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>> 瑞典校园欺凌立法及其启示 美国的消费信贷立法及其启示 美国档案立法的启示 美国加州风险投资立法及其对我国的启示 网络欺凌与防范 日本物流立法及其启示 韩日电子政务立法及其启示 美国酝酿网络新立法等 治理校园欺凌需要完善立法 网络黄毒立法的缺陷及其立法设想 美国反倾销立法对我国的启示 美国气候变化立法进展及启示 校园欺凌现象及其防治 少年网络欺凌诉案 美国进出口银行立法的历史发展及其对完善我国进出口银行制度的启示 美国清洁能源立法经验对我国相关立法的启示 次贷危机的成因分析及其立法启示 物业税立法模式的类型化及其启示 日本循环经济立法实践及其对中国的启示 欧盟关于人员自由流动的立法特点及其启示 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

[2]SIDOROWICZ J. Mom: Cyber bullying killed my daughter[EB/OL].(20150721)[20160310]..

[9]Congress.Gov.H.R.1966Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act[EB/OL].[20160418]..

[18]Wikisource.Digital Millennium Copyright Act/TitleII.[EB/OL].[20160421].https:///wiki/Digital_Millennium_Copyright_Act/Title_II.




[22]PATCHIN J W, SAMEER H. Cyberbullying Prevention and Response: expert perspectives[M].London:Routledge Taylor & Francis Group,2012:4892.


[24]卡巴斯基.护航儿童绿色上网 共同拒绝网络欺凌[EB/OL].(20150727)[20160523].http:///331/13487831.shtml.

The Legislation of Cyberbullying in America and Its Enlightenment

XIE Yongjiang, YUAN Yuan

(School of Humanities, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China)


Cyberbullying is an increasingly serious problem among teenagers in recent years. There is a relatively comprehensive legislation for cyberbullying in the United States, which specifies the legal liability of bullies, relief rights of victims, safety education and management responsibility of the school and the responsibility of the network service provider. We can learn experience from the legislation in the U.S. for perfecting our legislation to define the legal liability of cyberbullying, improve the rights of remedy of victims, further strengthen the school education and regulatory functions and guide parents well together to construct the legal system against cyberbullying.


cyberbullying; teenagers; American legislation