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>> 国内机构知识库研究文献的可视化分析 国内外机构知识库网络影响力的比较研究 科研机构的机构知识库构建研究 日本机构知识库发展与现状研究 机构知识库发展的动力机制与动力模型研究 2003―2013年日本机构知识库的发展与服务 高校机构知识库的应用研究 浅谈“北京学”特色机构知识库的建设 机构知识库建设的动力研究 构建高校机构知识库的几点认识 国内外管理理论的最新发展趋势及启示 关于国内批评性话语的最新发展 机构知识库建设模式研究 高校机构知识库建设研究 国内外机构知识库建设现状及建议 RFP最新发展 期刊出版商版权协议对我国机构知识库发展的影响 区域联盟工程应用型高校机构知识库的建设与发展策略研究 国际金融衍生品市场的最新发展及国内相关研究评述 基于知识管理的学术机构知识库激励模式研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

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[19] 教育部高等学校图书情报工作指导委员会. 2014中国机构知识库学术研讨会综述报导[EB/OL].[2015-03-19].

Abstract: [Purpose/significance]The institutional repository has been developed rapidly in recent years, but there are still many problems to be solved, such as the problems of ideas, policies, technologies, promotion and sustainable development. [Method/process] This paper elaborates the current situation of China’s institutional repositories through a variety of research methods, and analyzes the existing problems in the development of IR. [Result/conclusion] On the basis of the existing solutions, this paper expounds some countermeasures. Enhancing promotion makes IR more popular and encourages scientific researchers to positively unload their research achievements. The precondition of this is to reform the management and determination system of scientific research achievements. It is also necessary to make open access be an important channel of promoting the flowing of scientific achievements and the communication of scientific research thoughts as well as scientific innovation.

Keywords: open access institutional repositories academic exchanges knowledge management