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Ⅰ. 单项选择(10分)

1. His family name ___________Green.

A. am B. is C. be D. are

2. What’s that___________ English?

A. to B. from C. on D. in

3. ―Where is your umbrella, Eli? ―It’s___________ the door.

A. on B. in C. behind D. under

4. This is my friend.___________ name is David.

A. Her B. His C. My D. Your

5. Please look at the photo___________ my family.

A. bring B. with C. of D. in

6. Please___________ the chair to your room, Tom.

A. bring B. take C. help D. want

7. There___________ a computer, two balls and some books in the room.

A. be B. is C. am D. are

8. I___________ a basketball match on TV this morning.

A. look B. see C. have D. watch

9. He wants___________ a blue sweater.

A. to buy B. buying C. buys D. buy

10. Peter likes having chicken___________ lunch.

A. to B. on C. for D. with

11. ―Do you like English?

―Yes. It is___________.

A. boring B. not interesting

C. fun D. bad

12. ―___________tennis.

―That sounds good.

A. Let play B. Let’s play

C. Let’s to play D. Let us to play

13. ―What do you have___________ breakfast?

―Bread and milk.

A. eat B. for C. on D. with

14. Nick___________ a baseball.

A. not have B. don’t have

C. not has D. doesn’t have

15. ―How___________ does John want?


A. many chickens B. much bread

C. many apple D. much tomatoes

16. Do you know the answer___________ these questions?

A. to B. of C. for D. from

17. ―___________are your shorts?

―Twenty yuan.

A. How much B. What money

C. What size D. What color

18. ―Thank you___________ your great help.

―You’re welcome.

A. for B. to C. give D. of

19. You can have this pair shoes___________only ten dollars.

A. for B. at C. in D. with

20. I eat___________ healthy food every day.

A. lot B. a lot C. lots of D. a lots of

Ⅱ. 句型转换(10分)按括号内的要求完成下列句子,每空填一词。

1. My family name is Read . (对划线部分提问)

____________________________________________ name?

2. This tennis racket isfifteen yuan . (对划线部分提问)

____________________________________________ tennis racket?

3. Alan has a new soccer ball. (改为一般疑问句)

____________________________________________ new soccer ball?

4. There is a volleyball under her bed. (改为一般疑问句)

____________________________________________ under her bed?

5. My skirt is red . (对划线部分提问)

______________________is your skirt?

6. I write with a pen. (对划线部分提问)

______________________you write?

7. I’m in Class Four, Grade One. (对划线部分提问)


8. Thank you for your help.(写出答语)


9. Those are English books.(改为主语为单数形式的句子)


10. My father is fine today.(对划线部分提问)


Ⅲ. 英汉互译(10分)根据汉语意思,完成下列英语句子,每空填一词。

1. 我能看看你的彩色照片吗?

____________________________________________your color photo?

2. 我想到公园去。

____________________________________________to the park.

3. 他早饭吃了很多鸡蛋。

He____________________________________________ for breakfast.

4. 我非常喜欢苹果和橘子。

I____________________________________________ very much.

5. 咱们看足球赛吧。


6. 地板上有三个篮球。

____________________________________________on the floor.

7. 伊恩,请给我拿几只香蕉来。

Please____________________________________________, Ian.

8. 我不知道那个女孩的名子。

I____________________________________________ of that girl.

9. 你可以到失物招领处去领回你的手表。

You can go to____________________________________________ to get your watch.

10. 你怎样拼写你的名子?

____________________________________________your name?

Ⅳ. 交际英语(10分)在空白处填入适当的单词,完成对话。每空填一词。

A: 1 I 2 you?

B: Yes, please. I want a pair of shoes.

A: What 3 do you want?

B: Black.

A: 4 you are.

B: 5 6 7 they?

A: $55.

B: I’ll 8 9 . Thanks.

A: You are 10 . Bye.

B: Bye.

Ⅴ. 完形填空(20分)


I 1 a picture. 2 is a picture of my bedroom. 3 the picture you can see my things here and there. My computer is 4 the desk. I 5 computer games every day. It is my 6 thing. My basketball and soccer ball are 7 the door. And I like playing them very much. My 8 is under my bed. I don’t like doing homework. I don’t read 9 write at home. I’m a good 10 at school. But I’m not a good son at home.

1. A. has B. have C. is D. are

2. A. He B. She C. They D. It

3. A. On B. To C. In D. At

4. A. on B. in C. under D. next to

5. A. take B. bring C. open D. play

6. A. good B. favorite C. nice D. happy

7. A. in B. behind C. from D. with

8. A. chair B. pants C. backpack D. shirts

9. A. or B. but C. with D. to

10. A. teacher B. girl C. student D. brother


It is evening. An old cock (公鸡) is sitting 1 a tall tree. A fox (狐狸) comes to the tree and 2 the cock. “Hello, Mr Cock. I have some good news for you,” says the fox.

“Oh?” says the cock. “What is it?”

“All the animals(动物) 3 good friends now. Let’s 4 friends, too. Please come down and play 5 me.”

“Fine!” says the cock. “I’m very glad 6 that!” Then he looks up. “Look! There is something over there.”

“What are you looking at?” asks the fox.

“Oh, I see some animals over there. 7 coming this way.”


“Yes. Oh, they are dogs.”

“What? Dogs?” asks the fox. “Well... well, good-bye.”

“Wait, Mr Fox,” says the cock. “ 8 go. They are only dogs. And they are our friends now.”

“Yes. But they 9 that yet.”

“I see, I see,” says the cock. He smiles(微笑) and 10 to sleep.

1. A. in B. on C. between D. under

2. A. look at B. looking C. looks D. looks at

3. A. are B. is C. am D. be

4. A. be B. am C. are D. is

5. A. to B. for C. with D. and

6. A. listen B. to listen to C. hear D. to hear

7. A. They B. They are C. It is D. It

8. A. Not B. Doesn’t C. Don’t D. Don’t to

9. A. aren’t know B. doesn’t know C. know D. don’t know

10. A. go B. goes C. to go D. come

Ⅵ. 阅读理解(15分)


One Sunday(星期天) morning, Frank goes to the shop with his parents. Frank is the only child in the family. His parents love him very much.

They buy some apples and oranges for Frank. And they buy some chicken and bread in the shop. They also buy a white shirt and black shorts for Frank. They see Frank in new clothes, and they are very happy.

When they leave the shop, Frank says to his mother, “Mom, can I ask for something?”

“Yes, of course,” says the mother. “What is it?”

“I want you to buy a T-shirt and a skirt for me.”

“Why(为什么)?” asks the mother. “You are a boy. You can’t wear(穿) a skirt.”

“I’m sorry, Mom. I want you to buy them for my classmate Diana,” answers Frank.

“Her parents will buy them for her,” says the mother.

“Her father is dead(死). And her mother doesn’t have work. She has no new clothes. I want to help her,” says Frank.

“All right,” says the mother. “I’ll buy a yellow T-shirt and a red skirt for her.”


1. How many people are there in Frank’s family?

2. Do Frank’s parents go to work on Sundays?

3. What color are Frank’s shorts?

4. Does Frank like fruit?

5. What is Frank?


Li Ming doesn’t want to go home after school. It is Friday afternoon. His mother will have a rest on Saturday. She is a clerk of a bank. She is good at counting. Li Ming’s father will stay at home on Sunday. He is a doctor in a big hospital.

Li Ming’s parents are very strict with him. They ask him to study hard. He does not do well in the mid-term exams. And he dare(敢) not go home. He walks here and there. Then he has a good idea. He comes into a restaurant.

“Can I help you?” asks the waiter.

“Please give me a glass of beer(啤酒) and a plate of vegetable,” answers Li Ming.

“You are a student. You can’t have any beer, I think,” says the waiter. “You can have some other drinks.”

“No,” says Li Ming. “I want to have a big glass of beer.”

“I think you’ll be in drink(喝醉酒). Please go home at once.”

Li Ming is angry. “I have much money. I’ll pay for it after I drink it.”

“Can you tell me why you want to do this?” asks the waiter.

“We have exams last week. I get 100. I can’t go home because my father will beat me,”

“Oh, 100 is a good mark. Your father will be glad, I think,” says the waiter with a smile.

“I get 20 in math. I get 30 in Chinese and I get 20 in English. My history mark is 10. My geography mark is 10, too. And my biology...” says Li Ming slowly.

“Oh, I see,” says the waiter. “You get 100 in all.”


1. Li Ming doesn’t want to go home because___________.

A. it is too early

B. he is afraid (害怕) of his parents

C. he is very tired

D. his home is near the school

2. Li Ming’s father stays at home on___________.

A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. Monday

3. Li Ming’s parents want him to___________.

A. learn his subjects well B. be an actor

C. play basketball well D. run away from home

4. Li Ming goes to the restaurant to___________.

A. see his mother

B. buy some hamburgers

C. watch a soccer game on TV

D. have some beer and make him in drink

5. Why doesn’t the waiter give Li Ming any beer?

A. Because Li Ming is a student and a student can’t have any beer

B. Because he has no money

C. Because his father stays there and drinks beer

D. Because there is no beer there


Hey, Kids! Big T-shirts and shoes are on sale at Brown’s Store. We have T-shirts in many colors: red, white, blue, green, black and yellow. We also have shorts in blue and green. We have shoes in black, blue and white. The T-shirts are only $42. The shorts are just $32 and the shoes are $66. That’s not all. Please come down to Brown’s Store and see for yourself!


1. We can only buy T-shirts, shorts and shoes in this store.

2. You can take blue shoes, green shorts and yellow T-shirts in this store.

3. You can buy one T-shirt and a pair of shoes with $100.

4. The T-shirts are in five colors.

5. This store sells children’s clothes and shoes.

Ⅶ. 词汇(10分)

A) 根据句意和首字母提示,在空白处填入所缺的单词。

1. ―What’s your p___________number? ―It’s 7021569.

2. ―Where is my c___________game? ―It’s under the table.

3. ―Do you n___________a backpack for school? ―Yes, I do.

4. ―What color are your p? ―They are blue.

5. Please look at the picture. This is my i___________bedroom.

B) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. Tommy and I___________ (be) good friends.

7. She is a good girl.___________(she) name is Sally.

8. This book is very___________(interest).

9. Nick___________(have) a new bike.

10. I want___________(buy) a computer.

Ⅷ. 书面表达(15分)



姓名 年龄 出生地 职业 班级 食物 爱好

Emily 14 伦敦 学生 一年级六班 汉堡包,鸡肉 网球,排球



姓 Green

名 Tom

年龄 12

国籍 美国


英语 √

数学 ×


土豆 √

番茄 ×


跑步 √

足球 ×


Ⅰ. 1. B2. D3. C4. B5. C6. B7. B8. D9. A10. C11. C

12. B13. B14. D15. A16. A17. A18. A19. A20. C

Ⅱ. 1. What, is, your, family2. How, much, is, this

3. Does, Alan, have, a4. Is, there, a, volleyball5. What, color

6. How, do7. Which, class, are, you, in8. You, are, welcome

9. That, is, an, English, book10. How, is, your, father

Ⅲ. 1. Can, I, look, at2. I, want, to, go3. ate, lots, of, eggs

4. like, apples, and, oranges5. Let’s, watch, the, soccer

6. There, are, three, basketballs7. bring, me, some, bananas

8. don’t, know, the, name9. the, lost, and, found

10. How, do, you, spell

Ⅳ. 1. Can2. help3. color4. Here5. How6. much7. are8. take

9. them10. welcome

Ⅴ. A) 1-5 BDCAD6-10 BBCAC

B) 1-5 ADAAC6-10 DBCDB

Ⅵ. A) 1. There are three.2. No, they don’t.3. They are black.

4. Yes, he does.5. He is a student.

B) 1. B2. C3. A4. D5. A

C) 1. F2. T3. F4. F5. T

Ⅶ. 1. phone 2. computer3. need4. pants5. ideal

6. are 7. Her8. interesting9. has10. to buy

Ⅷ. One possible version:


Emily is a girl. She is nice. She is from London. She is fourteen years old. She is in China now. She is a student. She is in Class Six, Grade One. We are in the same class. We are good friends. She has lunch at school. She eats hamburgers and chicken for it. She likes sports very much. After school I play volleyball or tennis with her. Emily is a happy girl. She likes China very much.


This boy is my good friend. His name is Tom Green. He is twelve. He is an American. He likes English very much, but he doesn’t like math. For food he likes potatoes, but he doesn’t like tomatoes. For sport he likes running, but he doesn’t like playing football.