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>> 基于Web的计算机维护信息系统的实现 基于网络环境探讨医院计算机信息系统管理的加强 基于计算机信息系统安全技术的应用研究 基于动态共享的零售企业计算机信息系统研究 基于计算机技术的智慧酒店信息系统解决方案 基于计算机网络技术的物流信息系统建构 计算机信息系统的安全防范 计算机信息系统的雷电防护 计算机信息系统审计的探索之路 计算机信息系统的安全监控 计算机信息系统保密管理的探讨 计算机信息系统的安全保障 基于网络环境下计算机会计信息系统内部控制创新研究 基于帕累托法则的计算机信息系统安全性研究 基于网络环境分析医院计算机信息系统管理的加强 浅谈计算机信息系统运行维护 矿井计算机管理信息系统设计 铁道信号计算机联锁信息系统 浅析计算机信息系统安全技术 计算机管理信息系统发展研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

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Computer Education Innovation Based on Information Systems Literacy Education

――In the Case Study of Excel Business Applications and Modeling Using Excel Course Construction

ZHANG Guo-feng, GU Zhen-yu, ZHANG Xiao-li, ZHENG Ji-ming

(Business Information School, Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, Shanghai 201620, China)

Abstract: This article introduces the concept and significance of information system literacy. Instruction of information system literacy attempts to provide a new philosophy and methodology for solving the problems and challenges encountered in Chinese computer education; it also intends balances the relationship between technology and ideology, and paves the way for the exploration of reform. Finally the paper summarizes the experience of reform based on information system literacy instruction and proposes the idea of reconstructing the new pattern of computer instruction in the guiding principle of information system literacy education.

Key words: information system literacy; computer education; innovation model