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Application Analysis on 3D CAD Technology in Mechanical Design

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Abstract. With rapid development of computer technology, mechanical design also depends on computer more. 3D CAD technology has been applied to this field for a long time. With advancement of information technology, the design method of 3D CAD technology is also making progress ceaselessly. At present, owing to 3D CAD technology, mechanical design has become more and more mature. By application analysis on 3d cad technology in mechanical design, development of 3D CAD technology is introduced simply in this paper.

Key words: 3D CAD; mechanical design; application analysis.

3D CAD technology derives from rapid development of electronic technology and computer technology, and now it is widely applied to numerous high-tech industries. The application of 3D CAD technology in mechanical design is the most extensive. By adopting advanced design technology, it has made mechanical design more intuitional and provided convenience for mechanical manufacture.

1. Concept of 3D CAD technology

The so-called 3D CAD technology is based on 3D model and develops for several years. If 3D model is constructed well, then it will be simple to build 2D model. Therefore, 3D CAD technology is also known as modeling technology. 3D CAD technology mainly includes 3D modeling, 3D design, transformation from 3D to 2D, simulation design, kinematic analysis of mechanisms, etc. Design creativity conceived by the designer can be established as soon as possible through 3D CAD technology. Besides, test for relevant quality can be carried out before commencement of works. Thereby, every designer should grasp 3D CAD technology. 2. Development background of 3D CAD technology

Now with continuous perfection of computer technology, the requirement for mechanical design is also becoming higher and higher, thus design technology with higher level is needed to promote development of mechanical design. The rise of 3D CAD technology has endowed the design object and design process with more creativity. The timeworn design thought and method have already been replaced by advanced technology, while 3D CAD technology has provided a new development platform for mechanical design that has gone into trouble. Therefore, 3D CAD design technology is the important driving force for development of mechanical design.

3. Superiorities of 3D CAD technology

in mechanical design

3D CAD technology has obvious superiorities in mechanical design, mainly reflected in the following three aspects:

3.1 Ability to display design works intuitively

By designing works via 3D CAD technology, the stereoscopic situation of the machine can be displayed intuitively. Owing to the restriction of technical conditions for a long time, plane design drawings cannot fully display 3D structure of the machine though they are able to reflect the designer’s thought. 3D CAD technology that emerges with computer technology makes the 3D model of mechanical design constructed via software clear at a glance.

3.2 Ability to conduct parameterization and variable design

Simulation of computer software guarantees a higher degree of freedom for parameter variation and variable change in mechanical design. If plane design is adopted, then the changes of parameters and variables have to be displayed by formulating another design drawing. However, 3D CAD technology has greatly relieved designer’s pressure, and designers can modify the design quickly.

3.3 Ability to conduct optimization design and finite element analysis for mechanical components

There are numerous mechanical components for different usages. It is hard for traditional mechanical design to analyze every component, thus danger of the machine will be increased. However, 3D CAD technology can check the service condition of every component under different situations, to make the mechanical design more scientific and reasonable.

4. Application of 3D CAD technology in mechanical design

Development of 3D CAD technology has promoted progress of mechanical design, and its specific application in mechanical design is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

4.1 Integrated manufacturing of model ADM/CAD

With development of technology, reform and innovation for production technology is also carried out in the manufacturing industry. The method of artificial design drawings has gradually been replaced by CAM/CAD/CAE, and common machine tool has also been transformed into digital control machine tool. Therefore, computerization and digitization are the overall development trend. At present, model CAD/CAM represents the advanced technology of manufacturing industry. CAM/CAD software system composed of a series of modules can conduct unified management for design data.

4.2 Assembly drawing of solid modeling

After solid modeling is completed via 3D CAD technology, mechanical entities can also be assembled through relevant parts in 3D CAD technology. After mechanical motion reaches a certain position, components can be installed according to relevant data, so as to avoid tardiness and non-standardization of manual installation. Besides, labor and financial costs are also greatly reduced.

4.3 Solid modeling for component entities

Basic modeling methods in 3D CAD technology include solid modeling. Firstly, basic components are divided into single individuals and then modeling design is conducted for these individuals via 3D CAD software. Later these designs are integrated through software to gain a solid model for the components. In this way, the time of sketching components is reduced greatly and batch processing can be carried out for mechanical components.

4.4 CAE software application

Main functions of CAE software cover engineering data analysis, optimum structural design, kinematics and kinetics simulation design, lifetime judgment, strength design evaluation, and so on. Only by completing mechanical equipment modeling through 3D CAD technology, can quality evaluation of the machine be conducted via CAE software. Therefore, 3D CAD technology will greatly reduce the design time.

5. Problems of 3D CAD technology in mechanical design

Though 3D CAD technology has been extensively applied to mechanical design, there still exist some problems when 3D CAD technology is applied to mechanical design owing to the short development time of this technology and lack of professional quality among relevant personnel. If these problems are not solved, development of 3D CAD technology will be hindered, and undesirable influence will also be generated on mechanical design.

5.1 Incomplete expression of aided design functions

Many enterprises only rest on the superficial 3D model design when mechanical design is conducted via 3D CAD technology, and they think that 3D CAD technology will be useless after 3D effect drawings of the machine are gained. Actually, 3D CAD technology can not only construct 3D model, but also test relevant quality in advance for timely modification. At present, 3D CAD technology often fall into the awkward condition of being treated as aided drawing tool.

5.2 Insufficient designers with professional skill

It is a long and complex process to grasp 3D CAD technology and users have to explore each function contained in it. Most designers just have a superficial understanding about it, which will hinder mechanical design and production. Moreover, some enterprises don’t value 3D CAD technology, so the work of training relevant artisans lags behind. As a result, promotion of 3D CAD technology becomes more difficult.

6. Influence of 3D CAD technology on mechanical design

Though development of 3D CAD technology has many problems, its influence on mechanical design still cannot be neglected. Mechanical design via 3D CAD technology can not only make the design thought more creative, but also promote the entire manufacturing process to develop toward digitization and informatization. Thus a new road can be opened for mechanical design.

6.1 More innovative design

In traditional mechanical design mode, only some sizes of mechanical components can be changed by referring to the existing materials, or counterfeit production is conducted by absorbing advanced products. There are few problems in such design, but it’s hard to acquire competitiveness due to the lack of innovation. 3D CAD technology can take full advantage of professional system and advanced theory to build several innovative designs of structure comparison, which can stimulate the designer’s thought.

6.2 Informatization of manufacturing process

Every link of the manufacturing process can be controlled via 3D CAD technology, to fully realize informatization. Meanwhile, problems in design can be found and modified in time. Thus design time will be greatly reduced and machine quality can be increased. Besides, 3D CAD technology can realize relevant discussions about the design among different regions and countries. Thus different opinions can gather quickly.

7. Development trend of 3D CAD technology on mechanical design

With rapid development of new technology, the development trend of 3D CAD technology is also becoming clear. It is now developing toward integration, standardization and intellectualization. This is not only a requirement for development of 3D CAD technology, but also an inevitable way for development of mechanical design.

7.1 Integration

3D CAD technology has realized unification of multiple kinds of design technology. Integration of mechanical design is also realized through integration of design systems. All links from modeling to quality test can be conducted in one system. Nowadays, rapid development of 3D CAD technology with information technology has realized CAM/CAD integration gradually. This will also be an important research direction for many scholars in the future.

7.2 Standardization

The system of 3D CAD technology mainly depends on geometric data and engineering data model. Issuance of relevant data standards and norms represents that 3D CAD technology develops toward the direction of standardization. Under the restriction of standardization, 3D CAD technology is equipped with higher safety and quality level in mechanical design.

7.3 Intellectualization

The greatest feature of 3D CAD technology that distinguishes it from traditional design method is intellectualization. Due to intellectualization, mechanical design is humanized and the operation interface is more convenient. Great convenience is provided for designers and the design time is greatly reduced. Sufficient adjustment and testing time is offered for machine manufacturing.

8. Methods for strengthening application of 3D CAD technology in mechanical design

We have to further study and comprehend 3D CAD technology in order to utilize more functions of 3D CAD technology in mechanical design. In the following part, some simple methods for strengthening application of 3D CAD technology in mechanical design will be introduced.

8.1 Starting from practical situation

At present, 3D CAD technology still does not play a key role in mechanical design in China. It has a huge gap with some advanced technology and theories in the world. Therefore, we have to start from Chinese practical situation to strengthen the function of 3D CAD technology. Quality should never be neglected in the process of surpassing other countries. Relevant theories can be formed only after practical experience and continuous exploration. Careful research should be conducted by aiming at the above problems.

8.2 Studying with an open mind

Due to the lack of relevant theories and experience, we are still short of certain driving force to promote 3D CAD technology. Therefore, we need to modestly learn from foreign advanced technology and form a development theory with Chinese characteristics. Of course, this does not mean that everything should be absorbed. Instead, we have to take the quintessence and discard the dross. Development theory and method truly suitable for China should be searched.

8.3 Independent study

Study of 3D CAD technology is not a simple thing, so it’s quite slow to cultivate relevant talents. Cultivation for numerous professional talents at a high level is only a part of independent study. On the other hand, we need to learn relevant theories and knowledge through exploration for current talents, to form a theory with personal characteristics. We should patiently wait for this process and better apply the technology to mechanical design. Otherwise, deformed development of 3D CAD technology and bad development of mechanical design will be caused.

9. Conclusion

With development of information technology and globalization, 3D CAD technology has already been promoted to the whole world. However, due to restriction of relevant technology and indifference of some enterprises, application of 3D CAD technology in mechanical design is quite superficial. In order to truly realize promotion of 3D CAD technology, we must stick to research and form an advanced theory with Chinese characteristics. Meanwhile, relevant talents should be cultivated and play a role in mechanical design. They have to promote development of the country and progress of the society by creating more exquisite and durable mechanical products.


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