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Heritage and development of China ceramics

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Abstract:China is a country with a glorious history of pottery, it is completely different from Europe and America compared with their ceramic history. The inheritance and the development, combining the national culture are the criteria that we should keep to.

Key wards:Contemporary pottery art;characteristic;inheritance culture;national culture

中图分类号:J02 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5312(2012)05-0273-01

As we all know, china is a country with a long history of pottery history. We cannot separate the pottery from the culture of the times and because it must be influenced by the culture.As the communication and integration among countries is becoming more frequent, Chinese contemporary ceramic artists are influenced by this particular era background. Their works are with a new era atmosphere and it produces certain distance to traditional ceramic art.

Contemporary ceramic art is different from the traditional Chinese ceramic art. Though it also uses clay and china clay as materials and made through series of processes of glazing and firing. However, there is a big difference in creation rules compared to traditional pottery. In creation of modeling method, glaze ratio, firing temperature and showing ways are parts of modern arts. It not only meet the public’s aesthetic ideas, but focus on artists’ inner sense of self-expression. Contemporary in Contemporary ceramics is not a temporal concept, but a creative concept of innovation.

At the moment when modern ceramics art was introduced in China, there is intense conflict between old art concept and it. China, as a big traditional ceramic art country, the development of contemporary ceramics is not very smooth. In China, the main admiers and seller of ceramics in China has had a deep-rooted pattern of art appreciation. What is more, there is a big difference between contemporary ceramics and traditional ones, which makes the competition more severe in the market. So what we should do now? To continue the tradition of ceramics or without creation, or deny the tradition and go for the contemporary ceramics. How we are going to choose between the two is becoming one of the issues in Chinese ceramics.

China’s contemporary ceramics cannot lose our own personalities because of copying the experience from foreign ceramics. If the things happened ten years ago, when China’s ceramics just started in 1980s, it is still understandable. If we still take what others have, we will lose ourselves in the world. However, the situation of copying is still very common around us, we should learn to find our personality and find our own personality from our own culture.

In reality, we can never imitate others precisely. In general aspects, a country’s level of appreciation, history, geographical features and economy. Every one’s situation is different. A small piece of art can be influenced by so many factors, how can we imitate others in such a different culture and geographical environment? The imitation must lack of accumulation and details and it cannot express our ideas precisely and even you can express it, it is not mature enough. We should learn to find China’s ceramics history and development, in order to find a road of our own creation which fits Chinese cultural background.

I think we could we could find the personality of Chinese characteristics from the following ways: expression and manifestation aspects, subject and material selection and the choice of technology. For example, Teach Wu Zhou of China Academy of Fine Arts greatly expressed his personality in the choice of materials. “Bai Zhong Lan” series combined ceramics and glass materials, which achieved great success. Combining different materials breaks the shackles of pure material expression of the work. It is much easier to express our feelings through using different materials. Teacher Wu Zhou’s example shows us greatly how to express our personalities. Yongkang Yao shows us his personality in choosing subject and expression, “Shiji Wa” series becomes a very good identity card of him. The century doll are all made of forming clay tablets. The exagerated models are all influenced by Chinese traditional culture and it is easy to be recognized.

Chinese contemporary ceramic art is just like what is expressed in “Jing Zhe”, which is a work from Teacher Zheng Liu of Chinese Academy of Art. It is waiting for the moment of the eruption. As long as we stick to the way of innovation and inheritance of Chinese traditional culture, the day of “Jingzhe” of Chinese contemporary ceramics is tomorrow.