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In fact, in real life, everyone would have an experience of feeling homesick. I remember when I was 10 years old, I was sent to my uncle’s in another city because my parents were busy. There, I studied for two years. Although my uncle and his family were kind to me, I still felt homesick.

There is no denying/doubt that feeling homesick will cause endless awful effects on the aspects of my study and life. To start with, owing to the different teaching methods of different teachers, I found it difficult for me to understand the lesson. What’s worse, I often got sick because I didn’t adapt to the climate there.

In view of the seriousness of this problem, my priorities now should be focused on eliminating it in the following ways. First and foremost, I must do my utmost to accept that place. What’s more, it would be better if I do more exercises and pay special attention to my health. In addition, I’d better communicate with my teachers as much as possible and turn to teachers for help when coming across difficult problems.





It goes without saying that college life will be quite different from that of middle school. In college we will pay great attention to our overall development while in middle school we put much emphasis on the results of exams. In order to adjust myself to the coming college life, I decide to gain more knowledge about the society and life skills. Besides, I will try my best to become an independent and mature college student.





I strongly recommend that tourists should be forbidden to get too close to zoo animals. First of all, ways should be found to increase people’s awareness of animal protection. Then, the authority concerned should make specific regulations to protect zoo animals. What’s more, those who break the rule are to blame for it and in the worst case, should be fined. I believe only by taking these measures can we live in harmony with animals.





When I was a primary school student, you always encouraged me to do well in school and each evening I was asked to present at least one new thing I had learned that day. You told me that I could be whatever I wanted to be, as long as I got good grades and continue my education. When I met some difficulties, you inspired me to bravely face and solve them by my own brightness and effort.






My parents always encourage me to study in the following ways. First and foremost, they insist on praising me every time I make a little progress to give me confidence. What’s more, they keep giving me vivid description of my bright future to urge me to go on. Besides, they often help me to solve the problems I am faced with in study so as to let meknow their support.





If I were in the situation of those animals, I would also get irritated by the continuous disturbance. Besides, I would try to avoid them every time I met them so that I would not be disturbed and would have the private room to enjoy myself.


恰当使用一些过渡性的词语(如:besides, to stat with; what’s more, moreover等),以增强文章的连贯性和可读性。



The reason why people like taking photos with animals in the zoo can be listed as follows. To start with, in their daily life, it is not easy to see the zoo animals, so people take photos with the animals just out of curiosity. What’s more, not many people have the common sense of animals’ living habits, which results in their improper behaviours.


1. 试题精选。(2011年深圳市宝安区高三摸底考试)



(1) 你对过节送礼如何理解?

(2) 你印象最深刻的一次过节送礼的经历;

(3) 你从此次经历中获得的启示或者感悟。


In my opinion, sending each other gifts on holidays is a good way to express love or care. There is no denying that it is quite meaningful to do so,especially to our family and friends.

One of my most impressive experiences of sending others gifts on holidays is when I sent my mum a gift on the Mother’s Day at the age of 6. On that day, many kids prepared little gifts for their mothers and so did I. I went out to the flower shop and bought a rose home with the pocket money I had saved. Receiving the gift, my mum was so moved that she gave me a kiss full of love in return.

This experience tells me that I should cherish the chance that the holidays offer me to express my love and care to my beloved ones. Besides, from this experience I get to know that it doesn’t really matter what gifts I give to my beloved ones, but it does matter that I do remember and love them.

2. 原创练习。


(1) 你如何看待虎妈教育孩子的方式;


(3) 你认为怎样才能更好地教育孩子。


From my point of view, Tiger Mom’s way of educating her children should not be encouraged. She focuses too much on her children’s IQ development but little on their mental health. And it’s not good of her to ignore her children’s rights to have a happy and playful childhood.

The reason why the number of Chinese students studying in the USA is on the increase is due to well-developed Chinese economy. In addition, most of the Chinese parents are willing to spend money on their children to ensure that they get the best education possible.

In my opinion, we can educate our children in the following ways. First, we should pay more attention to children’s mental health. Besides, a relaxing environment together with quality educationshould be encouraged, which will help cultivate smart, creative, as well as physically-and-mentally healthy children in our country.

