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1.A Cost-effective High-resolution Melting Approach using the EvaGreen Dye for DNA Polymorphism Detection and Genotyping in PlantsYi-Dan Li,Zhi-Zhan Chu,Xiang-Guo Liu,Hai-Chun Jing,Yao-Guang Liu,Dong-Yun Hao

2.Isobaric Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantification-based Comparative Proteomics Reveals the Features of Plasma Membrane-Associated Proteomes of Pollen Grains and Pollen Tubes from Lilium davidiiBing Han,Sixue Chen,Shaojun Dai,Ning Yang,Tai Wang

3.Monitoring the Expression of Maize Genes in Developing Kernels under Drought Stress using Oligo-microarrayMeng Luo,Jia Liu,R. Dewey Lee,Brian T. Scully,Baozhu Guo

4.Proteomic Study Identifies Proteins Involved in Brassinosteroid Regulation of Rice GrowthFengru Wang,Ming-Yi Bai,Zhiping Deng,Juan A. Oses-Prieto,Alma L. Burlingame,Tiegang Lu,Kang Chong,Zhi-Yong Wang

5.How do Plant Morphological Characteristics, Species Composition and Richness Regulate Eco-hydrological Function?Zhen-Hong Wang,Chang-Qun Duan

plex Mutation and Weak Selection together Determined the Codon Usage Bias in Bryophyte Mitochondrial GenomesBin Wang,Jing Liu,Liang Jin,Xue-Ying Feng,Jian-Qun Chen

7.A Test of Seven Candidate Barcode Regions from the Plastome in Picea (Pinaceae)Jin-Hua Ran,Pei-Pei Wang,Hui-Juan Zhao,Xiao-Quan Wang

1.SQUAMOSA Promoter-Binding Protein-Like Transcription Factors: Star Players for Plant Growth and DevelopmentXiaobo Chen,Zenglin Zhang,Danmei Liu,Kai Zhang,Aili Li,Long Mao

2.Microfilament Dynamics is Required for Root Growth under Alkaline Stress in ArabidopsisYue Zhou,Zijun Yang,Guangqin Guo,Yan Guo

3.LjCYC Genes Constitute Floral Dorsoventral Asymmetry in Lotus japonicusJiechen Wang,Yumei Wang,Da Luo

4.Expression Analysis of miRNAs and Highly-expressed Small RNAs in Two Rice Subspecies and their Reciprocal HybridsFangfang Chen,Guangming He,Hang He,Wei Chen,Xiaopeng Zhu,Manzhong Liang,Liangbi Chen,Xing Wang Deng

5.Proteomic Analysis of Rice Leaves Shows the Different Regulations to Osmotic Stress and Stress SignalsLie-Bo Shu,Wei Ding,Jin-Hong Wu,Fang-Jun Feng,Li-Jun Luo,Han-Wei Mei

6.Genomic Distribution of Quantitative Trait Loci for Yield and Yield-related Traits in Common WheatLi-Yi Zhang,Dong-Cheng Liu,Xiao-Li Guo,Wen-Long Yang,Jia-Zhu Sun,Dao-Wen Wang,Aimin Zhang

7.Insights into the Bamboo Genome: Syntenic Relationships to Rice and SorghumYi-Jie Gui,Yan Zhou,Yu Wang,Sheng Wang,Sheng-Yue Wang,Yan Hu,Shi-Ping Bo,Huan Chen,Chang-Ping Zhou,Nai-Xun Ma,Tian-Zhen Zhang,Long-Jiang Fan

8.Genome-Wide Analysis of WOX Gene Family in Rice,Sorghum,Maize,Arabidopsis and PoplarXin Zhang,Jie Zong,Jianhua Liu,Jinyuan Yin,Dabing Zhang

9.TILLING and Associated TechnologiesTrevor Wang,Cristobal Uauy,Brad Till,Chun-Ming Liu

1.Plant Specialized Metabolism: the Easy and the HardShan Lu

prehensive Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tags from the Pulp of the Red Mutant 'Cara Cara' Navel Orange(Citrus sinensis Osbeck)Jun-Li Ye,An-Dan Zhu,Neng-Guo Tao,Qiang Xu,Juan Xu,Xiu-Xin Deng

3.Coordinated Regulation of Gene Expression for Carotenoid Metabolism in Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiTian-Hu Sun,Cheng-Qian Liu,Yuan-Yuan Hui,Wen-Kai Wu,Zhi-Gang Zhou,Shan Lu

4.Characterization of a Novel β-thioglucosidase CpTGG1 in Carica papaya and its Substrate-dependent and Ascorbic Acid-independent O-β-glucosidase ActivityHan Nong,Jia-Ming Zhang,Ding-Qin Li,Meng Wang,Xue-Piao Sun,Yun Judy Zhu,Johan Meijers,Qin-Huang Wang

5.Expression Analysis of Proline Metabolism-related Genes From Halophyte Arabis stelleri under Osmotic Stress ConditionsYuchul Jung,Jungan Park,Yunjung Choi,Jin-Gweon Yang,Donggiun Kim,Beom-Gi Kim,Kyunghee Roh,Dong-Hee Lee,Chung-Kyoon Auh,Sukchan Lee

6.Effects of CO2 Enrichment on Photosynthesis, Growth, and Biochemical Composition of Seagrass Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb.) AschersZhi Jian Jiang,Xiao-Pin Huang,Jing-Ping Zhang

7.Characterization of a Novel Rice Metallothionein Gene Promoter: Its Tissue Specificity and Heavy Metal ResponsivenessChun-Juan Dong,Yun Wang,Shi-Shi Yu,Jin-Yuan Liu

8.Quantitative Analysis of Cytokinins in Plants by High Performance Liquid Chromatography: Electronspray Ionization Ion Trap Mass SpectrometryWeiqi Chen,Ying Gai,Shichang Liu,Renxiao Wang,Xiangning Jiang

9.Evaluation of Protein Extraction Methods for Vitis vinifera Leaf and Root Proteome Analysis by Two-Dimensional ElectrophoresisNeila Jellouli,Asma Ben Salem,Abdelwahed Ghorbel,Hatem Ben Jouira

10.In Remembrance: Professor Qian Ying-Qian(1932-2010)

1.The Cysteine Pairs in CLV2 are Not Necessary for Sensing the CLV3 Peptide in Shoot and Root MeristemsXiufen Song,Peng Guo,Chen Li,Chun-Ming Liu

2.Fingerprinting Analysis of Saposhnikovia divaricata using 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and High Performance Liquid ChromatographyYue-Yang Xin,An-Jun Deng,Guan-Hua Du,Jin-Lan Zhang,Hai-Lin Qin

3.Fast Isolation of Highly Active Photosystem Ⅱ Core Complexes from SpinachZhao-Gai Wang,Tian-Hua Xu,Cheng Liu,Chun-Hong Yang

4.Overexpression of AHL20 Negatively Regulates Defenses in ArabidopsisHaibin Lu,Yan Zou,Na Feng

5.Light Regulation to Chlorophyll Synthesis and Plastid Development of the Chlorophyll-Less Golden-Leaf PrivetMing Yuan,Mo-Yun Xu,Shu Yuan,Yang-Er Chen,Jun-Bo Du,Fei Xu,Zhong-Wei Zhang,Zi-Chan Guo,Zhong-Yi Zhao,Hong-Hui Lin

6.SLOW WALKER3, Encoding a Putative DEAD-box RNA Helicase, is Essential for Female Gametogenesis in ArabidopsisMan Liu,Dong-Qiao Shi,Li Yuan,Jie Liu,Wei-Cai Yang

7.MALE GAMETOPHYTE DEFECTIVE 2, Encoding a Sialyltransferase-like Protein, is Required for Normal Pollen Germination and Pollen Tube Growth in ArabidopsisYi Deng,Wei Wang,Wen-Qing Li,Chuan Xia,Hong-Ze Liao,Xue-Qin Zhang,De Ye

8.Natural Hybridization between Rhododendron delavayi and R. cyanocarpum (Ericaceae), from Morphological, Molecular and Reproductive EvidenceYong-Peng Ma,Chang-Qin Zhang,Jing-Li Zhang,Jun-Bo Yang

1.Photosynthesis for Food, Fuel and the FutureCongming Lu

putational Biology Approaches to Plant Metabolism and Photosynthesis: Applications for Corals in Times of Climate Change and Environmental StressM.James C.Crabbe

3.Structural and Mechanistic Aspects of Mn-oxo and Co-based Compounds in Water Oxidation Catalysis and Potential Applications in Solar Fuel ProductionHarvey J.M.Hou

4.High Temperature Effects on Electron and Proton Circuits of PhotosynthesisThomas D.Sharkey,Ru Zhang

5.Molecular Functions of Oxygen-Evolving Complex Family Proteins in Photosynthetic Electron FlowKentaro Ifuku,Seiko Ishihara,Fumihiko Sato

6.Bidirectional Electron Transfer in the Reaction Centre of Photosystem ⅠStefano Santabarbara,Luca Galuppini,Anna Paola Casazza

7.Arabidopsis Chloroplast FtsH,vat2 and Suppressors of var2 Leaf Variegation: a ReviewXiayan Liu,Fei Yu,Steve Rodermel

8.C4 Rice-an Ideal Arena for Systems Biology ResearchXin-Guang Zhu,Lanlan Shan,Yu Wang,William Paul Quick

1.Starch Synthesis and Programmed Cell Death during Endosperm Development in Triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack)Chun-Yan Li,Wei-Hua Li,Cheng Li,Denis A. Gaudet,André Laroche,Lian-Pu Cao,Zhen-Xiang Lu

2.Coronatine Alleviates Water Deficiency Stress on Winter Wheat SeedlingsXiangwen Li,Xuefeng Shen,Jianmin Li,Anthony Egrinya Eneji,Zhaohu Li,Xiaoli Tian,Liusheng Duan

3.The Interactions among DWARF10, Auxin and Cytokinin Underlie Lateral Bud Outgrowth in RiceShuying Zhang,Gang Li,Jun Fang,Weiqi Chen,Haipai Jiang,Junhuang Zou,Xue Liu,Xianfeng Zhao,Xiaobing Li,Chengcai Chu,Qi Xie,Xiangning Jiang,Lihuang Zhu

4.Characterization and Expression Analysis of Medicago truncatula ROP GTPase Family during the Early Stage of SymbiosisWei Liu,Ai-Min Chen,Li Luo,Jie Sun,Lian-Pu Cao,Guan-Qiao Yu,Jia-Bi Zhu,Yan-Zhang Wang

5.Senescence-Inducible Expression of Isopentenyl Transferase Extends Leaf Life, Increases Drought Stress Resistance and Alters Cytokinin Metabolism in CassavaPeng Zhang,Wen-Quan Wang,Gen-Liang Zhang,Miroslav Kaminek,Petre Dobrev,Jia Xu,Wilhelm Gruissem

6.Identification of gamyb-4 and Analysis of the Regulatory Role of GAMYB in Rice Anther DevelopmentZhenhua Liu,Wenjie Bao,Wanqi Liang,Jingyuan Yin,Dabing Zhang

7.Effective Isolation of Retrotransposons and Repetitive DNA Families from the Wheat GenomeMotonori Tomita,Munenori Asao,Aya Kuraki

1.Formation of the Fertilization Pore during Oogenesis of the Fern Ceratopteris thalictroidesJian-Guo Cao,Quan-Xi Wang,Wen-Mei Bao

2.Genetic Analysis of e/e Mutants and Comparative Mapping of e/e1 Locus in the Control of Organ Internal Asymmetry in Garden PeaXin Li,Li-Li Zhuang,Mike Ambrose M. Phl.,Catherine Rameau,Xiao-He Hu,Jun Yang,Da Luo

3.Biochemical Characterization of Soluble Acid and Alkaline Invertases from Shoots of Etiolated Pea SeedlingsDonggiun Kim,So Yun Park,Youngjae Chung,Jongbum Park,Sukchan Lee,Taek-Kyun Lee

4.Role of Ca2+ on Growth of Brassica campestris L. and B.juncea (L.) Czern & Coss under Na+ StressBadr-uz-Zaman,M. Salim,Rehana Asghar

5.Hydrogen Sulfide Alleviates Aluminum Toxicity in Germinating Wheat SeedlingsHua Zhang,Zhu-Qin Tan,Lan-Ying Hu,Song-Hua Wang,Jian-Ping Luo,Russell L. Jones

6.Antisense-mediated Depletion of Tomato Endoplasmic Reticulum Omega-3 Fatty Acid Desaturase Enhances Thermal ToleranceHua-Sen Wang,Chao Yu,Xian-Feng Tang,Li-Yan Wang,Xun-Chun Dong,Qing-Wei Meng

7.Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping for Leaf Length and Leaf Width in Rice cv. IR64 Derived LinesMuhammad Farooq,Analiza G. Tagle,Rizza E. Santos,Leodegario A. Ebron,Daisuke Fujita,Nobuya Kobayashi

8.RNA Interference-based Suppression of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Results in Susceptibility of Rapeseed to Osmotic StressMei Chen,Yunlai Tang,Jingmei Zhang,Mingfeng Yang,Yinong Xu

9.Delayed Selfing in an Alpine Biennial Gentianopsis paludosa (Gentianaceae) in the Qinghai-Tibetan PlateauYuan-Wen Duan,Amots Dafni,Qin-Zheng Hou,Ya-Ping He,Jian-Quan Liu

10.Author Information

1.Viability Loss Pattern under Rapid Dehydration of Antiaris toxicaria Axes and its Relation to Oxidative DamageXia Xin,Xin-Ming Jing,Yong Liu,Song-Quan Song

2.A Novel Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Gene in Maize (Zea mays), ZmMPK3, is Involved in Response to Diverse Environmental CuesJinxiang Wang,Haidong Ding,Aying Zhang,Fangfang Ma,Jianmei Cao,Mingyi Jiang

3.Identification and Cloning of Differentially Expressed Genes Involved in the Interaction Between Potato and Phytophthora infestans using a Subtractive Hybridization and cDNA-AFLP Combinational ApproachMaria Antonia Henriquez,Fouad Daayf

4.Growth Response to Ionic and Osmotic Stress of NaCl in Salt-tolerant and Salt-sensitive MaizeKe-Fu Zhao,Jie Song,Hai Fan,San Zhou,Meng Zhao

5.Inducible Positive Mutant Screening System to Unveil the Signaling Pathway of Late Blight ResistanceZhiqi Jia,Yanhong Cui,Ying Li,Xiaoxuan Wang,Yongchen Du,Sanwen Huang

6.Molecular Characterization of Three Ethylene Responsive Element Binding Factor Genes from CottonLong-Guo Jin,Hui Li,Jin-Yuan Liu

7.Reverse Genetic Identification of CRN1 and its Distinctive Role in Chlorophyll Degradation in ArabidopsisGuodong Ren,Qian Zhou,Shouxin Wu,Yufan Zhang,Lingang Zhang,Jirong Huang,Zhenfei Sun,Benke Kuai

8.Identification of Rice AI-responsive Genes by Semi-quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction using Sulfite Reductase as a Novel Endogenous ControlJianjun Zhang,Ying Yin,Yuqi Wang,Xinxiang Peng

1.Understanding Plant Development and Stress Responses through Integrative Approaches

2.Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Rapid Stress Signaling Networks in Arabidopsis

3.Abiotic and Biotic Stresses and Changes in the Lignin Content and Composition in Plants

4.Reviewing the Technical Designs for Experiments with Ultraviolet-B Radiation and Impact on Photosynthesis, DNA and Secondary Metabolism

5.Short RNAs in TomatoHtTp://

6.Novel Insights from Live-imaging in Shoot Meristem Development

7.Increased Vitamin C Content Accompanied by an Enhanced Recycling Pathway Confers Oxidative Stress Tolerance in Arabidopsis

8.Proteomics Study of COI1-regulated Proteins in Arabidopsis Flower

9.SDG714 Regulates Specific Gene Expression and Consequently Affects Plant Growth via H3K9 Dimethylation

1.Cytological Events during Zygote Formation of the Fern Ceratopteris thalictroidesJian-Guo Cao,Quan-Xi Wang,Nai-Ying Yang,Wen-Mei Bao

2.Identification and Gene Mapping of a Novel Mutant supernumerary Iodicules (snl) in RiceNan Wang,Xian-Chun Sang,Yun-Feng Li,Zheng-Lin Yang,Fang-Ming Zhao,Ying-Hua Ling,Zheng-Sheng Zhang,Guang-Hua He

3.The Arabidopsis BE1 Gene, Encoding a Putative Glycoside Hydrolase Localized in Plastids, Plays Crucial Roles during Embryogenesis and Carbohydrate MetabolismXingchun Wang,Li Xue,Jiaqiang Sun,Jianru Zuo

4.Expression of Acyl-lipid 12-desaturase Gene in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells and Its Effect on Cold Stress Tolerance of PotatoReza Maali Amiri,Natalia O. Yur'eva,Khristina R. Shimshilashvili,Irina V. Goldenkova-Pavlova,Vasiliy P. Pchelkin,Elmira I. Kuznitsova,Vladimir D. Tsydendambaev,Tamara I. Trunova,Dmitry A. Los,Gholamreza Salehi Jouzani,Alexander M. Nosov

5.Nia1 and Nia2 are Involved in Exogenous Salicylic Acid-induced Nitric Oxide Generation and Stomatal Closure in ArabidopsisFushun Hao,Shiling Zhao,Huan Dong,Huan Zhang,Lirong Sun,Chen Miao

an-Specific Responses of Vacuolar H~+-ATPase in the Shoots and Roots of C_3 Halophyte Suaeda salsa to NaClMing-Feng Yang,Jie Song,Bao-Shan Wang

7.Characterization of a Novel Plantain Asr Gene, MpAsr,that is Regulated in Response to Infection of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense and Abiotic StressesHai-Yan Liu,Jin-Ran Dai,Dong-Ru Feng,Bing Liu,Hong-Bin Wang,Jin-Fa Wang

8.Optimizing Seed Water Content: Relevance to Storage Stability and Molecular MobilityMing Zhang,Jia-Jin Zhuo,Xu Wang,Sen Wu,Xiao-Feng Wang

9.Overexpression and Suppression of Violaxanthin De-epoxidase Affects the Sensitivity of Photosystem Ⅱ Photoinhibition to High Light and Chilling Stress in Transgenic TobaccoShan Gao,Han Han,Hai-Long Feng,Shi-Jie Zhao,Qing-Wei Meng

10.Sensitivity to Abscisic Acid Modulates Positive Interactions between Arabidopsis thaliana IndividualsHao Zhang,Zhuxia Shen,Genxuan Wang,Xinfeng Dai,Qiaoqiao Huang,Kefeng Zheng

1.The Plant Cell SurfaceAnne-Mie C.Emons,Kurt V.Fagerstedt

2.The Actin Cytoskeleton and Signaling Network during Pollen Tube Tip GrowthYing Fu

3.The Plant ExocystYing Zhang,ChunMing Liu,Anne-Mie C. Emons,Tijs Ketelaar

4.Calcium at the Cell Wall-Cytoplast InterfacePeter K. Hepler,Lawrence J. Winship

5.What Do We Really Know about Cellulose Biosynthesis in Higher Plants?Gea Guerriero,Johanna Fugelstad,Vincent Bulone

6.Lignin Biosynthesis Studies in Plant Tissue CulturesAnna Karkonen,Sanna Koutaniemi

7.Cell Wall Lignin is Polymerised by Class Ⅲ Secretable Plant Peroxidases in Norway SpruceKurt V. Fagerstedt,Eija M. Kukkola,Ville V.T. Koistinen,Junko Takahashi,Kaisa Marjamaa

8.Reactive Oxygen Species during Plant-microorganism Early InteractionsAmrit K.Nanda,Emilie Andrio,Daniel Marino,Nicolas Pauly,Christophe Dunand

9.Phylogenetically Distinct Cellulose Synthase Genes Support Secondary Wall Thickening in Arabidopsis Shoot Trichomes and Cotton FiberLissete Betancur,Bir Singh,Ryan A. Rapp,Jonathan F.Wendel,M. David Marks,Alison W. Roberts,Candace H. Haigler

10.Biosynthesis of Callose and Cellulose by Detergent Extracts of Tobacco Cell Membranes and Quantification of the Polymers Synthesized in vitroCarolina Cifuentes,Vincent Bulone,Anne Mie C. Emons

11.Secondary Cell Wall Deposition in Developing Secondary Xylem of PoplarMinako Kaneda,Kim Rensing,Lacey Samuels

12.Downregulation of the Basic Peroxidase Isoenzyme from Zinnia elegans by Gibberellic AcidMaria Josefa Lopez Nunez-Flores,Jorge Gutierrez,Laura V. Gomez-Ros,Esther Novo Uzal,Mariana Sottomayor,Alfonso Ros Barcelo

1.JIPB in 2010-A More Reader-Friendly International Journal Chun-Ming LiuChun-Ming Liu

2.Plant Vascular Biology and AgricultureWilliam J.Lucas

3.Regulation of Vascular Development by CLE Peptide-receptor SystemsYuki Hirakawa,Yuki Kondo,Hiroo Fukuda

4.Transcriptional Regulation of Secondary Growth and Wood FormationJuan Du,Andrew Groover

5.Viroids:Small Probes for Exploring the Vast Universe of RNA Trafficking in PlantsYing Wang,Biao Ding

6.A Model System of Development Regulated by the Long-distance Transport of mRNADavid J.Hannapel

7.Metabolism and Long-distance Translocation of CytokininsToru Kudo,Takatoshi Kiba,Hitoshi Sakakibara

8.Molecular Analysis of Legume Nodule Development and AutoregulationBrett J.Ferguson,Arief Indrasumunar,Satomi Hayashi,Meng-Han Lin,Yu-Hsiang Lin,Dugald E.Reid,Peter M.Gresshoff

9.BYPASS1:How a Tiny Mutant Tells a Big Story about Root-to-shoot SignalingLeslie E.Sieburth,Dong-Keun Lee

10.Terpenoid Biosynthesis and Specialized Vascular Cells of Conifer DefenseKatherine G.Zulak,J(o)rg Bohlmann

11.Flavonoids:New Roles for Old MoleculesCharles S.Buer,Nijat Imin,Michael A.Djordjevic

12.Marginal Land-based Biomass Energy Production in ChinaYa Tang,Jia-Sui Xie,Shu Geng