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Module 2 · unit 2

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1. The communication of different cultures can help_________ the misunderstanding between nations and improve the political relationship.

A. replace B. remove

C. recover D. release

2. You can’t take your child to the cinema, because the ticket_________ one person to the film.

A. allows B. permits

C. promises D. admits

3. It’s quite easy to_________ a machine, but rather difficult to put it together.

A. break down B. put out

C. stand for D. take apart

4. His mother didn’t believe the conclusion drawn by the policeman and decided to_________the case for herself.

A. search for B. look into

C. go through D. apply for

5. As a(an)_________ customer of the gas station, they will make sure to get you the best deal.

A. responsible B. rare C. regular D. fancy

6. Millions of people were extremely sad with the death of Steven Jobs, who is_________ recognized as a pioneer of the personal computer area.

A. personally B. widely

C. regularly D. totally

7. Most of the students are making great progress but Jimmy seems a_________ case, who will not learn anything.

A. magical B. volunteer

C. helpless D. hopeless

8. The driver, Wu Bin, who was struck by a flying brake and was severely injured, but managed to save the 24 passengers,_________ to be praised.

A. survived B. rewarded

C. deserved D. rescued

9. We all breathed a sigh of_________ when the head teacher left the classroom.

A. signal B. doubt C. glory D. relief


1. If your team can win the game today,__________________ to go on a holiday next month. (allow)


2. They’ve got a lot of injuries right now, but by no means__________________so easily. (defeat)


3. This river will be further polluted unless__________________ without delay. (take)


4. Paul, just have a little patience. I assure you that all the problems you put forward___________________________ soon. (settle)

保罗, 有耐心一点。我向你保证,你提出的所有问题很快会得到解决。

5. The spokesman says that__________________, about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed. (make)

这位发言人说, 直到所有的候选人面试完毕才会做出未来任命的决定。

6. There is a rule in our class that all the questions to be discussed__________________until the teacher has finished his lectures. (come)


7. Devote yourself entirely to your studies, and you_________ a key university in a year. (admit)


8. If you are caught smoking in the forest, you_________ . (fine)


9. I told my mother the celebration_________ ,if it rained. (put)


10. I asked her where it was_________ , the wallet, but she didn’t tell me. (pick)
