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谈谈“be going to+动词原形”

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“be going to + 动词原形”表示将要发生的事或打算、计划、决定要做某事。它常与 tomorrow, next week/month/year, in a few days, from now on 等表示将来时间的状语连用。例如:

We’re going to visit the museum next week. 下星期我们将去参观博物馆。

I’m going to swim this afternoon. 今天下午我打算去游泳。

My father is going to have a meeting tomorrow morning. 明天上午我父亲要开会。

“be going to + 动词原形”的否定式是在 be 后面加 not,即“be not going to + 动词原形”。例如:

My sister is not going to see the film with me this evening because she has a lot of homework to do. 今天晚上我妹妹不和我一起去看电影,因为她有许多作业要做。

The boys are not going to play football this afternoon. 今天下午这些男孩子们不想踢足球了。

“be going to + 动词原形”的一般疑问句构成模式为“be + 主语 + going to + 动词原形?”。特殊疑问句的构成模式为“疑问词 + be + 主语 + going to + 动词原形?”。例如:

Are you going to visit the Great Wall with us tomorrow? 明天你打算和我们一起去参观长城吗?

What are you going to do next Sunday? 下星期天你们准备干什么?

?眼特别提示?演 主句谓语动词中含有“is/am/are going to + 动词原形”时,在时间或条件状语从句中应用一般现在时表示将来时间。例如:

―What are you going to be when you grow up? 你长大了准备干什么?

―I’m going to be a teacher. 我要当一名教师。

注意:“be going to + 动词原形”与“will + 动词原形”都可以表示将要发生的动作,但它们之间有何异同呢?


(1) They are going to/will help the old man clean the house tomorrow afternoon. 明天下午他们要帮助这位老人打扫屋子。

(2) 两者均可用于表示“预测”。根据目前迹象表明某事情非常有可能发生,就用“be going to + 动词原形”;如果表示说话者认为或相信某事会发生,就用“will + 动词原形”。例如:

Look at those clouds! It’s going to rain. 瞧那些云,天快下雨了。

I think it will rain. 我认为天会下雨。

(3) 下面几种情况下宜用“will + 动词原形”,不宜用“be going to + 动词原形”:


We will help him if he asks us. 只要他提出来,我们乐意帮助他。


Will you please lend me your rubber? 请把你的橡皮借给我好吗?


When heated, water will turn into vapour. 水加热后,会变成水蒸汽。

The sun will rise at 6:30 tomorrow morning. 明天早晨太阳将在六点三十分升起。

【跟踪练习】 用 be going to 或 will 填空。

1. It ______ be Sunday tomorrow.

2. Betty______write to her grandma next week.

3.______you please give this book to Tom?

4. We______plant trees if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.

5. She has bought some cloth, she______make herself a dress.

6. ―Oh, what a heavy box! I can’t lift it.

―What! I______carry it for you.

Key: 1. will2. is going to/will3. Will4. are going to5. is going to

6. will