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英语中,有时为了讲话或行文的简洁,有些句子的成分通常情况下可以省略。 但是同学们在口头或书面表达时,可要注意不能随意省略。最好要根据中学课本,使用教材当中讲过的重点结构。 下面就常见的省略现象加以归纳并逐一分述:

要点一 省略主语

(2009年湖南卷)Please do me a favor ― my friend Mr. Smith to Youth Theater at 7:30 tonight.

A.to invite




真题解析 C。此处是祈使句,省略了主语You。


英语中省略主语的情况常出现在交际用语中。 如:

(I) Thank you very much.

(You) Have another piece of bread, will you? 再来一片面包,好吗?

要点二 省略做宾语的不定式短语


―Have you been to New Zealand?

―No, Id like to, _______.



真题解析 B。考查省略和副词的用法。意思是“不过,我想去”。


―Would you like to go with me?

―Id love to (go with you).

―你愿意和我一起去吗? ―愿意。

注意: 如果宾语是be动词或完成时态,则要在后面加上be或have 。 如:

―Is your sister a teacher?

―No, but she wants to be.

―你姐姐是老师吗? ―不,但她想做。

―I didnt tell him the important news yesterday.

―No, but you ought to have.


要点三 复合句中, 省略了一个从句或从句的一部分,用词或短语来代替

(2009年江西卷)Some of you may have finished unit one. _______, you can go on to unit two.

A.If you mayB.If you do

C.If notD.If so

真题解析 D。省略句的用法。 If so = If you have done that / so


―Whats the matter with Della?

―Well, her parents wouldnt allow her to go to the party, but she still _______.

A.hopes toB.hopes so

C.hopes notD.hopes for

真题解析 A。此处but she still hopes to是but she still hopes to go to the party的省略。


―Is it going to snow the day after tomorrow?

―I dont think so. (= I dont think it is going to snow the day after tomorrow.)

―后天会下雪吗? ―我认为不会。

要点四 在情景交际中,为了避免重复,常常省略句子中相同的某个或某些句子成分

(2011年海南卷)―We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party.

―Yes, _______?Ill give them a call right now.

A.why notB.what for


真题解析 A。why not 是口语省略的用法,是Why dont we invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party?的省略。

(2011年全国卷Ⅰ)―Can I speak to Mr. Wang, please?

― _______?

A.Who are youB.Im Wang

C.SpeakingD.Are you John

真题解析 C。speaking是This is Mr. Wang speaking.的省略形式?


―Maria, will you please go and empty that box? 玛丽,你去把盒子倒空好吗?

―What for? 干什么?

要点五 虚拟条件句中的if 可以省略

_______ earlier, you would have met him.

A.If you comeB.If you did come

C.Had you comeD.Did you come

真题解析 C。虚拟条件句中if 的省略,构成“助动词+主语”的形式。

考点透析 虚拟条件句中if 的省略,成了助动词在句子开头的倒装形式。 如:

Were I you, I will go and help the blind man.

= If I were you, I will go and help the blind man.

如果我是你的话, 我就会去帮助那个盲人。

Had he given up smoking, he would not have got cancer in the lung.

= If he had given up smoking, he would not have got cancer in the lung. 如果他戒烟的话, 他就不会得肺癌。

要点六 省略主语或主谓语的一部分

如:(Is there) Anything important in todays newspaper? 今天报纸上有重要的东西吗?

Why(do you) not ask your teacher for help? 为什么不向你的老师求助?

要点七 省略表语

如:―Are you a middle school student?

―Yes, I am (a middle school student) .

―你是中学生吗? ―是的。

要点八 并列句中, 后一个句子中与前一个句子中相同的成分可以省略

如:My father is a teacher and my mother (is) a doctor. 我父亲是老师我母亲是医生。

My father works in a school and my mother (works) in a hospital. 我父亲在一所学校工作我母亲在一家医院工作。

要点九 状语从句中的省略

(2009年湖南卷)Every evening after dinner, if not _______ from work, I will spend some time walking my dog.

A.being tiredB.tiring

C.tiredD.to be tired

真题解析 C。省略句式。在if引导的条件状语从句中,从句中还原应为if am not tired from work,根据省略的原则,所以答案选C。

(2008年安徽卷)―Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?

―Yes, _______, Im going to visit some homes for the old in the city.

A.If ever

B.If busy

C.If anything

D.If possible

真题解析 D。本题考查状语从句中的省略。在if引导的条件状语从句中,从句中还原应为If it is possible。

(2008年福建卷)―Who should be responsible for the accident?

―The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order _______.

A.as told

B.as are told

C.as telling

D.as they told

真题解析 A。本题考查状语从句中的省略。在if引导的条件状语从句中,从句中还原应为as they are told。


1) 在时间,让步,方式,条件状语从句中,如果从句主语是it 或主句主语一致时,则从句中的主语和be动词通常省略。这种情况一般出现在when, while, winless, until, if, though / although 等引导的从句中,如:

My sister started to learn dance when (she was) a child. 我姐姐孩提时就开始学舞蹈。

While (she was) cooking, she got her fingers burnt. 做饭时,她的手指烫伤了。

2) 在than, as 引导的比较状语从句中, 在不影响句子要表达的完整意义的条件下,从句中的成分可省略。如:

He arrived here earlier than (he had been) expected. 他要比预料的到得早。

I know you better than(I know) him. 我了解你胜过(我了解)他。

3) 如果从句的主语是it,同时谓语系动词为be, 可以省去it 和系动词be。如:

Once (it is) begun, it must be done well. 一旦开始,就必须做好。

Write to me if (it is) necessary. 如果有必要,就给我写信。

4) before 和after引导的从句无此用法。它们可以用做介词,后接名词,代词和动名词。如:

误:Before (you are) reading the text, you should go through the vocabulary first.

正:Before reading the text, you should go through the vocabulary first.

正:Before you read the text, you should go through the vocabulary first. 在读课文之前,你应该先浏览一下词汇。

误:After(you are)finishing the task, you may go and play the computer games.

正:After finishing the task, you may go and play the computer games.

正:After you finish the task, you may go and play the computer games. 完成任务之后,你们可以出去玩电脑游戏。


1. ―Did you get a ticket for the concert?

―No, I _______, but there wasnt any left.

A.had to

B.managed to

C.tried to

D.decided to

2. I don’t really want to make the appointment, but I suppose I _______.


B.must have to

C.willD.have to do

3. ―Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend?

― _______.

4. ―I’ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my pet dog.

―Not at all. _______.

A.I have no time

B.I’d rather not

C.I’d like it

D.I’d be happy to

5. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _______.

A.not to

B.not to do

C.not do itD.do not to

6. ―What’s the matter with John, Maria?

―He didn’t pass the test but he still _______.

A.hopes so

B.hopes to

C.hopes it

D.hopes that

7. ―Is the professor from Nanjing University very sick?

―I’m afraid _______.



8. ―You should have thanked her before you left.

―I meant _______, but when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere.

A.to doB.to

C.doingD.doing it

9. ―Maria, will you please go and empty the bottle for me?

― _______?

A.What forB.What is it

C.How is itD.How come

10. It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when at the meeting by my boss.


B.having questioned


D.to be questioned

11. ―Do you think it’s going to snow tomorrow afternoon?

― _______.

A.I don’t believe itB.I don’t believe

C.I believe not soD.I believe not


参考答案:1. C此处是I tried to get one的省略表达。最符合语境。

2. A 本题考查情态动词与省略。句子意思是:我真不想安排这种约会,但是恐怕我必须如此。Must表示“必须”。

3. D 本题考查省略。此处是I don’t believe that it’s going to rain over the weekenD.

4. D 本题考查省略。完整的句子应该是:I’d be happy to look after your pet dog.

5. A 此处是tell sB.to do something的省略表达。

6. B本题考查省略,此处是but he still hopes to pass it的省略。其他结构不对。

7. A 此处是I’m afraid that he is very sick.的省略,此处so代替上文的情况。

8. B 本题考查省略。此处mean to do sth表示“打算/计划做某事”。而mean doing sth则表示“意味着做某事”。省略时保留不定式符号to.

9. A 此处what for 是口语省略的用法,是What are you going to use the empty bottle for? 类似于why。

10. C.本题考查状语从句的省略。后半题干的意思是“但是当我被提出疑问时我撒了个谎”。

状语从句恢复完整应为When I was questioned at the meeting by my boss.

11.D。I believe not即I don’t believe that it’s going to rain over the weekenD.上述动词,肯定回答是:主语+动词+so;否定回答有两种:主语+动词+not或主语+助动词否定形式+动词+so,但“hope”否定回答只能说sB.hope not,不能说sB.don’t hope so。