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摘 要:美德伦理与规则伦理是当前环境伦理学理论建构的两种路径与方法,然而,国内外学者对于这两种方法在环境伦理学的理论建构和学科发展过程中的关系问题一直争论不休。其中一些学者着眼于美德伦理相对于规则伦理(主要指功利主义和义务论)的方法论优势,认为环境伦理学理论建构中的美德伦理方法足以超越或替代传统的规则伦理方法。另外一些学者则针锋相对地认为美德伦理方法仅仅是对规则伦理方法的补充。实际上,两种方法之间到底是何种关系,我们并不能一概而论,问题的关键在于我们以何种视角来审视与考察二者之间的关系。首先,如果从伦理学的本体论视角考察,环境伦理学的使命是为环境保护的道德要求提供道德理由和依据,而美德伦理方法与规则伦理方法相比具有更强的说服力和自足性,因此,它是一种超越性或替代性的方法。其次,从环境伦理学作为一门应用性或实践性的伦理学视角考察,它也要为环境保护的实践提供具体明确的原则性与规范性的指导,美德伦理方法又显然没有规则伦理方法具备更广泛的适用性与更明确的实践指导性,因此,它是一种补充性的方法。最后,从环境伦理学研究的整体视野来看,美德伦理的方法与规则伦理的方法对于环境伦理学的理论建构与学科发展来讲都是不可或缺的,二者之间是并存互补并逐渐融合统一的关系。

关键词: 环境伦理学;美德伦理;规则伦理;道德原则;道德理由

Abstract:Virtue ethics and rule ethics are two approaches to theoretical construction of environmental ethics. However, scholars at home and abroad have been debating about the relationship between the two approaches in the theoretical construction of environmental ethics and the discipline development. Some scholars focus on the methodological superiority of virtue ethics over rule ethics (mainly referring to utilitarianism and obligation), and argue that virtue ethical approach in the theoretical construction of environmental ethics can transcend or replace traditional rule ethical approach. Others argue that virtue ethical approach is only a supplement to rule ethical approach. In fact, the relationship between the two depends on the perspective with which they are examined. First of all, from the perspective of ethical ontology, the mission of environmental ethics is to provide moral reason and basis for the moral requirements of environmental protection, and therefore, virtue ethical approach is more convincing and self?sufficient than rule ethical approach. It is a transcendent or alternative approach. Secondly, as an applied or practical branch of ethics, environmental ethics provides concrete and definite principles for the practice of environmental protection. Virtue ethical approach, unlike rule ethical approach, lacks applicable and explicit practical guidance, so it is a complementary approach. Finally, from the perspective of environmental ethics research, virtue ethical approach and rule ethical approach are both indispensable to the theoretical construction and subject development of environmental ethics, and the two are complementary and gradually integrated.

Key words:environmental ethics; virtue ethics; rule ethics; moral principle; moral reason

20世o70年代以来,西方环境伦理研究主要围绕着人类中心主义与非人类中心主义、工具价值与内在价值等问题进行争论,形成了诸如人类中心主义、动物权利/解放论、生物中心主义、生态中心主义(深层生态学、大地伦理、自然价值论)等环境伦理学派。各个派别之间所持的具体观点虽然有所不同,但它们在理论建构方法和表现形态上要么是功利主义的,要么是康德义务论式的,总之都是规则伦理向度的理论建构。规则伦理方法固有的缺陷,致使环境伦理学的研究陷入了理论与实践的双重困境。因此,一些西方学者受当代西方美德伦理学复兴思潮的影响,就此转向以美德伦理的方法来研究与建构环境伦理学,称之为环境美德伦理学(Environment Virtue Ethics,简称EVE)。