual work value affects work performance; gets the specific influencing degree the parameters affect work performance. On the basis of demonstrative study, this paper proposes applicable methods and suggestions for civil servants’ work value on individual work performance management in administration departments, suggestions especially for HR management, screening and selection, stimulating, training and development.


The definition of Work Value, as Super (1970) thought, is the object related with work, and the characteristic or attribute of work to be pursued when performing the working activities; while for Kalleberg (1977), and Nord (1988), the definition of work value is the objective things as desired to be obtained from the activities related with the job done by the individual; and the work value, for Robbins (1991), is the preferable recognition and understanding for physical meaning of working or a certain job. With definition on the working value specified by the above researchers, it can be known that, work value is the meaning of work which is titled by the individual, and further to meet the personal desire through the work. As for the evaluation of work value, Rokeach (1973) has divided into two major aspects-- intention work value and instrument work value. Intention work value means the intention target for the individual in life, such as sense of achievement, comfortable life; instrument work value is actually the present of personal preference on behavior, or the way and method to achieve the intention value, such as to be responsible and independent.

According to Basadur (1982), the values hold by the individual has played an important role when close attention has been given to new ideas by the individual, and the performance will also be naturally followed. Self pressure is emphasized by Barron (1981), including the tolerance of internal contradiction of the individual. According to Raudsepp (1981), the problem on personal feeling and attitude will have impact on creative development, such as, escaping from the trouble, lacking of self-confidence, worrying about critical comments, continuing competition between others, frustration experience in early life, lacking of self consciousness, lacking of positive feeling, keeping on familiar subject, easily acceptance of comments from others, fear of lonely, dropping into old memory and imagination for future, chaos in mood.

In Taiwan China, Cai Xiujuan and Su Xinxu divided work value into intrinsic value (which refers to the workers’ subjective assessment on the relationship in work, the challenge of work and the authority of supervising other’s work )and extrinsic value(which refers to the workers’ subjective assessment on the income, society reputation, opportunity for advancement that is brought by work),and used this method to measure the work value of civil servant .In China, Guo Jing drew lessons from Rokeach’ theoretical frame and tried to construct a measuring scale of civil servant based on the theory and interview. He also divided work value into ultimate value and instrumental value, the former refers to the ultimate mode that include interpersonal support, significance of work, income, personal development and stability ; the latter refers to the behavior involved moral and ability that include gumption, reliable, passive .Still some other researchers tried to sort work value into several specific categories, for example, He Hongmei probed work value of civil servants in Dong Guan,China through documentary method, interviewing method and questionnaire method and so on to obtain a questionary of civil servants’ work value which is constituted by reputation, vocational development, comfort, self-fulfillment and health care; Jiao Jinhui studied work value of civil servants in Macao China by documentary method and open questionnaire and closed questionnaire, dividing work value into health care, support by chief, work achievement, social communication and job status.

Although the researchers for the structure and measurement of work values had no consistent conclusion, from the above introduction, the concept of work values is a multidimensional structure, at least can be divided into two dimensional structure. In addition, roughly speaking, intrinsic values mainly refers to personal hope to realize the value of the higher level in the work, while external values and instrumental values is the concept of relatively similar. Furthermore, ultimate value mainly refers to a kind of mode that the worker wish to achieved, while instrumental value signified a behavior that include moral and ability.


Based on the study subject, the assumption is proposed: work value has influence on the production of individual work behavior. Work value is developed with combined impact from personal working experience and surrounding culture, through the internal, external, and comprehensive, and the work value will impact the internal and external motivation for work behavior in some degree.


3.1 The Object and Instrument for Work Value Empirical Study

3.1.1 Study Object

Work value and work behavior of civil servants in administrative departments have been set as independent variation and dependent variation respectively and data has been collected and analyzed to study the impact of individual work value on work behavior. Samples were taken from three departments of one southwest China’s city government, 200 candidates have been investigated with questionnaires and 179 questionnaires are submitted, with 174 questionnaires validated. The candidates include male 84.5%, female 15.5%, age for majority is from 36 to 45, 40.2%, then 26~35, about 37.4%. For education background, the majority are bachelors, about 41.5%, following with postgraduate, about 28.7%, college education about 21.8%, high school 8.0%.

3.1.2 Study Instrument

(1) Work value Scale. Prof. WU Tei-Xiung from Tainan Normal University of Taiwan compiles the work value scale used in this study, with some revision. The scale includes 15 questions from six different aspects of two sections of intention value and instrument value. Intention value means whether the work behavior can realize the self-growth pursued by the individual, exploit the ability and originality of the individual, improve the life standard, obtain the feeling of achievement and power, and gain the respect and acknowledge of others, to finally achieve the target for life. Instrument value means whether the work behavior can help the individual to win good social interaction, good interpersonal relation, stable life, service to the organization with good structure and environment, to get sense of security, to obtain the payment for make a living and have rest. The participator answers the questions with reply from “not suitable at all” to “very suitable”, on six-point scale, higher score, means higher motivation on the job. In this study, the work value was considered as an independent variable.

(2) Work behavior questionnaire. The questionnaire developed by S.G.Scott and R.A.Bruce(1998)was used in this study, and revised to a new questionnaire to measure the innovation behavior with 4 questions in total and Likert 5-grade rating evaluation. And the higher is the score, the better the work behavior is. In this study, the work behavior will be considered as dependent variable.

3.1.3 Data Analysis

The data was input to computer and statistically analyzed with SPSS11.5.

3.2 Statistical Analysis Result for Work Value and Work Behavior Questionnaire

3.2.1 Analysis of Work Value Scale

(1) Validity analysis of work value questionnaire. In this study, the factor analysis was performed to check the structure validity of the scale. Besides the usage of theoretical structure and available references, the followings are also adopted: principal factor analysis (PFA) and Varimax, performing cross transition, and pick the factor with characteristic number more than 1, delete the factor with loadings lower than 0.4 and any two factors with difference less than 0.2.

(2) Reliability analysis for work value questionnaire. In reliability analysis of this study, Cronbach’ Alpha coefficient analysis has been performed to check the internal consistency with questions in different aspects in the questionnaire and the Cronbach’ Alpha for the work value scale is around 0.74 to 0.93, which is higher than minimum reliability 0.7, therefore, it is shown that the work value scale used in this study has high reliability shown in Table 2.

3.2.2 Individual Work Behavior Questionnaire Analysis

(1) Descriptive analysis of work behavior questionnaire. According to questionnaire, the average value for individual work behavior is 3.69; this value shows that the investigated participators have high working performance.

(2) Validate analysis for work behavior questionnaire. After factor analysis with maximum alike method, the KMO value is 0.773, which means validate analysis can be performed. After identifying the factor with characteristic value higher than 1, only one factor is found which is named as high performance work behavior, and the total variable of descriptive work behavior is 67.311%. The question and factor loadings are shown in Table 4.

(3) Reliability analysis for questionnaire. Reliability for questionnaire has been analyzed by Cronbach’ Alpha coefficient with α value 0.8329, which shows satisfied reliability of questionnaire.

3.2.3 Correlation Analysis for Individual Work Behavior and Work Value

The purpose of correlation analysis is to understand the relation between variables, correlation for 0.9 is very highly related, 0.7~0.9 highly related, 0.5~0.7 is middle related, 0.5 is low related. In this study, the correlation between different aspects of work value and work behavior is shown in Table 5.

From the above table it is known that though each variable of work value and work performance have lower correlation, it still reaches the conspicuous level that is p

3.2.4 individual work Behavior and Work value Regression Analysis

work value influences on work behavior will be studied with regression analysis shown in the following table. In the model 1, the attribution of one individual (including sex, age, education) is used as independent variables; R2 is 0.10 representing the explanative total variable of the model is10%; the adjusted R2 is 0.05; freedom F is 11.223. In model 2, besides the variables in model 1, three independent variables for intention work value, including self-growth, dignity, and self-actualization are added into, therefore, R2 in model 2 is 0.38, representing the explanative total variable of the model is 38%; the adjusted R2 is 0.34, with freedom F 14.220. In model 3, besides the variables in model 2, three factors in instrument work value, organization security and economy, social interaction, leisure, health and transportation, are added into, and R2 is 0.44, representing the explanative total variable of the model is 44%; adjusted R2 is 0.39; the freedom F is 17.217.

In model 2, after inputting intention work value as independent variables, the explanative total variable R2 is 28% higher than that of model 1 and meets the level of significance p


4.1 Conclusion of Empirical Analysis for Working Value

It is shown in study result, the work value have a certain influence on work behavior. Higher attention on self-growth and self-actualization, means higher possibility for better performance, the reason is that, due to emphasis on self-growth and self-actualization, new knowledge will be acquired, to meet the demand from fast growing organization, and more attention could be paid to the current job, therefore, to realize the target for self-growth through better performance; with regarding to dignity, better performance is resulted from the emphasis on dignity from the individual, because of to obtain anticipated respect from others, achievement and self-approval, better work performance might be helpful. For leisure, health and communications, better work performance is coming from the chasing of leisure and health life, probably, the aim for work, in modern society, is not work itself, actually, it is the balance between work and leisure that pursued by many people, hence, with reasonable and adequate relaxation, the work performance can be improved.

4.2 The Application of Work Value on Individual Work Behavior in Administrative Departments

From the above empirical study, it was found that work value has a certain influence on individual work behavior. The work value from individual is one of the most important management factors in administrative departments, therefore, the management from administrative departments must perform evaluation and monitor the work value of individual, and develop a set of human resource management policy fit for the purpose of the work to be done, so as to provide support to administrative departments to obtain sustainable competitive advantage with high performance work.

To identify and select of human resource for administrative departments, the individual with suitable work value fit for purpose of work in the organization could be selected, so as to minimize the conflict of individual work behavior in the departments, and to improve the identification of departments. In another aspect, it will be helpful for concentrations on individual work behavior when all the individual work value in the organization is similar. Therefore, in selection of human resource for administrative departments, it is more important to find the right one, not the best one. In this way, the higher work performance can be realized in administrative departments and wasting of human resource can be avoided.

In promotion of individual work behavior, the work value is a key to understand the motivation of individual on a certain work, therefore, in this paper, the good way to push individual to do the work with high performance is to impact on the work value of the individual. Thus administrative departments can refer to the work value factors that may have significant influence on work performance, such as: self-growth, self-actualization, dignity, leisure, health and communication, suitable financial or non-financial bonus shall be planned and implemented accordingly, to efficiently encourage more motivation on individual work behavior and further the work performance.

In training and development, with introduction and training course in administrative departments, the individual work value can be unified gradually to achieve better individual satisfaction and reduce demission ratio. Meanwhile, taking advantage of individual work value, the individual career planning developed by the organization can be adopted by the individual and be helpful for better performance in the entire organization.


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