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Myths that are thought to be true facts do not stop at the ones listed below. Actually, there are countless fake ideas that people usually consider to be undeniable1) truths. From health to relationships and from Santa Claus to natural phenomena, every domain has its share of so called undeniable realities that are actually no more than plain myths. Here are 7 myths that people believe to be true.


1. Barking dogs don't bite

I have heard this one since childhood. I always consider it one of the silliest myths out there, and it can turn out to be dangerous too. Barking dogs DO bite. Barking is a dog's way of telling you "stay away" and you should better listen to it, because a dog always means it, and this is not a myth!

2. If you are cold, you'll

get the flu

This is another myth that is taken as a general truth by most people. Stay away from cold, or you'll get sick, my mother always told me. Well, Mom, it is not the cold that get us sick, but those dreadful2) viruses! The true part about this one is that cold diminishes3) the activity of your immunity system, making it easier for viruses to enter your organism, but the cold itself is harmless.

3. Hot liquids are great for

a sore throat

This is one of the most diffused4) myths in the world. "Drink your tea while it is hot", we hear this all the time when we are sick. Hot drinks are actually harmful and will not do any good to your throat. If you are talking of warm liquids, then yes, they are helpful. Hot ones will only harm our fragile tissues and hurt not only the throat, but the esophagus5) and the stomach as well.

4. History books are accurate

History books only try to be accurate but they do not succeed all the time. Historical errors in our school books are not so big as to be shocking but they do exist. For example, the statement "Americans never lost a battle in the Vietnam War" is false, because some of the soldiers remember the events differently, and may give names of places and dates when Americans lost battles in Vietnam.

5. Cow milk is good for you

This is a most recently debunked6) myth. Doctors are learning nowadays about the negative effects of cow milk on human organisms. We, humans, are the only species that consume milk in adulthood, and also that consume the milk of other species. It is no wonder that this aliment7) may lead to such disorders as diarrhea8), allergies9), diabetes10) and even cancer. Some scientists advocate for ending milk consumption after the first years of life, while others recommend moderation11) only, as a way of protecting ourselves without giving up one of our favorite aliments.

6. If you want to know how a woman will look 20 years from now, look at her mother!

This is nothing more than a silly idea. First of all, women may take after12) their fathers or their grandparents and look nothing like their mothers. Secondly, it may happen that a woman takes a lot greater care of herself if she has a mother that neglected herself, than one who has a model as a mother. While some genes are indeed transmitted from one generation to another, what really counts is the determination of the particular person (regardless of the gender) of taking care of herself.

7. Lightning never strikes twice

in the same place

Here is one of the most popular myths in the world. However, nothing could be more obvious than the fact that lightning may strike the very same place countless times. It all depends on the nature of the target. The taller a construction is, the more chances it has that it will be struck by lightning multiple times.

1. 吠犬不咬人


2. 如果你觉得冷,那么你要感冒了


3. 热饮有益于疼痛的嗓子


4. 历史书是准确无误的


5. 牛奶对你有好处


6. 如果你想知道一个女人20年后的样子,那就去看看她的妈妈吧!


7. 闪电绝不会两次击中同一个地方


1. undeniable [ˌʌndɪˈnaɪəbl] adj. 不可否认的;无可争辩的

2. dreadful [ˈdredfl] adj. 可怕的;令人感到恐怖的

3. diminish [dɪˈmɪnɪʃ] vt. 减少,降低

4. diffuse [dɪˈfjuːz] vt. 传播;散布(知识、消息等)

5. esophagus: 参见P63注释12

6. debunk [ˌdiːˈbʌŋk] vt. 揭穿

7. aliment [ˈælɪmənt] n. 食物;营养物

8. diarrhea [ˌdaɪəˈrɪə] n. 【医】腹泻

9. allergy [ˈælədʒi] n. 【医】过敏性反应;过敏症

10. diabetes [ˌdaɪəˈbiːtiːz] n. 【医】糖尿病

11. moderation [ˌmɒdəˈreɪʃn] n. 适度;节制

12. take after: (在外貌、体格等方面)与(父、母等)相像