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Do you know you have never lived until you have flown?



Two thousand people sat with their faces turned to the sky. High above the airfield, a pilot had ust finished carving a crisp1 figure eight in the air. Suddenly, the plane seemed to stumble2. Twisting and turning, it began to fall from the sky.

But the woman in the cockpit3 of the plane on October 15, 1922, was in perfect control. Only two hundred feet above the ground she straightened out the tumbling aircraft and soared back into the sky. By the time she landed her plane, everyone cheered for Bessie Coleman, the first licensed black pilot in the world.

Growing UP Bessie Coleman was born on January 26, 1892. She was a bright girl and a star pupil in school. Bessie’s mother was proud of her daughter’s sharp mind. She urged Bessie to do something special with her life.

Learning to Fly In 1915, when she was 23, Bessie Coleman moved to Chicago. She found a job as a manicurist4 in a men’s barbershop5. Coleman loved her job and the interesting people she met there. After the United States entered World War I in 1917, soldiers returning from the war often came to the shop. Coleman was fascinated6 by their stories of daredevil pilots. She read everything she could about airplanes and flying. She later recalled, “All the articles I read finally convinced7 me I should be up there flying and not just reading about it.”

Bessie Coleman asked some of Chicago’s pilots for lessons. They refused. No one thought that an African American woman could learn to fly.

In desperation8, Coleman asked Robert Abbott for help. Abbott owned Chicago’s African American newspaper, The Chicago Defender. He had often promised to help members of the black community9 with their problems. Abbott told Coleman to forget about learning to fly in the United States. Go to France, he said to her, where no one would care if her skin was black or white.

On November 20, 1920, Coleman sailed for France, where she spent the next seven months taking flying lessons. She learned to fly straight and level, and to turn and bank the plane. She practiced making perfect landings. On a second trip to Europe, she spent months mastering rolls, loops10, and spins11. These were the tricks she would need if she planned to make her living as a performing pilot.

Performing in Airshows Coleman returned to the United States in the summer of 1922. She hoped that she could make enough money from her airshows to buy her own plane. Then she could open a school so everyone would have a chance to feel the freedom she felt in the sky.

By early 1923, Coleman was close to her goal. She had saved her money and bought a plane. Then, as she was flying to an airshow in California, her engine stalled. The brand-new plane crashed12 to the ground. Coleman suffered a broken leg and three broken ribs13. Still, she refused to quit. “Tell them all that as soon as I can walk I’m going to fly!” she wrote to friends and fans.

Early on the morning of April 30, 1926, Coleman and another pilot took off for a short flight around the airshow field. Suddenly, the plane flipped14 upside down. Coleman had not strapped15 herself in ,and she fell to the ground. Moments later, the plane crashed. At 34, Bessie Coleman was dead. Three years after her death, the Bessie Coleman Aero Clubs were formed. The clubs encouraged and trained African American pilots―just as Coleman had hoped to do . In 1931, the clubs sponsored16 the first All African-American airshow. Bessie Coleman would have been proud.



成长 贝西・科尔曼生于1892年的1月26日,她是一个聪明的姑娘,同时也是学校的明星学生。贝西的妈妈为女儿机敏的思想感到骄傲,她敦促女儿这辈子去做一些特别的事情。

学习飞行 1915年,23岁的贝西・科尔曼迁居到芝加哥。她在一家男理发店里当指甲修理师。科尔曼热爱这份工作和她所遇到的有趣的人。1917年美国参加了一战后,从战场上归来的士兵们经常光顾这家理发店。科尔曼被那些不怕死的飞行员的故事所深深吸引。她读所能够读到的有关飞机和飞行的所有东西。她后来回忆道:“读完所有这些文章,我深信自己应该上天飞行而不仅是读读而已”。




飞行表演 科尔曼在1922年的夏天回到美国。她希望能从她的空中表演中赚到足够的钱来购买自己的飞机。这样就可以办一所学校,让每一个人都有机会感受她在天空中享受到的自由。




1 crisp adj .轮廓分明的,弯曲的

2 stumble vi. 绊跌,绊倒

3 cockpit n. (飞行员)座舱

4 manicurist n. 修指甲师

5 barbershop n. 理发店

6 fascinate vt. 强烈地吸引,迷住,使神魂颠倒

7 convince vt. 使确信,使信服,说服

8 desperation n .绝望

9 community n. (由同住一地区或一国的人所构成的)社会,社区

10 loop n. [空]斛斗,翻斛斗(一种飞行特技)

11 spin n .[空]尾旋,螺旋

12 crash vi. (飞机)坠毁

13 rib n. (人的)肋骨

14 flip vi 翻转,急促地(转)动

15 strap vt. 用带扣住,束牢

16 sponsor vt. 发起,举办,主办