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Choices at the Crossroads

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The parliamentary sessions of China in March showed an irregular case.

In the press conference hosted by Chinese premier Wen Jiabao on March 14, when the conference came to its end, Li Zhaoxing, spokesman for the National People’s Congress, whispered something to Wen Jiabao, who then said that two more questions could be put forward if (journalists) were not tired. Then, a journalist from Reuters threw the question about Wang Lijun at the premier.

If the energetic premier did not extend the press conference or the British journalist did not put forward that question, what would the government do to liven up the circumstance for the event following it?

There is no assumption in the world. The official changes in Chongqing might be decided before the press conference. Wen Jiabao criticized Bo Xilai and the Chongqing government he led, marking an unexpected ending of this year’s parliamentary sessions.

This press conference was considered a “sentimental farewell” of Wen Jiabao to the public. This was the last time Wen Jiabao hosted such a press conference as the premier of China. He talked about the historical issues twice, first in the talk about political system reform and second happened when talking about Wang Lijun.

Wen Jiabao’s speech highlighted the topic of the reform and warned that recession might happen without the reform, which might lead to the reincarnation of Cultural Revolution. The history is a mirror. One of the highest leaders of China called for the reform during his farewell speech, adding some imposing air to China’s political system.

In the past 30 years after the start of reform and opening up, the GDP of China kept the amazing 9.4% annual growth rate. However, the development pattern that sacrificed resources and environment and was featured with low quality and low efficiency should be eternally ended or it would damage the sustainable development of China, hurdle the improvement of people’s livelihood and affect the social stability. Reform is the only weapon to remove the systematic obstacles for the fast and stable economic development and change the growth pattern. That’s why Wen Jiabao reiterated that “the reform should move forward without any stagnancy or recession”.

It is necessary to mention that the old growth pattern is actually guided by the government and inevitably led to collaboration among groups of interest, which is featured with public right lending, monopolization of stateowned enterprises, lack of credit and corruption. Now the defects caused by fast economic growth have resulted in accumulative civil complaints. The reform has encountered “a tough and key period”, in which “not only the economic reform is required, so is the political reform, especially the leading system of the CPC and the country”.

Premier Wen Jiabao was not the only one that attached great importance to the reform.

For a long while, there are untold civil voices calling for reform. Even the People’s Daily, the most important official newspaper of China, also published an article criticizing the conservative working style of central government and underlining the necessity of reform.

In Guangdong, Party secretary Wang Yang said that the biggest problem for reform is the influence of interest pattern. “Only when the CPC and government became the real and complete representatives of the interest of the masses instead of a small group of people, the reform could make the biggest step forward.” Zhu Xiaodan, new governor of Guangdong, shared the same opinion with Wang Yang.

Courage is needed for the persons in power to launch and promote the reform in the key period. Only a few countries could become true developed countries after their rising economy. Most of them stopped at the point of transformation. China is facing the point now and whether it could pass the ridge of “middle-income trap” depends on its determinations and actions.

This is to make a choice at the crossroads. Move forward boldly or stay where you are and die. What was revealed in the parliamentary sessions is expected to be the start of fortune for China.