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There are numbers of crossroads on our long and unpredictable life journey where we totally have no idea about which direction to choose. No matter what our decision is, we should not turn back, but face the music and go ahead instead. I am this kind of girl who always does try without regretting, one example is how I dealt with my love.

Through a friend, I knew a smart guy who is tall, thin and good at writing, and as time passed, I was attracted by his handsome face and humor. I had a wonderful camping last National Day with him.

Before the National Day, I was very glad to hear that there would be a camping activity because I love nature, especially after knowing he would come, too, I was so excited that I was dying to go.

During climbing, he was just in my sight and I followed his pace with my mind full of his figure, like a fool for smile always on my face, unconsciously. We gave each other a hand in each difficult corner and served the food to each other in the big dinner. Once he carried noodle with chopsticks and tended to put it into my mouth directly, I was too shy to eat it, so I just took the chopsticks over and served myself with my heart beating rapidly.

The most significant moment came when couples would share one tent and each single girl and boy also had a fellow to sleep with except me who was only familiar with him, the guy I was liking. So I slept with him in one tent without choice, actually, that was what I expected. “You stupid boy, do you know I like you?” I repeated it in my heart when we were chatting staring at bright stars, shoulder by shoulder. Several times the word “I love you” almost slipped out, however, finally, I held my tongue and kept silence because of being shy and afraid of losing him for embarrassment if he didn’t love me.

After we came back, everything returned to the order. But there was always a voice repeating in my mind to tell me to be brave and speak it out, or I would regret forever. And now, everything changed because I was out of control on that exciting night when I saw him in the self-study classroom. I could not help crying when I came back, so I sent short message to tell him my love. However, what I got was deadly silence, no reply, which made me pretty sad, but not unexpected. Because I knew we were pretty different in character and did not have much in common. To avoid embarrassment, he rejected me by keeping silence, which I could totally understand.

Although I get the unpleasant result and have no connection with him at all now, I am happier than before because I know I have done what should be done. Life will be gone in blink, and everything will be a sorrow if we even do not have a try for fear this or that. So the best way to know whether there is possibility is to try without regretting and there is possibility in experiencing or nothing will be changed without trying at all.