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摘 要:广义相对论(经典的引力理论)和粒子标准模型理论(量子规范理论)是目前最成功的基础物理理论,两个理论都通过了迄今为止所有的实验检验。但可惜的是两个理论目前并不兼容。因此,对于物理学家来说,发现一个能统合自然界所有基本相互作用的理论框架就显得非常重要。引力及相关物理规律研究对于深入理解引力的性质和规律、寻找新的基本力和最终统一描述4种基本相互作用具有重要指导意义。由于实验是检验物理理论正确与否最有效的判据,人们期待着利用更精密的实验技术和更巧妙的实验方法,在更广的相互作用范围和更高的实验精度上检验广义相对论与量子理论基本假设的正确性以及相关的预言。该研究的基本出发点是寻找新的相互作用,开展引力基本规律和QED理论检验。在引力基本规律研究中,进行万有引力定律和等效原理的实验检验。对万有引力定律的检验包括两个方面:分别是进行万有引力常数G的精确测量和近距离牛顿反平方定律的实验检验。在等效原理的实验检验中,分别通过精密扭秤、冷原子自由落体和旋转冷分子3种方式进行实验检验。另外,拟通过对Li+离子的精密光谱测量开展关于束缚态QED理论的实验检验,进行精细结构常数α的测量。研究紧密围绕目前物理学基础研究中的最前沿,任何一个课题的突破都将对物理学的发展产生极其深远的影响,并使我国在该领域的研究在国际学术界占有一席之地。

关键词:精密测量 引力实验和理论 等效原理 牛顿反平方 量子电动力学

Project Report about Researches on Gravitation and its Related Laws based on Precision Measurement Physics

Luo Jun Hu Zhongkun Tu Liangcheng Yang Shanqing

(School of Physics,HUST)

Abstract:The General Relativity and Standard Model, describing the fundamental physical laws of nature currently, have both passed all experimental tests to date successfully. However, the two theories are essentially incompatible. Many theoretical physicists are devoted to searching for a framework to cover the four fundamental interactions, but up to now, they cannot answer the question that why the gravitation is so weak compared with the other force. A number of theoretical speculations are proposed and typically involve new physical interactions, some of which could manifest themselves as violations of the Einstein’s equivalence principle, variation of the universally fundamental constants (such as G), breaking of the Lorenz-symmetry, deviation of the Newtonian inverse square law, and so on. Each of these manifestations offers an opportunity for experiment and could result a new discovery. Therefore, any experimental effort devoted to validating these expectations will help to understand the fundamental nature of gravity. This project will carry out experimental and theoretical researches to test the basic physical laws of general relativity and QED theories. The assignments include gravitational experiments such as the precision measurement of G, testing of Newtonian inverse square law at short ranges, testing of the equivalence principle with three different methods: torsion balance, the free-fall of cold atoms and rotating cold molecules. And laboratory tests of bound state QED theories by precisely measuring the spectroscopy of Li+ and the determination of fine structure constant α are also involved. All these issues are settled according to the most significant end of recent fundamental researches of physics. If any of the issues make a breakthrough, It will bring great influence on the development of physics and promote the status of our country in the international academe.

Key Words:Precision measurement; Gravitaional experiments and theories; Equivalence principle; Newtonian inverse square law; QED
